Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 November 2010

Public Forum: One member present


Councillors G Harley, Mrs B Campbell, D Jeffery, J Monaghan, Mrs S Hartley, R Dunk, Mrs J Pearsey, Mrs Anne Bennett, Denise Gascoyne, Trevor Scott, Ray Wootten and Phil Jordan, SKDC


N Gascoyne and N Vernon

Declarations of Interest:

S Hartley declared an interest re Playing Field as she had been given a petition against the proposed play equipment at Charlestown.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Mrs Campbell asked that the minutes be changed from Chairperson of the Finance working party to spokesperson as the group are a working party and not a committee.


Phil Jordan, SKDC apologised for the position but explained he had only taken over in the last two months. He explained the current situation and the decision of the Planning Committee to apportion the Sec 106 funds between Charlestown and the Playing Field.

Councillor Harley asked that SKDC write to every resident on Charlestown re the play equipment, not just the 8 that letters had been received from. He also asked for confirmation that if the play equipment was not placed at Charlestown the remainder of the money would come back to the playing field. Also, when did the area change from an open space to a play area?

Mrs Campbell asked for an explanation of Section 106 agreement she said we have asked before and told nothing. Councillor Harley also said the play area in the playing field must be up and running a.s.a.p by Spring at the very latest. The children’s area and LAP to be discussed at a later date, cannot comment until residents canvassed. There would have to be a variation to the 106 agreement if the equipment was not at Charlestown and put on playing field.

A meeting is to be held by SKDC week commencing 29 November re issues SKDC have with Persimmon, i.e. substation with gravel driveway etc. PC was asked if a representative could be present at this meeting

Councillor Harley thanked Phil Jordan for his explanation.

County Council, District Council and Police Issues

RW explained there would be cuts in the next budgets. Salting would continue but no new routes would be included.

Speed limit – he said Brian Thompson had agreed a speed limit was necessary and a strip would be placed to see speed of traffic.

A meeting was to be held on 11 January at Great Gonerby with PC Bullimore. PC welcome.

Trevor Scott – he said he had nothing specific.


The following cheques were issued:-

Chq.345 / Glew & Smith / Architects / 1587.91
Chq.346 / James R Burtt / Cemetery / 245.00
Chq.347 / Poppy Appeal / Wreath / 18.50
Chq.348 / Butters Electrical / Wiring Cheque / 480.27
Chq.349 / E On / Electricity – annex / 63.60
Chq.350 / ART Heating / Boiler Service / 93.71
Chq.351 / R Tyler / Community Cleaner / 91.00
Chq.352 / D Gascoyne / Fees / 200.00
Chq.353 / C Bradford / Cleaning / 170.11
Chq.354 / R Webster / Grass Cutting / 1274.88
Chq.355 / BT / Line Rental / 59.93
Chq.356 / N D Vernon / Fees / 314.94
Chq.357 / N D Vernon / Expenses / 40.47
Chq.358 / C Bradford / Cleaning / 35.58
Chq.359 / C Bradford(Asda) / Cleaning Materials / 11.36
Chq.360 / BT / Internet Services / 52.87
Chq.361 / J Harley / Caretaker / 177.90

The RFO told the meeting that SKDC had not taken the Rates for the parish hall from the account in October. Councillor Scott suggested she contact them to see why.

Report of Finance Working Party – this to be held in camera at the end of the meeting

Review of Charges

Spokesperson Mrs Campbell said the finance working party had looked at Sleaford Town Council’s charges and some were higher some were lower. It was however agreed at this time to leave the charges as they were.


Mr G Morgan- DJ asked why there had been an appeal as the PC had not voiced any objections. TS said he thought it was outside SKDC planning policy.

Parish Hall Matters

J Monaghan explained there had been three suggestions with three options – councillors that had met had expressed their opinions and these had been sent back to the architects.

Highways Matters

Reply from Highways Manager read out.

Gritting Routes – as earlier in meeting.

Blocked footpaths – letter read out

Speed assessment – as earlier in meeting

Results of members Inspection of Street lighting (some remembered, some didn’t) no action!

Outdoor Amenities

Ground Maintenance Contract – DJ liaising with RW – next meeting

Presentation – already done


SH agreed to look through it.

Clerk’s Report

Parish Poll – Due to expire on the 1st December 2010 when applications from anyone interested would be welcomed.

Emergency Planning Report – GH suggested this is put on EVERY AGENDA and a little bit done each meeting.


No one wished to attend the Parish Conference due to be held on the 23rd November 2010 at Stamford.

Public Forum

There is a meeting of the playing field in the social club 10 December at 7.30pm. As many parish councillors as possible are asked to attend to discuss the severity of the situation with lack of personnel willing to run it.

“IN CAMERA”It was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously that as the next matter involved staff and their conditions of service it should be dealt with “in camera”. The items discussed related to hours worked, conditions of service and mileage allowance. It was agreed that these matters be considered further by the Finance Working Party at their next meeting in December 2010.

Next Meeting

The next meeting was set for 20 December 2010 at 7.30pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.03pm

Signed : ………………………

Chairman of the Council

Dated: 20th December 2010

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become the decisions of the Parish Council until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.