Reception Medium Term Plan – OUTDOORS AND ADVENTURES


Week 2: 9th Jan
Different Kinds of Weather / Week 3: 16th Jan
Stormy Weather / Week 4: 23rd Jan
Snowy Days / Week 5: 30th Jan
The Seasons / Week 6: 6th Feb
Using Weather
Personal, Social & Emotional Development / See weekly Speaking and Listening Activities Planning
Continuous provisions around classroom stations
Communication Language & Literacy / Daily morning phonics rotational activities (cycle 2)
Elmer stories
Percy Park Keeper stories
Creating out word forest in outside shed (beginning with phase 2/3 tricky words on leaves) / Daily morning phonics rotational activities (cycle 2)
Noah’s Ark
Stories about travel / Daily morning phonics rotational activities (cycle 3)
Jolly Snow
Stories about snow / Daily morning phonics rotational activities (cycle 1)
After the Storm (Percy Park Keeper)
Out and About (Shirley Hughes)
Non-fiction Seasons books / Daily morning phonics rotational activities (cycle 2)
Weather poetry
-  Quentin Blake
-  John Foster
-  Rhymes/Songs
Mathematical Development / Unit 45: Patterns
Colouring winter items grids
Cutting snowflakes
Collage snowmen with patterned hats and scarves / Unit 34: Symmetry
Making butterflies
Natural material symmetrical collages
Symmetry walk / Unit 11: Number patterns / Unit 29: Addition and Subtraction
Snowman counting game / Unit 23: Count repeated groups of the same size
Knowledge & Understanding of the World / Making shadow puppets
Weather boxes outdoors - making weather boxes during afternoon sessions / Making and testing boats
Talk about water and why we need it – look at countries with not enough water and contrast with flood pictures – discuss in circle time
Watering cans/sieves/water wheel etc in water tray to make own rain
ICT: making symmetrical pictures on the computer / Tuff spot with shaving foam for snow
Investigate ice melting – have animals frozen into blocks of ice in water tray to explore / Planting seeds and talking about what factors they need to grow
Make a seasons wheel
ICT: using 2simple create a rainbow, thinking about the order of the colours. Attempt to write colour words around picture / Making a sundial in outdoor area
Drawing around a puddle and watching it evaporate
Using outdoor weather boxes
Make windmills and test
Testing waterproof materials to make an umbrella for teddy
Creative Development / Weather station role play
Talk about colour mixing
Making sun catches and hangings for outdoor area
Sewing weather pictures – suns, clouds, snowmen etc on hessian / Rainy day brusho pictures with onomatopoeia words on them
Making rain shakers and other instruments to make a stormy band
Make flags/hot air balloons/kites / White playdough to make snowy creations
Tuff spot with playmobile people and icing sugar as ski resort / Clay work – making clay suns
Make handprint rainbow and use cotton wool to collage a cloud for display / Use cereal boxes to make television weather forecast