Minimum standards: Dresses appropriately in professional attire; Speaks 7-10 minutes
Student’s Name: ______Project: ______Speech Time: ______
Content /
- Employs a dynamic attention-getter
- Communicates a mastery of information about both paper and project; shows a clear connection between the two
- Integrates visual/audio components effectively and creatively
- The information is logically arranged and smoothly transitions ideas
- The conclusion appropriately and effectively ends the presentation
- Employs an interesting attention-getter
- Communicates a solid grasp of information about both paper and project; shows a connection between the two
- Enhances presentation with a visual/audio component
- Interesting introduction and the information is relatively easy to follow
- Planned conclusion that matches content and purpose
- Employs an attention-getter
- Communicates some information about both paper and projects; shows some connection between the two
- Uses a visual/audio component
- Has an introduction and transitions that usually work, but may be repetitive or sometimes unclear
- A conclusion that is underdeveloped.
- Lacks an attention-getter
- Communicates little information about both paper and project; shows minimal connection
- Uses ineffective visual/audio component
- The introduction is non-existent or very weak and the speech is difficult to follow
- Supporting materials are inadequate or absent
- The speaker abruptly ends the speech
Language & Delivery /
- Stays in formal language; does not use slang
- The speaker speaks clearly, slowly, and loudly
- The speaker uses natural and effective gestures
- The speaker maintains meaningful eye contact and speaks naturally
- Correct grammar and usage
- The speaker is in professional attire
- Stays primarily in formal language
- The speaker speaks clearly, slowly, and loudly as appropriate, but lacks voice animation
- The speaker uses natural and effective gestures
- The speaker frequently maintains eye contact with some use of note cards
- Few errors in grammar and usage
- The speaker is mostly in professional attire
- Lapses occasionally into informal language
- Mostly clear enunciation and correct pronunciation
- Appropriate use of facial expressions, gestures, body movements that help convey the message
- Makes occasional eye contact
- Some lapses in grammar usage
- The speaker attempts to dress in professional dress
- Speaks almost exclusively in informal language
- The speaker did not speak clearly and could not be heard at times
- The speaker uses few or no gestures
- Makes little eye contact; frequently reads
- Incorrect grammar interferes with the message
- The speaker fails to dress professionally
Fieldwork /
- Far exceeds 15 hours outsides of class
- Communicates a learning stretch that reflects a significant personal growth (the self-discovery is evident)
- Fieldwork is totally active; little to no “observing” or “interviewing”
- Student learns a specific, certifiable skill or successfully puts theory to practice with measurable results
- Indicates an obvious learning stretch
- Exceeds 15 hours outsides of class
- Communicates a learning stretch that reflects a relevant personal growth (the self-discovery is evident)
- Fieldwork is mostly active; little “observing” and “interviewing”
- Student works toward a specific goal through a series of steps
- Indicates a learning stretch
- Achieves a minimum of 15 hours outside of class
- Communicates a learning stretch that reflects some personal growth (the self-discovery is not so evident)
- Fieldwork involves too much passive activity
- Little sign of a specific goal; no clear step process
- Learning stretch is not significant or obvious
- Shows evidence of less than 15 ours outside of class
- Fails to communicate a learning stretch that reflects some personal growth (the self-discovery is not evident)
- Fieldwork almost entirely passive: mostly just “talking” and “observing”
- No sign of a learning stretch
Q & A /
- The answers directly and confidently demonstrate knowledge about the subject
- The answers demonstrate knowledge about the subject
- The answers demonstrate some knowledge about the subject
- The answers demonstrate limited or a lack of knowledge about the subject
Comments: Total Points:______/100 Grade: ______100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C 69-60 D
59-0 F No Score