Five Minutes or Five Days:Strategies in Leading, Learning, and Collaboration
The hallmark of Hile Group’s “fleet” of courses, this workshop centers on teaching strategies, learning styles, and effective methods of collaboration.
Who Should Attend?
Each session of this course is ideal for teachers, trainers, managers, supervisors, Human Resource associates, safety trainers or supervisors, front-line managers, or anyone charged with leading a learning- or change-centered project.
To re-orient our understanding of “getting work done” as meetings, retreats, or non-classroom based micro-moments in which to learn about our colleagues, set strategy, plant and hear new ideas, nurture common organizational vision, and more. Five Minutes or Five Days emphasize building skills and strategies for bringing Teacher and Learner together to result in new knowledge, enhanced performance, and shared solutions for organizational development. Will challenge you to re-think long-held Truths about what builds solid, consistent improvements in overall workplace performance.
Course Outcomes
By the end of Five Minutes or Five Days, you will be able to:
Lead toward a work culture that learns as a way of doing business
Add energy and relevance to your current meetings and courses where the content is sharp but the impact is dull
Break out of static presentation models and engage participants in learning information
Teach people in your company so they feel smart, respected, engaged, and willing to apply what they have learned
Use the transfer-of-learning model to link classroom learning to organizational priorities and demonstrable returns on investment
Implement best performance improvement practices from other workshop participants
Apply gap analysis to situations where work is falling short of performance expectations
Coach and learn as a part of your daily work routine
Translate what you are learning to action and organizational results
Recognize the difference between training and job-based performance improvement
Assess performance outcomes with a blend of qualitative and quantitative success indicators
Hold performance feedback discussions that blend accountability with powerful learning and professional growth
Employ facilitation skills that cause people to want to collaborate, to offer their best ideas, to mine disagreement for innovation, and to hold one another accountable
Five Minutes or Five Days: Strategies for Leading, Learning, and Collaboration
Hile Group 27 White Place, Suite 1, Bloomington, IL61701 309-829-7800