American Legion Auxiliary
Department of Louisiana
2016 – 2017 Awards Book
Table of Contents
Children & Youth
Community Services
Junior Activities
National Security
Past President Parley
Public Relations
Veteran’s Affairs and Rehabilitation
Chairman: Vickie Betts
810 N. Herbert Ave.
Kaplan 70546 All reports are due to the Department Chairman
337-643-7072 postmarked no later than May 1, 2017
Do not forget the cover sheet on entries.
Name of the Award / Who Can Win / QualificationsAmericanism Essay Contest / Individuals / One award in each of the 5 classes will be presented in each division. Winners will receive $50.00 and a $50.00 honorarium in the student’s name to the National President’s Scholarship fund. Department Chairman is responsible for informing Units of the deadline date. Due to the Department Chairman by April 1, 2017. All Department entries must be postmarked by April 15, 2017 and sent to the Division Chairman. Division Chairman must submit her winners to the National Chairman by April 15, 2017. The Americanism essay cover sheet is available at www.ALAfor
Dorothy Pearl Plaque / Unit / A plaque will be presented to the Unit that reports the Most Outstanding Americanism Programs targeted to children and youth. The entry must be typewritten in narrative form, not to exceed 1,000 words. The entry may include no more than 5 pictures and news articles. All entries must be postmarked by May 15, 2017 and sent to the Committee Member?????
Junior Americanism Award / Junior Group / A plaque will be presented to a junior group that reports the Most Outstanding Americanism Program. The entry must be typewritten in narrative form, not to exceed 1,000 words. A maximum of 5 pictures and new articles may be included. All entries must be postmarked by May 1, 2017 and sent to the Department Chairman.
Americanism Essay Contest
2016 – 2017 Cover Sheet
Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3 -1 2. Grade levels are divided into five classes. One award in each of the five classes will be presented in each Division. Winners will receive $50.00, and a $$50.00 honorarium in the student’s name will be made to the Children of Warriors National President’s Scholarship fund.
Essay Theme: “How does learning about government and our America help you become a future guardian of the liberties of our country.”
Essay Classes:
Class / Grade Level / Word RequirementI / 3 and 4 / 150 – 250
II / 5 and 6 / 250 – 300
III / 7 and 8 / 350 – 400
IV / 9 and 10 / 450 – 500
V / 11 and 12 / 450 – 500
VI / Students with special needs / Word count should correspond with students grade level
Essay Checklist:
Student’s Grade ______Class competing in ______
Sponsoring ALA Unit______
Typed or neatly written essay conforming to the word limit for class
Completed essay coversheet as first page of essay
Complete the following information:
Student Name: ______
Address: (Street, City, State, and Zip: ______
Student’s E-Mail Address: ______
School Name: ______
School City/State: ______
Teacher’s Name and Signature: ______
Sponsoring Unit Name/Number: ______
Auxiliary Use Only: Sponsoring Unit Name/Number ______
Signature of Unit Americanism Chairman:______
Unit Winner due to Department on: ______Department______
Signature of Department Americanism Chairman:______
ChaplainChaplain: Jackie Monroe
163 Monroe Lane
Church Point, 70525
Senior Book of Prayers
Cover and Paper Size: Suggested: 3 ring notebook and paper
Required: Auxiliary emblem must appear on the cover
Contents: Books will be judged on content and the manner in which it is put together. Typed or printed material is preferred. Each page may or may not be illustrated. Illustrations and original drawings are recommended, as these will strengthen the prayer.
First Page of Entire Book
1. 1. Must show the American Legion Auxiliary emblem
2. 2. Dedication “to” and/or “in memory of”
3. 3. Name, address and size of Unit
4. 4. Name of Unit Chairman preparing the book
5. 5. Name of Unit President
6. 6. Name of Department President
7. 7. Date
Last Page of Entire Book
1. 1. Must list name of Unit
2. 2. Must list names and addresses of all members participating in this program
Sections Required
1. 1. Title – Prayers
A) Prayers which are original or are your favorites
B) Original prayers must be signed by the author
C) Favorite prayers must show the name of the author and the name of the person
submitting it. (Example: Tom Brown, Author, submitted by Mary Brown)
D) Length of prayer not to exceed more than ½ page.
2. 2. Title – Devotional Thoughts
A) Verses, poems, quotations – Must include the name of the author, if known,
Name of the person submitting; and reason for selecting
B) Favorite Scripture – Must include source (Book of Bible, chapter, verse) and
Name of person submitting
C) Length of each entry not to exceed ½ page
Chaplain (cont’d)
Senior Book of Prayers (cont’d)
Criteria for Judging:
1. Content and originality 50%
2. Arrangement 25%
3. Prayer Selection 10%
4. Devotional Thought Section 10%
5. Percentage of members participating 5%
Selection of Winning Entries: After judging, the District President must certify the winning entry (1 senior book only) immediately following their Spring Conference and send to the Department Chaplain. All entries must be received by the Department Chaplain 10 days after the last Spring Conference. Judging will begin 10 days after the last Spring Conference. From the entries 1 senior book will be chosen as the Department Winner.
To District Presidents
This award must be certified by the District President and sent to the Department Chaplain within 10 days after their Conference.
Senior Prayer Book
This certifies that the ______District winner is
Unit Chaplain: ______
Unit Name and Number: ______
District President’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Chaplain (cont’d)
Junior Book of Prayers
Cover and Paper Size: Suggested: 3 ring notebook and paper
Required: Auxiliary emblem mustappear on the cover
Contents: Books will be judged on content and the manner in which it is put together. Typed or printed material is preferred. This may be done by a Senior member or by an older junior.
First Page of Entire Book
1. Must show the American Legion Auxiliary emblem
2. Name, address and size of Junior Group
3. Date
Last Page of Entire Book 1. Must list name and location of sponsoring Unit 2. Must list names and addresses of all Junior members participating in this program
Sections Required:
1. Title – Prayers
A) Ages 6 – 12: Prayers should be simple, original and easily understood by
I) Original drawings and illustrations accepted
II) Limited to 50 words per selection
B) Ages 13 – 15: Prayers should be original, thoughtful, clear and meaningful
to the age group
I) Original drawings and illustrations accepted
II) Limited to 75 words per selection
C) Ages 16 – 18: Prayers should be original and humble in request and praise
I) Original drawings and illustrations accepted
II) Limited to 100 words per selection
2. Title – Devotional Thoughts
A) Age groups – same as those under “Prayers”
B) Verses, poems, quotations – Must include the name of the author, if known,
name of the person submitting; and reason for selecting
C) Favorite Scripture – Must include source (Book of Bible, chapter, verse)
and name of person submitting
D) Length of each entry not to exceed ½ page
Junior Book of Prayers (cont’d)
Criteria for Judging:
1. Content and originality 50%
2. Arrangement 25%
3. Prayer Selection 10%
4. Devotional Thought Section 10%
5. Percentage of members participating 5%
Selection of Winning Entries: After judging, the District President must certify the winning entry (1 junior book only) immediately following their Spring Conference and send to the Department Chaplain. All entries must be received by the Department Chaplain 10 days after the last Spring Conference. Judging will begin 10 days after the last Spring Conference. From the entries 1 senior book will be chosen as the Department Winner.
To District Presidents
This award must be certified by the District President and sent to the Department Chaplain within 10 days after their Conference.
Junior Prayer Book
This certifies that the ______District winner is
Unit Junior Chaplain: ______
Unit Name and Number: ______
District President’s Signature: ______
Date: ______
Children and Youth
Chairman: Kathy Mott
40260 Drude Road
Ponchatoula, LA 70454 All reports are due to the Department Chairman
985 386-2478 postmarked no later than April 15, 2017
Do not forget the National Cover Page.
Name of the Award / Who Can Win / QualificationsOutstanding Unit Promotion of Children & Youth Activities Award / Unit Children & Youth Chairman / A certificate will be awarded to the Unit Children & Youth Chairman reporting the most outstanding Children & Youth activities. The report must be typewritten in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words. May include pictures, news articles, news releases, etc.. Entry must include the cover sheet, including name of the Department, Unit Name and full name and address of Unit Chairman
Star Spangled Kids Unit Award / Unit / Awarded to the unit chairman for the most outstanding program promoting “Star Spangled Kids”. Narrative not to exceed 1,000 words. May included pictures, news articles, news releases, etc. Attach an award cover sheet, including the name of the award, as well as the name and contact information for the chairman.
Supporting Military Children Unit Award / Unit Children & Youth Chairman / An award presented to the Unit Children and Youth Chairman in each Division with the best program supporting military children. Entries must be in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words and include the name of the Department, Unit Name and Unit Chairman’s name and address. Entries will be judged on the Department level, with the winning entry mailed to the Divisional Committee Member no later than June 1, 2017
Community Services
Chairman: Doris Duplantis Do not forget the National Cover Page
800 Rebecca Drive
Houma, LA 70360 All reports are due to the Department Chairman
985-688-4917 postmarked no later than May 1, 2017
Name of the Award / Who Can Win / QualificationsCommunity Service Unit Award / Unit / A citation will be presented to a Unit in each Division with the most outstanding promotion of the Community Service Program during the 2016-2017 administrative year. Each entry must include both objectives. Entry must be in narrative form not to exceed 1,000 words and include a copy of the annual impact report form. Photos of program and projects are encouraged. The Unit name and address, name of the Department and a completed copy of the annual report from must be included. Entry must be postmarked by May 1, 2017 and sent to the Department Community Service Chairman. Each Department Chairman will select a winning entry and will submit that entry to the Divisional Community Service Chairman and must be postmarked by June 1, 2017.
Chairman: Janet Stevenson
11620 Kingston Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70807 All reports are due to the Department Chairman
225-362-2396 postmarked no later than May 1, 2017
Name of the Award / Who Can Win / QualificationsChildren of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship / Children of Veterans / The National President’s scholarships are awarded to children of Veterans who served in the Armed Forces during the eligibility dates for the American Legion. One $3,500 scholarship, one $3,000 scholarship and one $2,500 in scholarship money will be awarded in each division. Fifteen outstanding students will be awarded a total of $45,000 to further their higher education. The applicant must complete 50 hours of community service during his/her high school years to be eligible for one of these scholarships.
Non-Traditional Student / Member of the American Legion Family / There will be five scholarships each in the amount of $2,000, awarded in each administrative year. One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded in each American Legion Auxiliary Division. Applicant must be a member of the American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion and shall have paid dues for the two preceding years and for the calendar year in which application is made.
Spirit of Youth / Junior Member / One Junior member in each division will receive a scholarship valued at $1,250 per year for four years (total $5,000). The applicant must have held membership in the American Legion Auxiliary for the immediate past three years, currently hold a membership card, and continue to maintain her membership throughout the four-year scholarship period.
Most Outstanding Scholarship Program / Unit Education Chairman / A plaque will be presented to the Unit Education Chairman for the most outstanding scholarship program. Award entry shall be in a narrative form and must not exceed 1,000 words. The cover page should have the name of the award entry, Department name, Unit name and number and address of the Unit Chairman. A copy of the Unit’s Department report form must accompany the narrative. Entries must be judged at the Department level and forwarded appropriately by June 1 of each year. Mail entry to the Education Committee Member.
Most Outstanding Veterans in Community Schools Program / Unit Education Chairman / A plaque will be presented to the Unit Education Chairman for the most outstanding Veteran in the Classroom program. Award entry shall be in a narrative form and must not exceed 1,000 words. The cover page should have the name of the award entry, Department name, Unit name and number and address of the Unit Chairman. A copy of the Unit’s Department report form must accompany the narrative. Entries must be judged at the Department level and forwarded appropriately by June 1 of each year. Mail entry to the National Education Chairman.
Give 10 to Education / Unit / Recognition certificates are available to download and print by participants in the Give 10 to Education Program at
Honoring the Service of our Military / Unit / A citation will be presented to one Unit in each Division for the most outstanding promotion of education for military children. Award entry shall be in narrative form and must not exceed 1,000 words. It may include pictures and other forms of publicity. Each Unit shall submit a cover page to include the name of the award entry, Department name, Unit name, contact information and name/address of Unit chairman. A copy of the Unit’s Department report form must accompany the narrative. Entries must be submitted to the appropriate Divisional Chairman by June 1, 2017