January 17, 2014SRA-New England Announcement

2014 Upstate NY SRA Webinar Series

Scientific Studies on Impacts of Natural Gas Extraction from Marcellus Shale on Water Resources

Announcinga series of six monthly Risk Assessment/Fracking Webinars Sponsored by SRA-Upstate NY, Spring 2014. The Webinars will be held on the following Thursdays at noon: Jan 23; Feb 20; Mar 13; April 17; May 1; June 26. You are welcome to bring your lunch. To participate in the Webinars, you must be able to go to one of the following locations. Individuals who want to attend at a particular location should RSVP by email to the contact names listed. Please note that the webinars will not be recorded, however, we will request Power Point slides from each of the speakers which will be posted on the Upstate New York SRA website.

  1. Woodard & Curran

41 Hutchins Drive

Portland, Maine

Contact: Suzy Brewer


  1. Woodard & Curran

Dedham Executive Center, Conference Room A

Suite 325 North

980 Washington Street

Dedham, MA

(Park in NORTH side of garage and take NORTH elevator to 3rd floor; office right by elevators.)

Contact: Lisa McIntosh

(781) 251-0200 x 2461

  1. Health Effects Institute

101 Federal Street, Suite 500

Boston, MA (Financial District)

Contact: Katy Walker

(617) 488-2300

  1. Industrial Economics

2067 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th floor

Cambridge, MA (near Porter Square MBTA station)

Contact: Eric Ruder

(617) 354-0074

  1. Harvard School of Public Health

Landmark Center, West

401 Park Drive

Boston, MA (near Fenway MBTA station)

Jan 23 Thursday - 12 Noon Room 414a

Feb 20 Thursday - 12 Noon Room 414a

Mar 13 Thursday - 12 Noon Room 414a

April 17 Thursday - 12 Noon Room 403q

May 1 Thursday - 12 Noon Room 403q

June 26 Thursday - 12 Noon Room 414a

Contact: Elizabeth Guzy

(617) 384-8528

Alternate Harvard School of Public Health Contact:

Katherine von Stackelburg

  1. EPA Region 1 New England

McCormack Building, Room 1631 (Bigelow Mountain Room on the 16th floor)

5 Post Office Square (entrance to building is on Congress Street – between Milk and Water Streets)

Boston, MA

Because this is a federal office building, there is a security check for visitors, but once you go past security, you may go to the room on your own.


Sarah Levinson

(617) 918-1390

AlternateEPA Region 1 Contact:

Jeri Weiss


  1. Brown University

McKinney Conference Room

3rd floor of The Watson Institute for International Studies

111 Thayer Street

Providence, RI

Contact: James W. Rice, PhD, Engineering State Agencies Liaison, Superfund Research Program, School of Engineering

(401) 863-1073

  1. Clark University

The Sustainability Hub

Clark University Campus

912 Main Street

Worcester, MA

Contact: Jennie C. Stephens

(508) 793-8846

Alternate Contact: Rob Goble

  1. Tufts University, Medford, MA

Address For Jan, Feb, March, June Webinars:

Tufts Institute of the Environment

Miller Hall (backside w/ parking lot)

210 Packard Ave

Medford, MA

Address For April, May Webinars:

Rabb Room

Tish College of Citizenship and Public Service

Lincoln Filene Hall

10 Upper Campus Road

Medford, MA

Contact: Darius Izadpanah

(617) 627-3254

Alternate Tufts University Medford Contact:


  1. Tufts University, Boston Campus -not available for January webinar, starting in February
  1. TRC – not available for January webinar, starting in February

Griffin Road North

Windsor, CT 06095

Contact: Karen M. Vetrano

T: 860-298-6351

C: 860-895-3720

21Boston University School of Public Health – possible in January, definite starting in February

Boston, MA (Chinatown area)


Wendy Heiger-Bernays
