Safe Grad Meeting
March 16, 2011 @ 5:30 pm
Present: Jack Phillips, Dean Owen, Andy & Mindy Poulton, Tricia Bennie, Deb Thoms, Donna & Katie Bruce, Sharyne & Rob Hamm, Brent & Carly Owen, David, Ray Phillips, Cliff & Michelle Major, Cindy Vanderveen, Sabine Irwin, Rosella Morse, Vicki Hetherington, Frank Rempel
-Deb handed out an information update from last year’s Safe Grad Committee (see attached).
-Katie Bruce and Sharyne Hamm agreed to co-chairs of Safe Grad to coordinate requests from students and to coordinate the delivery and pick up of prizes.
Rules & Regulations
-no cell phones will be permitted
-drivers will only transport those guests that are in the catchment area. Guests outside the catchment area will be driven to the grad’s home.
Committee Updates
Set Up/Clean Up – Rob Hamm
–Outside smoking area to be fenced off.
Entertainment / Prizes and Fundraising – Tracy Owen/Sabine Irwin
-Jack confirmed that the music man and karaoke are confirmed til 6:00 am.
-Some of the suggestions being looked at for entertainment are;
- c asino tables
- velcro wall
- white t-shirts with markers
-Committee to also look at decorations for entertainment area
-Students send out the letter of request for donations and then follow up with the businesses.
-Sabine to get list of business from the Carman Chamber of Commerce.
Security – Dean Owen
-Ensure that there is security at the outside smoking area at all times. This parent also cooked the hamburgers if needed.
Bar / Ticket Sellers – Andy Poulton
-Safe Grad letter completed and being forwarded.
Food – Monica Halbesma
-Chicken Chef has been contacted in regards to a quote for pizza.
-Slushie machine has been confirmed from the Coop.
-Reminder that non-alcoholic drinks are to be provided and to ensure that the same cups are used for all beverages.
Transportation – Tracy Owen
-Confirmed that Kinsmen will be driving and the contact is Jeff Howie.
Medical – Rosella Morse
-Question was asked whether the members of the medical team have to be nursing staff or can they be people with first aid – will need to verify.
Other Business
-Jack outlined that we can send emails through the school for the various committees
-Deb will work with Kyla in regards safe grad ticket sales and lists
-Discussed and determined that it will be up to the discretion of the parents present in regards to the removal of students for conduct or if they are sick/drunk.
To Do’sFor Next Meeting
-Application for Safe Grad Liability Insurance Coverage to be forwarded
-Determine costs of tickets
-Finalize entertainment and food
-Finalize Rules & Regulations and Release forms.
Next meeting – Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @ 5:30 pm.