ESconsult Service Application
1 / Applicants details – the person for whom the work is being carried out, i.e. the building ownerName:
Address (inc postcode):
Phone e-mail (required):
2 / Agents details – if applicable
Company name:
Address (inc postcode):
Phone :
Email :
*If known, Building Regulation Application number:
3 / Location of building
Address (inc post code):
4 / ESconsult Service required: (please tick service/s required) / Quantity
Compliance check/SAP (single dwelling under 250m2)
Combined package SAP, EPC and air pressure test
Air Pressure Test
Water calculation
Other (please specify)
5 / Statement
This application applies to the building work described. I enclose the correct charge.
Name: Date:
EITHER - Send completed ESconsult form to;
Building Control Cornwall Council Pydar House Pydar Street Truro TR1 1XU
OR - Make send a completed form by email and we will contact you for payment
Data ProtectionWe will keep any information you give us, in our records, including on computer. We will only use it for the purposes for which you gave it to us and to provide other council services. We will not sell or give the information to a third organisation, unless it is for anonymous survey, or in connection with government anti-fraud investigations.
General notes
- The applicant is the person on whose behalf the work is being carried out, i.e., the building owner.
- The fee is dependant on the type of work proposed, please see our separate fee guidance. Any cheques should be made payable to Cornwall Council
- Further information and advice in respect of Building Regulations can be obtained from your local council, as detailed at the top of this sheet.
- All correspondence will be electronic.
ESconsult products include: Inc. VAT
The amount you pay reflects the level of service required and is per dwelling:
- Compliance check and provision of a SAP/EPC per dwelling*£240
(single dwelling under 250m2 floor area)
- Single dwelling over 250m2Price on application
- Combined package SAP, EPC and air pressure test
(single dwelling under 250m2 floor area)£510
- SBEM with EPC Price on application
- Air Pressure Tests (Single dwelling) *£300
- Air Pressure Re- Test (Single dwelling)£150
- Water Usage calculations £90
- SAP - Highly glazed extension £300
- SAP DesignPrice on application
- On site SAP survey Additional charge £150
- Fire Risk AssessmentsPrice on application
LABC Consult Servicesinclude Price on application
- Warranty
- Acoustic Testing
For a quote - T: 01872 224792
* For multiple plot sites contact the ESconsult Team for a bespoke quote
For more information contact the ESconsult Team or visit our website.
Contact: Tel: 01872 224792
ESconsult Cornwall Council Pydar House Pydar Street Truro TR1 1XU