Jail Criminal Investigation & Prosecution Referral Survey

The Department of Justice is currently considering rules under PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act). Some of these rules could have a major costs to counties and impacts on your jail. One of the theories behind the Act is the belief that jails, law enforcement agencies and prosecutors fail or refuse to pursue, investigate and prosecute crimes that take place in jails simply because they take place in jails. While do data has been produced to support that belief, DOJ appears to be proceeding as if that is true. To test the validity of that belief and have an impact on the proposed rules we need to get some data. Please complete and return this survey ASAP to Rick Hodsdon. Even if the data requested is not all available, please respond to the extent you can..

Jurisdiction: State:______County: ______Facility Bed Size:______

In 2009 how many reports were made of crimes in your facility:

Person crimes:_____ drug crimes_____ property Crimes:_____ other:____ total_____

In 2009 of the alleged crimes were investigated by:

Jail staff:______Outside entities (including non jail sheriff staff)______

In 2009 how many cases were referred to the prosecutor:

Person Crimes:_____ drug crimes:_____ property crimes:______other:____ total:_____

Of the 2009 case referrals how many resulted in criminal charges:

Person Crimes:_____ drug crimes:_____ property crimes:_____ other:_____ total:_____

In 2008 how many reports were made of crimes in your facility:

Person crimes:_____ drug crimes_____ property Crimes:_____ other:____ total_____

In 2008 of the alleged crimes were investigated by:

Jail staff:______Outside entities (including non jail sheriff staff)______

In 2008 how many cases were referred to the prosecutor:

Person Crimes:_____ drug crimes:_____ property crimes:______other:____ total:_____

Of the 2008 case referrals how many resulted in criminal charges:

Person Crimes:_____ drug crimes:_____ property crimes:_____ other:_____ total:_____

In 2007 how many reports were made of crimes in your facility:

Person crimes:_____ drug crimes_____ property Crimes:_____ other:____ total_____

In 2007 of the alleged crimes were investigated by by:

Jail staff:______Outside entities (including non jail sheriff staff)______

In 2007 how many cases were referred to the prosecutor:

Person Crimes:_____ drug crimes:_____ property crimes:______other:____ total:_____

Of the 2007 case referrals how many resulted in criminal charges:

Person Crimes:_____ drug crimes:_____ property crimes:_____ other:_____ total:_____

The PREA Commission reported a belief that jails and prisons often fail to investigate alleged sex crimes in facilities due to the refusal or failure of law enforcement to investigate or prosecution to pursue such cases simply because they take place in a correctional facility. Please comment upon the validity of that belief based upon your experience.
