Firms approved to enter into CTSP may build own plant building on leased land from CTSP, and alternatively, it may lease existing standard plant building. In order to meet the urgent needs of firms in CTSP, the CTSP Preparatory Office again demonstrated its exceptionally high efficiency in building standard plant building and to deal with the problem of insufficient land for construction of own plant buildings of firms.
Standard Plant Buildings are located at both side of North Entrance of the Site, which will be build in two phase and they occupied 2.08 and 2.12 hectares respectively with a 40 Meters Boulevard (Keya Road). South end of Phase 1 project is facing 30 M Keya 5th Road and the west side is neighboring land for Tap-Water facilities and a 38 M Boulevard will be the common access for them. South end of Phase 2 Project is facing Keya 5th Road with width of 20 M. At east, there will be the 20M access road for the standard plant building area. A plot of land for park is located at the north end.
Foundation of the plant buildings is made up of pebbles with good weight load. It is located at the north entrance of the site and facing major access like the 40MKeya Road and 30 MKeya 5th Road. This is the place where the site is developed at the initial stage. CingChuanGangAirport is located at the north side, so is Tai-10 Highway (Chungcing Road) which offered excellent access between inside and outsideof the site.
Description of Building
- Structure: 5 floors Steel Structure above ground and 2 floors RC structure underground, the building has height of each floor above ground of 5.5 M. Structure is well designed and in square shape. All the quake proof and hazard prevention considerations have been incorporated to the structure design.
- Planning:
1)In Phase 1, each floor will have 10 units of 300 pings per unit. In the 2nd Phase, there will be east and west wings. East wing will have 6 units of 200 pings per unit to each floor and the west wind has 4 units of 300 pings per unit to each floor. If required for expansion, two or more unit may be joined together with adjusted partitions, and still maintain the original completeness of space.
2)In service oriented concept, the service facilities like engine room, lavatory and pipeline are consolidated together for easy of service and maintenance, and to reduce the space occupied by public utility. A loading and unloading platform will be added. Roof-TopGarden will be built. In Phase 1, there will be cafeteria installed for the convenience of working partners in the site.
- Floor Load: Roof and F2-F5 floor has the capacity of load at 600 kg/ m2, Ground floor is1,000 kg/m2and the basement is 500kg/m2 for each of the two floors.
- Parking place: Basically, each unit will be distributed with parking places for 10 cars and 10 motorcycles. In Phase 1, there will be 10 parking places for cargo loading / unloading, and 8 for Phase 2, East Wing and 12 for Phase 2, West Wing.
- Elevator: In Phase 1, every 2 units will share 2 passenger elevators and 2 cargo elevators. Passenger elevators are of 17 persons / 13 persons capacity / 90M per min speed and net spaces of cab are 200 ×135 cm and 160 ×135 cm. Cargo elevator has net cab space of 220 ×280 cm.
- GreenBuilding: Solar Energy Water Heating System will provide hot water for bathing. The solar energy photoelectric system is paralleled with city power supply to gain greening volume, daily energy saving, reduction of CO2 emission, water resource saving and sewage and waste reduction for Certificate of Green Building.
- Rent: NT$123/sqm/ month
To help business unit providing humanity working environment, Preparatory Office of CTSP took time to make total planning for ensuring space, landscape and environment are compatible to each. Shining metal building material with part Glass Wall signifies the image of internationalized, high tech and high efficiency. It is the best place for set up production place of medium businesses.