We’re going to be busy in Y1 this term!
This term, our topic will be ‘If you go down to the woods today…’. The children will be completing the following activities:
- Exploring the outdoor environment and they will be nature detectives
- Going on their own Bear Hunt
- Creating their own woodland clay animals
- Exploring habitats
- Learning how to read and create maps and symbols
In maths, children will be:
- Recognising, ordering and counting numbers to at least 20.
- Revising 1 more and 1 less than
- Recognising different coins and giving change
- Familiarising themselves with the operation signs ( +, - and =)
- Doubling and halving numbers
- Learning days of the week and months of the year
- Naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes
- Counting to 100
In English, the children will be:
- Taught what a sentence is and will try to use capital letters and full stops.
- Encouraged to say a sentence before writing.
- Learning Phase 5 Phonics.
- Trying to sound out words, using their spelling fingers
- Learning and performing The Bear Hunt, Golidilocks and The Three Bears and a simple recount, by heart.
- Creating story maps, to help aid writing.
- Using ‘talk for writing’ techniques to change familiar texts.
Ways to help your childat home:
- Please read as much as possible and make a note of the page number in the reading diary and sign to say that they have read. This will lead to your child making very good progress.
- Notice 2D (flat shapes that you can’t pick up) and 3D (shapes that we can pick up) in the local environment.
- Get children to recognise coins and discuss their value. They could pay for things at the shop etc.
- Count as much as possible from any given number, this could be done in the car, whilst walking etc.
- Revise number and letter formation and recognition.
- Get children to count things out/share things out.
- Notice language in the environment (E.g. Menus, signs, magazine, leaflets).
- Ensure that they are dressing by themselves.
Dates to remember:
Phonics Workshop – 19th September
Readers’ Morning - starts 29thSeptember
Harvest Assembly – 5th October (time to be confirmed)
Parents’ Evening - October 16th& 18thOctober
Book Weekweek commencing 16th October, including non-uniform on Friday 20th October (book related costume ‘Where’s Wally’) –