Dear Parents,
This half term continues to be a very successful one for the children in Dearham School.
Year 6 football team
The boys competed at the Sands Centre on Saturday January 20th and were top of their group – not going through to the next stage on goal difference only. They were a credit to the school as ever. This Saturday we have a team entered into the girls’ competition at the Sands – let’s hope they do just as well.
U dance
Year 2 are performing in a dance festival at the Carnegie on Tuesday 30th January. They have created a dance piece based around the theme of friendship. They performed for the school on Monday – where they looked fab - and we are very much looking forward to seeing them on stage.
Movie night
Friends of Dearham, our Parent Teacher Association, are hosting a movie night next week. This has proved very popular in the past and the pupils loved the experience. Please return slips by Friday of this week.
Internet safety
Along with other Maryport schools, Year 4 will be attending some sessions at the Wave next week which are based on internet safety. This is a very pertinent subject.
Year 4 have recently been finding out about a rural school in Tanzania and the conditions the pupils there work in.
Friday 9th February sees the whole school holding a geography day and Year 4 will be raising money for the school in Tanzania.
Bright stars
This year, Year 5 are taking part in the entrepreneurial project – Bright Stars. They have a business partner – in this case Iggesund. They invest £50.00 and the object is to write a business plan and to introduce the pupils to marketing, advertising etc. Year 5 will be promoting their plan in the near future.
Cross country
On Thursday 8th February, seven of our pupils are travelling to Sedburgh to compete in the Cross Country Championships – good luck to all concerned.
Rock challenge disco
We are holding a fund raising disco for Rock Challenge on Tuesday 6th March – Year 1 – 3 from 4 – 5.15 p.m. and Year 4 = 6 from 5.30 – 6.45. The theme of the disco is Harry Potter – fancy dress optional. More details nearer the time.
Year 3 project work
Year 3 are in the process of making volcanoes – this is proving to be a very successful project