Thursday25th July 2013
Start –20:00
Venue - Clubhouse
- Welcome
- Apologies
Chris Jones, Dew Simmonds, Greg Brown, James Allan, Sam Simpson, Joe Kallas, Joe Kemp, Dan Craig, Steve Uwins, Josh Morris, Simon McGeough, James Gibson, Dave Scudder, Jamie James,
Matt Fitch, Barney Farmer, Neil Flemming, Mark Owlett
- Approve the Minutes of the 2012 AGM
Proposed: Adam Freeman Seconded: Chris Tookey Vote: Accepted
- Chairman’s Report – Paul Simmonds
- New goals
- Refurbishment of goalmouths
- New location of inside pitch
- Social Events
- 2012 Race Night
- 2013 Club Dinner
- Future Oct 2013 Gentlemen's evening
- Charity Match raised £1000
- Introduction of an electronic bank account for receipt of various fees
- BT Sport going forward –Neil Currie
- Roll on Roll off subs – update for 2013/14
- 4’s 5’s 6’s league positions for coming season
- Congratulations
- 2’s for Cup victory
- Players who represented the SAL and AFA Rep side
- Jamie James, Chris Rose, Adam Freeman, Scott Simmonds, Ross Simmonds and Neil Currie
- Thank you
- Glen and Scott who have departed
- Committee members who are continuing
- Sam and Adam for their fund raising last season
- Dave and Michelle
- John Uwins
- AC for match reports
- In memory
- Richard Holmes
- Andrew Jackson
- Olive, Ernie’s wife, who was a frequent visitor
- Treasurers Report – John Newton
John explained the accounts and answered any questions raised by the floor. John thanked Rob Keinlan for auditing the account for the 3rd year. John then asked for the accounts to be accepted by the floor.
Proposed: John Parker Seconded: Chris Rose Vote: Accepted
2013/14 Budget - Paul Simmonds
The floor was given the opportunity to ask questions about the coming season budget. Most questions sort clarification on items on the budget
However, one point raised was on the matter of Personal Insurance that club had budgeted for, by Maurice Stretton. The response was to explain that The FA has mandated that all clubs affiliated to a County FA (in our case the AFA) must provide basic Personal Accident Insurance.
The club have purchased the required Basic cover insurance from a supplier approved by the FA.
After the meeting an email was sent to all club members informing them of the Insurance and where they could get access to the supporting documentation.
- Club Discipline – Russell D'Urso
67 penalty points - Stage 2 - £50 fine.(Stage 3 threshold is 88.)
53 bookings, 3 sending offs.
Misconduct fine - £100 - 3rd Team.
Thanked players for their cooperation with fine collections.
- Election of Committee Members 2013/14
New Role
- Fund Raiser
Proposed: Paul Simmonds Seconded: Keith D’Urso Vote: Accepted
New Elections:
- 3rd Team Manager – Andy Foster
Proposed: John Parker Seconded: Matt King Vote: Accepted
- 4th Team Manager – Jamie Allan
The Chairman asked floor to waive the normal 21 days notice for a nomination. The floor concurred
Proposed: Chris Tookey Seconded: James Stretton Vote: Accepted
- 6th Team Manager – Tom Ambler
Proposed: Tom Pardon Seconded: Glen Ludlum Vote: Accepted
Before the re-elections were voted on, Matt King stood down from the Committee. Matt was thanked for his and his family’s contribution to social events
- Secretary – Russell D’Urso
- Treasurer – John Newton
- Fixture Secretary – Dave Scudder
- Referee Secretary – Chris Tookey
- 1st Team – Keith D’Urso
- 2nd Team – John Parker
- 5th Team – Sam Salisbury
- Vets – Barney Farmer & John Clapshoe
- Social -Vacant
The above was voted on block
Proposed: Chris Rose Seconded: Ross Simmonds Vote: Accepted
- Chairman – Paul Simmonds
Proposed: Keith D’Urso Seconded: John Parker Vote: Accepted
- Match Fee/Registration Fee Payment 2013/14
The Chairman announced that the match fee and the registration fees would remain at the current levels for the season 2013/14. The Chairman did announce for all players paying either the first instalment or the full amount of the Registration Fee by the 15th Oct 13 would be entitled to a club t-shirt
- Team Performance Report – Keith D’Urso
In my opinion last season was an average one for the Club.
The previous season had seen rather a large influx of new players, coupled with 3 new Managers, all of which were now settled and embedded within the various squads and had strengthened the club.
However, a lack of total commitment to football matters led to missed opportunities all round!
There were too many players going missing – and rather than playing football they chose other social activities, like – holidays, cricket, golf, stag weekends, fishing, weekends away with their partners, theatre, cinema, birthday bashes etc etc the list goes on – well had there been more focus on the football we just may well have had a few more honours and silverware to go with it???
Well done to the Reserves and JP for winning the AFA Kent/surrey cup and holding their own (finishing 5th) in the top division following from last season’s promotion.
As we say farewell to Scotty the 3rds finished 3rd in their league after doing a lot of hard work at the start, they were also beaten qtr finalists in the AFA Junior Cup.
The 4’s finished runners up in their league – and have since been promoted, so well done to Andy and the squad, an early cup exit may have helped in this instance?
also all the best to Andy as he ventures up the management ladder to take over as boss of the 3’s following Scotties departure.
The 5’s finished 7th in their respective league – the same league as the 6’s who happened to finish 3rd?? However, the 5’s did venture further in the cup, than the 6’s who went out in r2, and managed to get the qtr finals before going out.
So well done to Sam in his first season, and also to Glen – furthermore good luck to Glen who steps down as manager to pursue his quest to travel the globe.
And not forgetting the Vets – who as well as friendly game’s, which their won more than lost, also played in an AFA Cup Competition for the first time and did extremely well with yet another team getting to the qtr finals only to face a defeat despite taking an early lead.
Lastly the 1’s who had a disappointing season – we finished 5th in the league, one place below last season and went out of the AFA Senior Cup in the Semis – yet again, although I must confess this was very, very unfortunate.
So what’s in store for the new season ahead – I hope there may be more success stories to report back on for the Club
– but I believe a lot will depend on the level of commitment players are prepared to put in !!!!.
- On the Pitch
- Clubs under achievement on the pitch – Adam Freeman
- Team/player selection – Sam Kemp
On item 10 there was some robust, open and frank discussions around the matters of:
- Training
- Player commitment
- Player selection
- Player non-availability
- Players refusing to played for selected team
As a result of the above two proposal were raised from the floor of the meeting.
- The club hire qualified coaches for Tuesday training at Ravensbourne
- Players who refuse to play for a selected team will not be considered for selection by any team, that week.
Proposal 1. The club have identified 2 qualified coaches for whom a fee would have to be paid if they were willing and available. For the season 2013/14 the club will cover the cost out of available funds. However, the use of coaches and the cost needs to be reviewed on a season by season basis.
Proposal 2. The Chairman plans to review the current selection policy and make the necessary changes. These will be submitted to Committee for review and approval, before being circulated to every player who is registered for the club.
- Other business
Role of Fund Raiser. In view of the dispensation that floor had agreed to on the vote of Jamie Allan, the Chairman asked for further dispensation to nominate and vote a on Fund Raiser. The floor agreed. Sam Kemp was nominated.
Proposed: John Parker Seconded: John Newton Vote: Accepted
Meeting closed at 10:15
There were 32 attendees
- Copy of the approved accounts
- List of attendees
Accounts 2012/13