Leslie Garrison, Ed.D.

Abbreviated Faculty Vita

Name:Leslie GarrisonDept./Program: Teacher Education, IVCampus

Rank/Title: Associate ProfessorDate Appointed: August, 1991

Teaching Areas: Teacher EducationFaculty Status: Tenured


DegreeInstitutionYearSpecialty Area

Ed.D.Boston University1991Admin. & Policy Studies

M.S.University of Oregon1979Special Education

B.S.University of Oregon1970Science


1998-PresentCoordinator of Teacher Education - Responsibility for program development, faculty and staff oversight, student advising. Department Chair for Teacher Education Division where duties include scheduling, teaching assignments, and faculty hiring.

2001-PresentCo-Principle Investigator – Co-Author and Co-PI of the Valle Imperial Mathematics (VIM) Grant funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

1999-PresentPrinciple Investigator – Co-Author and Principle Investigator of the Imperial Valley Intern Program Grant funded by the California Dept. of Education.

1991-PresentAssociate Professor of Teacher Education – Teaching responsibilities include beginning teacher education courses, mainstreaming course, and Master’s level courses in mathematics and science curriculum and research.

1998-PresentCo-Principle Investigator – Co-Author and Co-PI of the Valle Imperial Project in Science. A Local Systemic Change Initiative funded by the National Science Foundation.

2000-PresentDirector - SDSU-IVC Educational Research Institute. Established to study the effectiveness of educational reform initiatives in science.

1999-2001Principle Investigator and Project Director – Science Teacher Academy and Masters Program (STAMP). A Curriculum and Instruction Master’s degree program for local teachers with an emphasis in science education.

1998-PresentProgram Evaluator – California Post-secondary Education Commission, Sacramento, CA. – Evaluate science and mathematics programs funded through Eisenhower from throughout the state.

2003-PresentPersonnel Committee


1996-1998Coordinator of Special Projects – El Centro School District (while on leave from university). Responsibilities included leading school reform and reorganization in 9 elementary schools in the district. Director of Title I programs and other federal and state projects.

1993-1997Principle Investigator and Project Director – Mathematics Education Leadership Training (MELT) Project. MELT focused on developing teacher trainers from underrepresented groups in the area of mathematics education. Supervised 29 Master’s candidates in Curriculum and Instruction Degree Program emphasizing mathematics education. Coordinated MELT participants’ presentations to local, state, and national conferences. Math curriculum and instruction workshops, inservices, and seminars were also presented to teachers, administrators, students, and parents. Currently, directing research projects on the effects of the MELT Project in creating changes in mathematics instruction.

1990-1991Instructor for Boston University teaching English as a Second Language to foreign college students.

1982-1991Teacher and student evaluator for the Multicultural Gifted Program for students, grades 1-6 in the Anchorage School District. Accomplishments include co-development of the Multicultural Gifted Matrix and the Multicultural Gifted Program.

1978-1982Designer and teacher of Fern Ridge, Oregon Talented and Gifted Program for grades 4-12. Responsibilities included writing state grants, testing and teaching classes, coordinating college credit classes with the community college and initiating and promoting the district’s computer program.


Department Chair for Teacher Education, 1998- present

Personnel Committee Member, 1998-present

Academic Policy and Planning Committee, San Diego State University –1993-present

Grants and Publication, San Diego State University, Chair 1993-1995

Academic Support Services Committee, 1993-1997

University-wide Technology Review Board 1995-1996

Panel on Instructional Technology, 1996

Reviewer for Teaching Children Mathematics. National Council for Teachers of Mathematics publication

Reviewer for Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.


Garrison, L. (2004). Helping English Learners Increase Achievement Through Inquiry-Based Science Instruction. Paper presented at the Washington State Laser Partnership Conference. Spokane, Washington. January 22, 2004.

Garrison,L. (2002) Mathematics Achievement: Where the World Meets Gabrielle & Luis. Paper presented at the Harding Elementary Mathematics Professional Development Institute. El Centro, CA. June 17, 2002.

Garrison,L.(2002) La ciencia del aprendizaje de estudiantes. Paper presented at the Developing Pedagogical Assessors Conference. Tamaulipas, Mexico. May 20-24, 2002.

Amaral, O., Garrison, L., Klentschy, M. (2002) Helping English Learners Increase Achievement Through Inquiry-Based Science Instruction. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(2), Summer 2002.

Garrison, L. & Amaral, O. (2002) I know the students like it, but did they learn anything? Paper presented at the National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) Convention. San Diego, CA. March 28, 2002.

Amaral, O.M., Mendez, G., Garrison, L. (2002) Academic Language Development (ALD) is a key element of science instruction. The CSP Connection, Volume 2, No. 3, January, 2002.

Amaral, O.M., Mendez, G., Garrison, L. (2002) Imperial Valley Project is well represented at California Science Teachers’ Association (CSTA). The CSP Connection, Volume 2,

No. 3, January, 2002.

Amaral, O.M. & Garrison, L. (2002) Teaching science in rural communities. The Rural Educator, 23(2), 1-6, Winter 2002.

Amaral, O.M. & Garrison, L. (2001) San Diego State University – Imperial Valley Campus offers strong first summer institute. The CSP Connection, Vol. 1, No.3, Jan.

Amaral, O.M. & Garrison, L. (2001) Building teacher leadership. The CSP Connection, Vol. 2, No.1, Sept.l

Garrison, L. (2001) National models and the role of science academies in improving science education. Monterrey, Mexico. September 12, 2001.

Amaral, O.M. & Garrison, L. (2000) Student experiential learning programs: International exchange programs make a world of difference. In Khosrow Fatemi and Susan E. W. Nichols (Eds.), International Business at the Turn of the Century, Volume II, Calexico, CA: International Trade and Finance Association, Ch. 29.

Garrison, L. (2001, September) Research supporting effective professional development programs for science teachers. Monterrey, Mexico. September 12, 2001

Garrison, L. (2001, June) The Eisenhower assessment and dissemination process. Long Beach, CA. June 21, 2001.

Garrison, L., Amaral, O. (May, 2001) A field trip to El Centro. Valle Imperial Project in Science. El Centro, CA. May 1, 2001.

Garrison, L., Teran, A., Jorgenson, A. (2001, March) Literacy development in an inquiry-based science class. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) Convention. St. Louis, Missouri. March, 23, 2001.

Garrison, L., Amaral, O. (2001, February) Promising practices in inquiry-based science for bilingual program students. Paper presented at the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ. February 23, 2001.

Garrison, L., Amaral, O. (2001, February) Promising practices in inquiry-based science for English Language Learners. Valle Imperial Project in Science. Paper presented at the CA Association for Bilingual Educators Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA. February 1, 2001.

Garrison, L., Amaral, O. (2001, March) Importing and exporting expertise for Hispanic students on a small, rural campus. Paper presented at the HACU Annual Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica. March 6, 2001.

Garrison, L. (2000, November) La reforma en ciencia. Proyecto de Ciencia Valle Imperial. Tampico, Taumalipas. Paper presented at Science Reform in Mexico Conference. November 1, 2000

Garrison, L. (2000, October) Lessons learned in inquiry-based science. Paper presented at the Tri-State LASER K-8 Strategic Planning Institute. Princeton, New Jersey.

October 29, 2000

Garrison, L. (2000, September) Lessons learned in inquiry-based science. Paper presented at the Building a New Visions for Institutions of Higher Education Conference. Greenville, South Carolina. September 19, 2000.

Garrison, L., Klentschy M. (2000, July) A field trip to El Centro, CA – Case study: student achievement. Paper presented at the National LASER K-8 Science Education Strategic Planning Institute. Washington, D.C. July 25, 2000

Garrison, L. (2000, June) Student achievement in inquiry-based science– Paper presented at the Washington State Strategic Planning Institute. Everett, WA

Garrison, L. (2000, March) Education Panel Moderator. Business, Industry and Higher Education o the U.S.-Mexico Border. Calexico, California. March 10, 2000.

Garrison, L. (2000, February) Science reform – the university and school partnership. Appalachian Leadership Seminar. Calexico, California. February 25, 2000

Garrison, L. (1999, November) Inquiry centered science teaching system’s impact on teachers and strategies for teacher training. ITSTS in the Elementary School Second National Meeting. Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. November, 1999.

Garrison, L. (1999, October) Mathematics Reform in Rural America. Improving America Schools Act Conference. Salt Lake City, November, 1999.

Amaral, O. & Garrison, L. (1999). Systematic change on an international border. In Fatemi, Khosrow and Susan E.W. Nichols, (Eds.), Globalization in the 21st Century, Calexico, CA: International Trade and Finance Association, May 1999.

Garrison, L. (1999) Portafolio de Matematicas: Using Mathematics Portfolios with Latino Students. In L. Ortiz-Franco (Ed.) Changing Faces of Mathematics: Perspectives on Latinos and Latinas. NCTM: Reston, VA. 85-98.

Garrison, L. & Mora, J. (1999) Adapting Mathematics Instruction for English Language Learners: The Language-Concept Connection. In L. Ortiz-Franco (Ed.) Changing Faces of Mathematics: Perspectives on Latinos and Latinas. NCTM: Reston, VA 35-47.

Garrison, L. (1997, November). Making the NCTM standards work for emergent English speakers. Teaching Children Mathematics. Vol. 4(3),132-138.

Garrison, L. (1993). Professional leaders of tomorrow: Will they be female? Will they be ethnically diverse? Roeper Review, Vol. 15, 161-164.

Garrison, L. (1990) An evaluation of the academic performance of gifted students from high and low achieving school. Doctoral Dissertation.

Garrison, L. (1989). Programming for the gifted American Indian students. In C.J. Maker & S.W. Schiever (Eds.) , Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.

Garrison, L., Martinez, A. & Rodriguez, J. (1995, February). Diversifying the Teacher Force in Math Education – National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) National Conference.

Garrison, L., Cruz,J. 7 Chavez, N. (1995, March). Developing Problem Solving Skills for ESL Students – Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) National Conference.

Garrison, L., Rodriguez, D. & Montes, M. (1994, November). Math Strategies for the LEP Student – California Mathematics Council Fall Conference.

Garrison, L. (1994, October). Developing Math Leadership. California Mathematics Council, Fresno Conference.

Garrison, L. (1994, April). Helping Monocultural Teachers Understand Multicultural Education. California Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

Garrison, L. (1994, February). Using Grant Writing to Assess Student Understanding – Symposium on University Teaching.


Valle Imperial Mathematics (VIM) Grant for $5,800,000 funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), 2001-2006.

Valle Imperial Project in Science (VIPS) Grant for $4,000,000 funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), 1998-2002

Imperial Valley Intern Program Grant funded by the California Dept. of Education, 1999-ongoing

Science Teacher Academy and Masters Program (STAMP) Grant for $500,000 funded by California Post-Secondary Education Commission (CPEC), 1999-2001.

CPEC Grant Augmentation to start Education Research Institute (2000- )

Mathematics Education Leadership Training (MELT) Grant for $600,000 funded by California Post-secondary Education Commission (CPEC), 1993-1997

Research Grant for $59,000 funded by CPEC to study the effects of the MELT Project in changing teacher behavior in mathematics instruction, 1996-1997.

Affirmative Action Grant from San Diego State University, 1995. Half-time leave to pursue research interests in teacher training among diverse populations.

Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant funded for research on language transition in bilingual students, 1993.


Selected Fellow to the National Academy for Science and Mathematics Education Leadership, 2000.

San Diego State University Award for Excellence, 1999-2000

Teacher Scholar Award, from SDSU-IVC faculty, 1995-1996

Outstanding Faculty Award, San Diego State University – IVC, 1992-1993

Vice-Presidential Student Service Award for significant contributions to the achievement of campus Outstanding Student 1992-1993.

Phi Delta Kappa Award for Educational Research, 1989.

Teacher of the Year Award at Fern Ridge School District, 1981.

Recipient of National Science Foundation Grant, 1989.

Presider at the NCTM Annual Conference, 1996.