
Ch. 4 Sec. 3 Guided Reading

Setting the Stage

  1. What two types of farms required a large amount of workers?
  1. What three reasons caused the European’s to abandon using Native Americans as slaves?
  1. After the Natives were proven not to be an effective source of labor, what type of people did the Europeans turn to, to fill the void?

Slavery in Africa

  1. How did the spread of Islam in Africa affect slavery?
  1. Between 650 and 1600, how many slaves did the Muslims transport across N. Africa and SW Asia?
  1. What are some of the legal rights that were granted to slaves in some African and Muslim societies?
  1. What is one way that African slaves could escape their bondage?

The Demand for Africans

  1. Who were the first European group to explore Africa during the 1400s?
  1. What were the Portuguese more interested in trading rather than slaves initially?
  1. What changed the Portuguese interest in Africans as slaves?
  1. What were the FOUR advantages/reasons why Africans were taken and used as slaves?
  1. What year was the Atlantic Slave Trade stopped?
  1. By the time the Atlantic Slave Trade had been stopped, approximately how many African slaves had been brought to the Americas?

England Dominates the Slave Trade

  1. Which European country was the leading carrier of enslaved Africans between 1690-1807?
  1. What is the total amount of slaves that the British traded between their colonies in the West Indies and the U.S.?

African Cooperation and Resistance

  1. What did African merchants receive for the capture/trading of slaves?
  1. How did European traders acquire the African slaves?

The Triangular Trade

  1. What products were traded from the West Indies to Europe?
  1. What products were traded from the New England colonies to Africa?

The Middle Passage

  1. During the Middle Passage, what three locations were slaves taken?
  1. What were the conditions like for a slave during the middle passage?
  1. What FOUR ways does the book say contributed to the death of African slaves during the Middle Passage?
  1. What percentage of slaves would die during the Middle Passage?

A Harsh Life

  1. What three paths of work were options to a slave after they had been sold at auction?
  1. What were living conditions like for slaves that had been sold in the Americas?

Resistance and Rebellion

  1. How did African slaves cope with the horrors of slavery?
  1. What are some ways that slaves resisted their captivity?
  1. What FOUR locations experienced slave rebellions?

Consequences of the Slave Trade

  1. What type of impact did the slave trade have on Africans?
  1. What type of contributions did African slaves make to the Americas?