Bear Creek Jr. Sport Association
Meeting Minutes: March 21, 2016
Called to order by: Amy Nuanes
Attendees: Amy Nuanes, Melissa Joy, Pam Miranda, Sean McNeal, Bob Brown,
Jerry Torres, George Martinez, Claude Vigil, Casey Hunt
Meeting called to order: 7:00pm
President: No Update
Treasurer: No Update
Vice President: Talked about making all teams rebranded as “Bears” and looking to update logos etc. There is a parent who may be able to help us with that. Recommended to have him come in to talk to the group and find out what we would need and what it would cost. Everyone needs to be in better attendance at meetings so that we can all be on the same page with decisions and go forward. Discussion about accountability and how we can all ensure that the program overall runs well, not just sport by sport. Further discussion about getting uniforms through the same place.
Fields & Facilities: No updates
Website & Fundraising: - Make sure pages are updated, basketball needs to update end of season. Blue Sombrero – a similar to league athletics, sponsored by Dicks, and spirit wear 7% could come back to the league. There is an issue of platforms not being compatible. More information is needed to see if this would be something we could do.
Investigative Committee: nothing at this time
Scholarship – email sent, BCHS has information
Capital Reserve no updates
MISC: 191 Coupons redeemed at the Dick’s spring shopping day. Brandon at Dick’s was very happy with turnout.
Sports Reports
Baseball –.no updateMidget Baseball –9 teams, all full. Opening day April 9th.
Fall Baseball – no update
Basketball –.Wrapping up paperwork and paying all invoices. AYL debriefing the season, and working on surplus payouts
Looking into summer camp options
Golf – Registration opens middle of April
Football – JMFA has a new President. Football board looking for a few people for positions. Lineman coach from Valor will be working with us to have a camp at BCHS, and may include speakers, etc, as well as help with our current camp. JMFA issued a new rule that all teams within an organization has to have the same uniform. Fees will have to be raised to cover costs of all new uniforms. There are a couple of new coaches at BCHS and they would like to get more involved in the junior program.
Flag football – Having a hard time getting coaches, and keeping the program going. Had to cancel an entire team, and now with 1st grade tackle available, we may only have one team. Will have to be more proactive, and work on communication to get more players. Claude said that we would be allowed to have our flier in the carosel in the K8. Jeffco in general has had a hard time getting tournaments organized and having referees available. Casey suggested reaching out to other areas in Denver. Another option would be to get Flag under the football umbrella.
Soccer – Last weekend was the start of rec, hoping for better weather this weekend. 279 registered kids. Lost our field at Carmody to Rush. Schaefer is working for now, although there has been some activity due to Clement being under construction.
Lacrosse – Triple impact competitor at the K8 last weekend went very well. 42 attendees.
Softball – registration still open. Late fees start April 1st. Up 30 kids from last year. Fields good, one comp team this year starts April 14th U10.
Fall Softball – no update
Cheerleading – Need to add Jen Carriera to website and add email. Insurance has been taken care of.
Meeting adjourned :