Student Council Bye-Law Amendment Proposal (SCF1)

The Students’ Union constitution allows Student Council to amend bye-laws. The Constitution specifically states:

78. The Trustees and the Student Council shall have the power from time to time to jointly make, repeal or amend Bye-Laws as to the management of the Union and its working practices provided that such Bye-Laws shall not be inconsistent with this Constitution.

97.3 make, repeal and amend the Bye-Laws jointly with the Trustees in accordance with Clause 78;

Submission of this document (Student Council Bye-Law Amendment Proposal) to Student Council is a request for a change to the bye-laws.

1.This Council Notes

State the facts surrounding the proposal

UNSU are part of NUS’ Green Impact ( and fill out their work book every year

October (plan) December (interim) February (report)

2.This Council Believes

State the reasons for amendment

That Student Council wishes to take a more active role in monitoring the effort of our Students’ Union in regards to the Green Impact Workbook. In October, December, and February’s Council meetings, the VPUD will bring the progress of this workbook to Council.

3.This Council Resolves

That the following bye-law amendments are made:

Old bye-law:


4.1.1.Trustee report

4.1.2.Finance report

4.1.3.Officer reports

4.1.4.Ratification of Committee minutes

4.1.5.Issues arising from Committee minutes

4.1.6.Any Other Business

4.1.7.Date of Next Meeting

New bye-law:


4.1.8.Trustee report

4.1.9.Finance report

4.1.10.Green Impact Workbook report

4.1.11.Officer reports

4.1.12.Ratification of Committee minutes

4.1.13.Issues arising from Committee minutes

4.1.14.Any Other Business

4.1.15.Date of Next Meeting


NAME / Arte Artemiou
DATE / 09/12/16


NAME / David Lewis
DATE / 09/12/16


Student Council Bye-Law Amendment Proposal (SCF1)

The Students’ Union constitution allows Student Council to amend bye-laws. The Constitution specifically states:

78. The Trustees and the Student Council shall have the power from time to time to jointly make, repeal or amend Bye-Laws as to the management of the Union and its working practices provided that such Bye-Laws shall not be inconsistent with this Constitution.

97.3 make, repeal and amend the Bye-Laws jointly with the Trustees in accordance with Clause 78;

Submission of this document (Student Council Bye-Law Amendment Proposal) to Student Council is a request for a change to the bye-laws.

4.This Council Notes

State the facts surrounding the proposal

That during the Any Other Business of the last Council meeting (08/12/16) the VPUD brought a question that was asked by someone watching the live feed of the council meeting

5.This Council Believes

State the reasons for amendment

That this highlights an important progression of Council.That observers must be given the ability to ask questions during Any Other Business. This will be in accordance with points 4.66 and 4.67 regarding the difference between full members of the Union and others. If a question is asked online or wants to be asked in the room, then it falls to the Chair’s discretion

6.This Council Resolves

That the following bye-law amendments are made:

Old bye-law:

4.66. Any observing full members of the Students’ Union shall automatically be granted speaking rights but have no other powers.

4.67. Speaking rights may only be granted to any other observers at the discretion of the Chair.

New bye-law:

4.66. Any observing full members of the Students’ Union shall automatically be granted speaking rights but have no other powers.

4.66.1Any observing full members can ask a maximum of three questions (including those allowed to be asked by any other observers) to Council during the ‘Any Other Business’ section of Council. The Chair will decide whose questions are asked. Each question can be discussed for a maximum of five minutes. If the question needs more discussion or Council do not wish to discuss it at the current meeting, any Councillor can choose to bring the question as a discussion point to the next Council.

4.67. Speaking rights may only be granted to any other observers at the discretion of the Chair.

4.67.1At the discretion of the chair, any other observers can ask a maximum of three questions to Council (including those asked by full member observers) during the ‘Any Other Business’ section of Council. The Chair will decide whose questions are asked. Each question can be discussed for a maximum of five minutes. If the question needs more discussion or Council do not wish to discuss it at the current meeting, any Councillor can choose to bring the question as a discussion point to the next Council.


NAME / Arte Artemiou
DATE / 09/12/16


NAME / Danjie Zhong
DATE / 09/12/2016


Student Council Bye-Law Amendment Proposal (SCF1)

The Students’ Union constitution allows Student Council to amend bye-laws. The Constitution specifically states:

78. The Trustees and the Student Council shall have the power from time to time to jointly make, repeal or amend Bye-Laws as to the management of the Union and its working practices provided that such Bye-Laws shall not be inconsistent with this Constitution.

97.3 make, repeal and amend the Bye-Laws jointly with the Trustees in accordance with Clause 78;

Submission of this document (Student Council Bye-Law Amendment Proposal) to Student Council is a request for a change to the bye-laws.

7.This Council Notes

State the facts surrounding the proposal

TheOfficer Bye-Law is missing the appendices (mentioned in points 3.6 and 3.11) which should contain the role descriptions for allFull and Part-time Officers. In this proposal, the role descriptions have been copied from the election packs of 2016 with the addition to each job description of:

“The job description may be altered in the future but only in full consultation with the post holder (if role is filled) and with any proposed amendments brought to Student Council to be voted upon.”

8.This Council Believes

State the reasons for amendment

The appendices must be put back into the Bye-Law so that future Councils can officially edit role descriptions.

9.This Council Resolves

That the following bye-law amendments are made:

Old bye-law:

New bye-law:


  1. Sabbatical Officers’ Job Descriptions
  2. President
  3. Manifesto
  4. To deliver promises and pledges made to the student body during the election process.
  5. Leadership
  6. Lead the team of elected officers and support them in fulfilling their aims and Students’ Union objective.
  7. Chair the Students’ Union Trustee Board and be the principle representative of the Students’ Union to external organisations and partners.
  8. Take responsibility for financial management of the Students’ Union.
  9. Representation
  10. Be the principal representative of the Students’ Union to all parties, articulating the student voice to committees, University and to external organisations and partners.
  11. Act as a critical friend of the University in delivering the opinion of the student body.
  12. Take responsibility for implementing and changing Union policy.
  13. Be responsible for all external media interactions in consultation with Students’ Union Marketing and Communication Team, including facilitating Students’ Union press releases.
  14. Development
  15. To represent students on all student activities related matters.
  16. To run campaigns on employability, internships, development, and skills.
  17. To run campaigns on sport and student activities and to assist in campaigns that other Officers may be running.
  18. Has key oversight over the Students’ Union’s commercial activity and communications.
  19. Ensures Students’ Union services are relevant and responsive to Student needs.
  20. To work with British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) for the benefit of students at UNSU.
  21. To represent UNSU at other external sports and activities committees.
  22. Student Experience
  23. To carry out surveys within different demographics within the student body to influence decisions made by UNSU
  24. To Contribute to the Overall Effectiveness of the Union
  25. Attending all meetings and training events as required. Providing reports where requested.
  26. Ensuring that statutory and legal obligations are met.
  27. Ensure our financial sustainability by adhering to all financial procedures and processes of the Students’ Union.
  28. Promoting the Students’ Union’s various policies within your work, in particular Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity and Ethical & Environmental.
  29. Contributing to the positive image of the Students’ Union with students, the University, and the local community.
  30. Be clean, tidy, and professional in appearance, wearing identification and (where stipulated) a uniform, which will be clean and ironed.
  31. Working with the team, to provide mutual support, and ensure a full service is maintained at all times, providing cover as necessary.
  32. Be flexible in your approach to work, able to work at any site as required, and unsocial hours as required in order to meet organisational objectives and projects.
  33. Ensuring personal knowledge and skills are updated to ensure effectiveness in meeting work objectives and supporting your own development by taking part in training opportunities as agreed by the Students’ Union.
  34. Such other duties and project as may be reasonably prescribed by the Union, appropriate to the grade and responsibilities of this post.
  35. It is important to know that you will be expected to participate in any training programme considered relevant to your job. The Students’ Union expects all staff to participate and take ownership of their Induction, Personal Review Programmes, Departmental Staff Meetings, Training, and networking opportunities.
  36. The job description may be altered in the future but only in full consultation with the post holder (if role is filled) and with any proposed amendments brought to Student Council to be voted upon.
  37. Vice President (Union Development)
  38. Manifesto
  39. To deliver promises and pledges made to the student body during the election process.
  40. Leadership
  41. Lead the team of elected officers and support them in fulfilling their aims and Students’ Union objective.
  42. Chair the Students’ Union Trustee Board and be the principle representative of the Students’ Union to external organisations and partners.
  43. Take responsibility for financial management of the Students’ Union
  44. Representation
  45. Be the principal representative of the Students’ Union to all parties, articulating the student voice to committees, University and to external organisations and partners.
  46. Act as a critical friend of the University in delivering the opinion of the student body.
  47. Take responsibility for implementing and changing Union policy.
  48. Be responsible for all external media interactions in consultation with Students’ Union Marketing and Communication Team, including facilitating Students’ Union press releases.
  49. Development
  50. To represent students on all student activities related matters.
  51. To run campaigns on employability, internships, development, and skills.To run campaigns on sport and student activities and to assist in campaigns that other Officer may be running.
  52. Has key oversight over the Students’ Union’s commercial activity and communications.
  53. Ensures Students’ Union services are relevant and responsive to Student needs.
  54. To work with British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) for the benefit of students at UNSU.
  55. To represent UNSU at other external sports and activities committees.
  56. Student Experience
  57. To carry out surveys within different demographics within the student body to influence decisions made by UNSU.
  58. To Contribute to the Overall Effectiveness of the Union
  59. Attending all meetings and training events as required. Providing reports where requested.
  60. Ensuring that statutory and legal obligations are met.
  61. Ensure our financial sustainability by adhering to all financial procedures and processes of the Students’ Union.
  62. Promoting the Students’ Union’s various policies within your work, in particular Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity and Ethical & Environmental.
  63. Contributing to the positive image of the Students’ Union with students, the University, and the local community.
  64. Be clean, tidy, and professional in appearance, wearing identification and (where stipulated) a uniform, which will be clean and ironed.
  65. Working with the team, to provide mutual support, and ensure a full service is maintained at all times, providing cover as necessary.
  66. Be flexible in your approach to work, able to work at any site as required, and unsocial hours as required in order to meet organisational objectives and projects.
  67. Ensuring personal knowledge and skills are updated to ensure effectiveness in meeting work objectives and supporting your own development by taking part in training opportunities as agreed by the Students’ Union.
  68. Such other duties and project as may be reasonably prescribed by the Union, appropriate to the grade and responsibilities of this post.
  69. It is important to know that you will be expected to participate in any training programme considered relevant to your job. The Students’ Union expects all staff to participate and take ownership of their Induction, Personal Review Programmes, Departmental Staff Meetings, Training, and networking opportunities.
  70. The job description may be altered in the future but only in full consultation with the post holder (if role is filled) and with any proposed amendments brought to Student Council to be voted upon.
  71. Vice President (Education)
  72. Manifesto
  73. To deliver promises and pledges made to the student body during the election process.
  74. Leadership
  75. Lead the team of elected school and course reps and support them in creating changes.
  76. Be the principle representative of the Students’ Union to external organisations and partners on matters relating to Education.
  77. Representation
  78. Be the principal representative of the Students’ Union to all parties, articulating the student voice to committees, University and to external organisations and partners.
  79. Act as a critical friend of the University in delivering the opinion of the student body.
  80. Take responsibility for implementing and changing Union policy.
  81. Be responsible for all external media interactions in consultation with Students’ Union Marketing and Communication Team, including facilitating Students’ Union press releases.
  82. Education
  83. Represent student interests in academic matters.
  84. Be responsible for knowing internal and national academic issues and reaction to them, including the position of NUS.
  85. Alongside Part Time Officers and relevant Union and University Staff coordinate and lead Education Campaigns for the year.
  86. Alongside relevant Union Staff, write up the Student Written Submission AQR.
  87. Alongside School Reps and relevant Union and University Staff coordinators and lead Student Lead Teaching Awards.
  88. Alongside relevant staff, coordinate a monthly conference/meeting with course reps.
  89. Alongside relevant staff, coordinate and lead monthly meetings with School Reps.
  90. To Contribute to the Overall Effectiveness of the Union
  91. Attending all meetings and training events as required. Providing reports where requested.
  92. Ensuring that statutory and legal obligations are met.
  93. Ensure our financial sustainability by adhering to all financial procedures and processes of the Students’ Union.
  94. Promoting the Students’ Union’s various policies within your work, in particular Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity and Ethical & Environmental.
  95. Contributing to the positive image of the Students’ Union with students, the University, and the local community.
  96. Be clean, tidy, and professional in appearance, wearing identification and (where stipulated) a uniform, which will be clean and ironed.
  97. Working with the team, to provide mutual support, and ensure a full service is maintained at all times, providing cover as necessary.
  98. Be flexible in your approach to work, able to work at any site as required, and unsocial hours as required in order to meet organisational objectives and projects.
  99. Ensuring personal knowledge and skills are updated to ensure effectiveness in meeting work objectives and supporting your own development by taking part in training opportunities as agreed by the Students’ Union.
  100. Such other duties and project as may be reasonably prescribed by the Union, appropriate to the grade and responsibilities of this post.
  101. It is important to know that you will be expected to participate in any training programme considered relevant to your job. The Students’ Union expects all staff to participate and take ownership of their Induction, Personal Review Programmes, Departmental Staff Meetings, Training, and networking opportunities.
  102. The job description may be altered in the future but only in full consultation with the post holder (if role is filled) and with any proposed amendments brought to Student Council to be voted upon.
  103. Part-Time Officers’ Job Descriptions
  104. Sports Officer
  105. To Deliver on Elected manifesto
  106. To deliver pledges made to the Student Body during the election process in your manifesto and in response to questions posed at Question Time debates.
  107. To work with the Sabbatical Officers and Students’ Union Staff in creating an action plan for the year based on these pledges to the Student Body and reporting on progress against this plan to Student Council.
  108. To Lead the Student Body
  109. To lead members of the Athletic Union and all students participating in Students’ Union sports and fitness activities.
  110. To gather student views, opinion, and feedback through GOATing, GOALing, surveying and data collection activities.
  111. To campaign for change on areas to the betterment of Athletic Union members.
  112. To Represent Students Participating in Sport
  113. To be the principal representative of the Students’ Union to all parties on matters relating to sport to all parties, articulating the student voice to committees, the University, external organisations and partners.
  114. To act as a critical friend to the University in delivering the opinion of the Student Body.
  115. To take responsibility for creating, implementing and changing Union policy in relation to its application to students participating in sport.
  116. To represent the views of students participating in sport on the following Students’ Union committees and meetings:
  117. Student Council
  118. Executive Committee
  119. AU Committee
  120. Allocations Committee
  121. To contribute feedback to the Sabbatical Officers to be incorporated into Students’ Union responses on the following University committees:
  122. Board of Governors
  123. Student Experience Committee
  124. Operational Student Experience Working Group
  125. To Contribute to the Overall Effectiveness of the Union
  126. Attending all meetings and training events as required.