ZFRPRNT – Master Check Register program

ZFRPRNT is a job-submission process that prints a Check Register by student within a specified set of Banner Check dates. The report prints Alpha by Term Code or Check Number within a date range.

You may select voided checks, ACH transactions, debit card transactions,or all.

ZFRPRNT prints refund checks for the following check types: Cash refunds, Book, SWIG, GED, PELL, SEOG, Leap, Hero, ACCG, GPSM, LO% (private loans), LO% (federal loans), GSAP (GSFC Loans) and the GSFC 1% loan (GSL1). The TCSG detail codes associated to these check types include 4%, HOPR, SWIR, HOGR, PLRF, SEOR, SSIR, HERR, ACCR, GPSR, LOSR, LOUR, GSAR, and GLSR respectively.

This report prints Check Date, name, ID, Term Code, dollar amount of check and check number. Totals by Check type are provided.

ZFRPRNT Parameter Values

01 From Check Date

Enter the From-Check Date. This field is optional. If it is left blank, the program assumes 01-JAN-1900.

02 Thru Check Date

Enter the Thru-Check Date. This field is optional. If it is left blank, the program assumes 31-DEC-2099.

03 Term (Term Code or Check Number Sequence)

Enter the Term Code you wish to print. If you leave this field blank, it will print the report in ‘Check Number’ sequence. Note: If this field is blank, Parameter 01 and 02 are required. If all three parameters are blank, the program will abort with an error message in the log file.

04 Cash Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include Cash Refunds in this report.

05 Hope Book Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include Hope Book refunds in this report.

06 SWIG Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include SWIG refunds in this report.

07 Ged Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include GED refunds in this report.

08 Pell Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include PELL refunds in this report.

09 SEOG Checks (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include SEOG refunds in this report.

10 Leap Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include Leap Refunds in this report.

11 Hero Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include Hero Refunds in this report.

12 ACCG Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include ACCG refunds in this report.

13 Georgia Public Safety (GPSM) Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include Georgia Public Safety Refunds (Law Enforcement is included) in this report.

14 Private Loan Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include Private Loan Refunds in this report.

15 LOAN Check Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include Federal Loan Check Refunds in this report.

16 GSFC LOAN Check Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include GSFC Loan Check Refunds in this report.

17 GSL1 LOAN Check Refunds (Y/N)?

Enter Y to include GSL1 Loan Check Refunds in this report.

18 Voided Checks Only (Y/N)

Enter Y to only print Voided checks for the desired selection.

19 ACH transactions Only (Y/)

Enter Y to only print ACH transactions for the desired selection.

20 Debit Card transactions Only (Y/)

Enter Y to only print Debit Card transactions for the desired selection.

21 Include Re-class (Y/N)

Enter Y to include re-classed refunds. These would be refunds with a document number of NOCHECK or NOCHK in the document number.

22 Generate Text Recon File

Enter Y to generate a Text Recon file for Bank Recons.

23 Selection Identifier

Leave this parameter blank if not using Population Selection. If Population Selection is used, this parameter must be entered. If this parameter is entered, parameters 19, 20, and 21 must also be entered.

24 Application Code

Leave this parameter blank if not using Population Selection. If Population Selection is used, this parameter must be entered.

25 Creator Id

Leave this parameter blank if not using Population Selection. If Population Selection is used, this parameter must be the USER that created the Population Selection.

26 User

Leave this parameter blank if not using Population Selection. If Population Selection is used, this parameter must be the USER identifier running this process. If this value is entered, values must also be in parameters 18, 19, and 20.

27 Enter Lines per Page

For formatting purposes, you may change the lines per page for the report. The default is 55.

ZFRPRNT Processing

ZFRPRNT Functionality

Based on report parameters, ZFRPRNT produces Master Check Register listings. You may print in alpha sequence by Term Code or by Check Number sequence within a given set of dates. When running this report in Check Number sequence, you can enter From and Thru dates. You may optionally get listings of voided checks, ACH and debit card transactions only. An optional Text File is available, for Bank Recons.


ZFRPRNT generates a .lis file and a .log file and an optional txt file. The .lis file represents the check registers and the .log file displays the report parameters used and also gives error messages that may occur during processing. If you run in DATABASE you can see both the .lis file and .log file, a benefit of Job Submission. If an error occurs, only a .log file prints.

Master Check Register report

Creole.Westcentraltech.edu - CHECK REGISTER (By Term) Page 1

21-AUG-2015 201612


06/20/09 Cierra Darrisaw 900010010 201612 15.00 RFND

15.00 980083

06/21/09 Cierra Darrisaw 900010010 201612 -15.00 RFND

-15.00 980083V

06/20/09 Malcolm Ross 900010005 201612 15.00 RFND

15.00 980084

06/20/09 Darriel Royal 911120912 201612 15.00 RFND

15.00 980082

Total Checks - 4

Total Refund Checks - 30.00

Total Hope Checks - .00

Total PELL Checks - .00

Check Register Text File

06/20/15 Cierra Darrisaw 900010010 201612 15.00 980083 RFND

06/21/15 Cierra Darrisaw 900010010 201612 - 15.00 980083V RFND

06/20/15 Malcolm Ross 900010005 201612 15.00 980084 RFND

06/20/15 Darriel Royal 911120912 201612 15.00 980082 RFND

Check Register Log File

ZFRRNT prints all parameters used in the process.

PARAMETER (1) = saisusr


PARAMETER (3) = 76825


Successfully Connected to Oracle in ZFRPRNT

Successful run of ZFRPRNT

Version 2.7


Check Date From 01-JAN-1900

Check Date To 31-DEC-2099

Process Term 201612

Print Cash (Y/N) Y

Print Hope (Y/N) Y

Print SWIG (Y/N) N

Print GED (Y/N) N

Print PELL (Y/N) N

Print SEOG (Y/N) N

Print Leap (Y/N) N

Print HERO (Y/N) N

Print ACG (Y/N) N

Print GPSM (Y/N) N

Print P Loans(Y/N) N

Print Loans (Y/N) N

Voids Only (Y/N) N

ACH Only (Y/N) N

Debit Only (Y/N) N

Include Recls (Y/N) N

Generate Txt (Y/N) Y

Selection Identifier

Application Code

Creator ID

User ID

Lines Per Page 00055

Check Register Log File
(when From Check Date, Thru Check Date and Term Code parameters are blank)



Job is aborting.

For Technical Support Staff

Files for upload






Upgrade instructions

Run script /u02/app/Dtae/Menu/Mods/zfrprnt_para7.sql as sql user SATURN.

If Class Updating - Each user must have maintenance access to the object ZFRPRNT. Give