Dear Parent/Guardian:

Enclosed please find information to participate in the 2016 – 2017 athletic programs at Hanover High School.

All parents are required to complete the annual forms in InfoSnap (accessed through the parent portal) each year. Prior to participating in the first day of practice, forms must be completed and a copy of your student’s recent physical (no more than 2 years old) must be on file.

Please be sure to review the following sections carefully with your student-athlete:

Principles of Co-Curricular Activities: As parent/guardian of a potential athlete, you are a key player in the athletic program. Your presence at events, helping with transportation and cheering for your son/daughter’s team is needed. You have a role in modeling appropriate behavior at athletic events and in demonstrating that alcohol does not need to be a part of celebrating a successful, or unsuccessful, game. We encourage and appreciate team parents who wish to sponsor supervised and substance-free social gatherings for a team.

The Athletic Department is concerned about our athletes’ welfare and conduct as representatives of their teams and the school.

  1. Please read and discuss the Co-Curricular Code of Conduct with your son/daughter in InfoSnap
  2. Co-sign the Consent Form indicating that you and your athlete agree that he/she will abide by the rules and regulations of the Hanover High School athletic program. The athlete’s signature is, in effect, giving one’s word that the athlete will not violate the Co-Curricular Code of Conduct. This is a commitment we take very seriously.

ImPACT: Hanover High School has implemted an innovative program for our student - athletes. This program will assist our team physicians/athletic trainers in evaluating and treating head injuries (e.g., concussion). In order to better manage concussions sustained by our student - athletes, the acquired software tool called ImPACT (Immediate Post Concussion assessment and Cognitive Testing). ImPACT is a computerized exam utilized in many professional, collegiate, and high school sports programs across the country to successfully diagnose and manage concussions. If an athlete is believed to have suffered a head injury during competition, ImPACT is used to help determine the severity of head injury and when the injury has fully healed.

The computerized exam is given to athletes before beginning contact sport practice or competition. This non-invasive test is set up in “video-game” type format and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. It is simple, and actually many athletes enjoy the challenge of taking the test. Essentially, the ImPACT test is a preseason physical of the brain. It tracks information such as memory, reaction time, speed, and concentration. It, however, is not an IQ test.

If a concussion is suspected, the athlete will be required to re-take the test. Both the preseason and post-injury test data is given to a local doctor or, to help evaluate the injury. The information gathered can also be shared with your family doctor. The test data will enable these health professionals to determine when return-to-play is appropriate and safe for the injured athlete. If an injury of this nature occurs to your child, you will be promptly contacted with all the details.

I wish to stress that the ImPACT testing procedures are non-invasive, and they pose no risks to your student-athlete. This program provides us the best available information for managing concussions and preventing potential brain damage that can occur with multiple concussions. The Hanover High School administration, coaching, and athletic training staffs are striving to keep your child’s health and safety at the forefront of the student athletic experience.

  1. Please check the Yes, I give permission box in InfoSnap
  2. If you have any further questions regarding this program please feel free to contact our athletic trainer at Christopher Wilder .

Permission to Treat: This form is given to our coaches and taken to all away games.

  1. Electronically signed in InfoSnap

Inherent Dangers: Please be aware of the risks that any athlete undertakes when they participate in competitive athletics. At the same time, please know that our coaching staff is trained in many aspects of care and prevention of the athletic injuries and also in CPR. We hire competent coaches to work with your children. Also, be advised that Hanover High School does employ an Athletic Trainer to work with coaches and athletes regarding care and prevention of injuries.

We take careful steps to help insure your athlete’s safety.

  1. Inherent Dangers form is found on website.
  2. Please download, sign and return to the Athletic Department. Your signature indicates that you are aware of the inherent dangers of participation in interscholastic sports and in particular, concussion information and care protocol. You also agree to inform the proper school medical personnel and coaching staff of suspected concussion injuries.

Athletic Qualifying Screening Form: A form provided and completed by your child’s physician indicating the date and information pertaining to their last physical. The date examined MUST be LESS THAN TWO (2) years old.

  1. Please bring the physical, signed by a physician, to the Athletic Office prior to the first practice.

Participation Fee: $150.00 participation fee is required for EACH sport that your child participates in. Checks should be made out to Hanover High School. If there is a financial hardship, e-mail Mike Jackson, Athletic Director at .

In addition, Fall Pre-Season information ca be found on the website ( under Announcements and Events.

If you require additional information or have further questions, please do not hestitate to contact either Celina Lariviere, Administrative Assistant or myself. We look forward to the fall season!

M.A. Jackson, C.M.A.A.

Athletic Director