N. Mavetera, PhD in Masters in Geoinformation Management (ITC), Netherlands, (2000) B.Sc Survey, Hons, (UZ), Zimbabwe (1993),





Name: Nehemiah Mavetera, (PM (NL); BSc (Hons) (ZW); MCSSA; MSAICSIT; (SA))

Residence Status: South African Permanent Resident

SA ID # : 690119 5829 182

Physical Adress: 25 Kirstenbos Street, Witpoortjie, 1724 Roodepoort,

Johannesburg, SA

Contact address: House # 1071, Tawana Crescent, off-Hector Pieterson Street, Unit 5, Mmabatho, 2735

Contact Phone # +27 18 389 2143, Home Phone # + 27 73 737 9156, Cell +27 72 334 4456

Email Addresses: or


Masters in Geoinformation Management (ITC), The Netherlands (2000).

Special Postgraduate Course in Informatics(2004), Department of Informatics, University of Pretoria

BSc Surveying (Hons) University of Zimbabwe (1993).

Certificate-Geospatial Data Infrastructures, (2002).

Certificate-C# Programming with Microsoft.Net, CS Holdings, SA, (2003)

Certificate-Programming with XML in the Microsoft.Net Framework, CS Holdings, SA, (2003)


PhD Studies-University of Pretoria- Department of Informatics, SA, (2004-)

PhD Research Field: An ontological approach to software development for agent-mediated electronic markets


SeniorLecturerNorth WestUniversity(01/11/2004 to date )

  • Supervising Masters Research Students
  • Program Coordinator for Information Systems Honours
  • Honours Research Students Coordinator and Supervisor
  • Lecturing Software Engineering, Information Systems Research Methods, Databases Systems and Management of Information Technology at post graduate level
  • Lecturing E-Business, Information Systems courses at undergraduate level.

Lecturer Monash UniversitySouth Africa Campus (01/01/2001-31/10/2004)

  • Lecturing in Information Systems Analysis and Design, Advanced Information Systems
  • Database Management Systems, GIS for Environmental Sciences.
  • E-Commerce/E- Business and Trading Systems

Vice-Chairman(Interim): Computer Society of SA XML Special Interest Group(2004-)

DirectorDelfreight Pty Ltd, SA, (12/12/2002 to date)

  • Managing Partner for Delfreight company
  • Financial and Operations management aspects of the company.
  • Involved in personnel and human resources issues of the company

Lecturer Harare Polytechnic (01/09/1997-01/09/1999) Zimbabwe

  • Teaching Computer Information Systems, Technical Communication Skills, Photogrammetry,

Remote Sensing, GIS, Land Information Management, Land and Engineering Surveying, at

National Certificate & Diploma Levels

Land Surveyor (i.t) Urban Development Corporation 12/01/1994-05/01/1996) Zimbabwe

  • acquisition of survey contract s and execution of the cadastral surveys
  • cadastral surveying of new and old Townships for title registration.
  • advising local authorities on efficient housing delivery systems.
  • carried farm surveys, subdivisions and consolidations
  • Carrying out engineering surveys for construction projects

Mine Surveyor Madhatter Mining Company (01/04/1997-31/08/1997) Zimbabwe

Land Surveyor Eastern Land Surveyors (10/01/1996-30/03/1997)

LecturerZimbabweDistanceEducationCollege (1990-1993)

  • teaching Mathematics, Physics at Advanced level


The Semantic Web

Use of Ontologies in the Improvement of Information Systems usability.

Use of Ontology and Agent Technology in E–Commerce/Business and E-Markets

Application of IT tools in the supply of Geoinformation in Countries in transition-Case studies of

Southern African Countries.


Lemme S and Mavetera N, 2005, A Framework for E-governance Implementation in SA local municipalities,ECEG 2006

Mavetera N, 2004, The Philosophy of Ontologies: A new Information Systems Development Paradigm ,International Science and Technology Conference(ISTC’04) , Vanderbailpark, SA

Mavetera N, 2004,The Use of Ontologies in Designing Agents for E-Markets: From a Mechanist to a Romantic Approach:Proceedings of International Business Information Management Conference (IBIM '04) ,July, 2004, Amman, Jordan, ISBN: 0-9753393-1-1

Mavetera N, 2004, Ontological Engineering: A paradigm Shift in the Design of Agent-Mediated E-Markets:Unpublished Paper.

Mavetera N, 2003, A Conceptual Model forAgent-Mediation in E-Markets. South African

Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (SAICSIT) Conference, Proceedings

of SAICSIT (2003), Pages 15-20, 17-19 September, 2003, Indaba Hotel, Johannesburg, SA,

ISBN 86854-512-1

 Mavetera N, 2003, A Comprehensive Agent–Mediated E-Market Framework/Architecture,

Information Resources Management Association International Conference, 14th Annual Irma

International, May 18-21, 2003, Radisson Warwick Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Mavetera N, 2002, The Evolution of E-Markets: A Technological Paradigm. Unpublished paper.

 Mavetera N, 2002, An Electronic Geoinformation Supply Model for Land Registry Organisations (LROs)

in Countries in Transition. South Africa and Zimbabwe (2002), FIG XXII International Congress,

Washington, D.C.USA, April 19-26, 2002. Pp. 478--479, ISBN 87-90907-20-5

Mavetera N, 2001, Conceptual Model for a Zimbabwean National Geospatial Data Infrastructure NGDI).

Unpublished paper,

Mavetera N, 2000, Design of a Prototype Internet works BasedLand Information Supply System for

Zimbabwe. Unpublished Masters Thesis, ITC, Geoinformation Management Division, Enschede,


Mavetera N, 1993, A Digital Terrain Model for the University of Zimbabwe, Unpublished BSc Honours

Degree Thesis, University of Zimbabwe, Department of Surveying.


Lemme, O.S.T., Design of a Prototype e-Gorvenment System for RatLouLocalMunicipality, 2005

Digoamaje, K.D., Long Distance Taxi Management System, 2005.


ISTC’04, ,International Science and Technology Conference(ISTC’04) ,December, 2004 Vanderbailpark, SA

Preparation of Study Guides Workshop,November 2004, North WestUniversity:

Postgraduate Supervision and Training Workshop, 8-10 November 2004, North WestUniversity: Facilitated by Prof Chris Kaap, StellenboschUniversity, SA

Writing for Publication Workshop, 11-13 November 2004, North WestUniversity: facilitated by Prof Chris Kaap, StellenboschUniversity, SA

IBIM’04, International Business Information Management Conference (IBIM '04) ,July, 2004, Amman, Jordan

XML/CSSA Special Interest Group, The World According To Xml : A Brief Look At Its Surprises With Examples From The Latest Mpeg Standards,29 June 2004, Johannesburg, SA,

XML/CSSA Special Interest Group, A History of the Future of XML,24 February 2004, Johannesburg, SA,

South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (SAICSIT) Conference,

17-19 September, 2003, Indaba Hotel, Johannesburg, SA

PMSA/ CSSA Special Interest Group, The Capability Maturity Model for Software [SW-CMM]; don’t you

need it?, 20 August 2003, Johannesburg, SA, A CSSA/PMISA IT Project Interest Group Meeting.

BASA SIG Public Meeting, The difference between analysis and design,6 August, 2003, Johannesburg,

SA, A CSSA/Business Analysis and Systems Analysis Interest Group Meeting

PMI Meeting, Quality Management, using Test Process Improvement [TPI®, 19 March, 2003,

Johannesburg, SA, A CSSA/PMISA IT Project Interest Group Meeting

FIG Commission 7, Symposium on Land Redistribution in Southern Africa, Burgers Park Hotel,Pretoria,

SA, November 6-7, 2002.

GDISA 2002 Course, Geospatial Data Infrastructure in Southern Africa, DurbanSouth Africa 20

October-2 November 2002

FIG XXII International Congress and ACSM-ASPRS Conference and Technology Exhibition

2002.Washington, D.C.USA, April 19-26, 2002

SAICSIT Annual Conference,Hardware, Software and Peopleware, 25-28 Sept 2001,PRETORIA,SA.

PMI Meeting, What’s the point of Function Points, 15 August, 2001, Johannesburg, SA, A CSSA/PMISA

IT Project Interest Group Meeting


Topic: The Use of Ontologies in the Design of Agent-Mediated E-Markets, IBIM '04) ,July, 2004,, Amman, Jordan.

Topic: A Conceptual Model forAgent-Mediation in E-Markets (2003). South African Institute of

Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, (SAICSIT) Conference (2003), 17-19

September, 2003, Indaba Hotel, Johannesburg, SA,

Topic: A comprehensive agent-mediated e-market framework: First Step to Automating the Way Business

is done.MonashUniversity Seminar Series, 01 April 2003, Johannesburg

Topic: An Electronic Geoinformation Supply Model for Land Registry Organisations (LROs) in Countries

in Transition. South Africa and Zimbabwe (2002), FIG XXII International Congress, Washington, D.C.

USA, April 19-26, 2002

Topic: Design of a Prototype Internet works BasedLand Information Supply System for Zimbabwe.

Masters Thesis Presentation (2000), ITC, Geoinformation Management Division, Enschede, Netherlands

Topic: A Digital Terrain Model for the University of Zimbabwe, BSc Honours Thesis presentation, (1993),

University of Zimbabwe, Department of Surveying.


Vice Chairman -CSSA XML SIG Meetings: Planning and organising monthly meetings

DENMAKCOLLEGE, Train the Trainer Workshops, (ZW), 8-15 July 2002, TeachingDenmakCollege

lecturers in:

  • E-Commerce and E-Business Management
  • WebPage Design using HTML, FrontPage, Dreamweaver
  • Visual Basic 6.0 Programming

The Netherlands, News Translator 1999-2000


Full Member (MZ) of Computer Society of South Africa ( CSSA)

Member of South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists(SAICSIT ), SA

Land Surveyor (i.t), Council of Land Surveyors (ZW)


Business Systems Planning(BSP), E-Procurement Systems, Information Systems Strategic

Planning(ISSP), Management of ICT Service Level Agreements(SLA).

Information Technology Project Management

Database Driven Websites, Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Geographic (Spatial) Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Cadastral and Legal Registration Systems

Information System Development Methodologies (Soft & Hard)

Spatial Data Infrastructures, Environmental Monitoring and Impact Assessments Using GIS and

Multicriteria Evaluation Techniques

Land & Engineering Surveying


Protégé for Ontology development

C# Programming with Microsoft.Net,

Programming with XML in the Microsoft.Net Framework,

XML Programming,

Microsoft Project 2000 for Project Management

Java Programming, Visual Basic, Visual J++, Pascal Programming, Basic, FORTRAN, SQL programming

ArcGIS package, Arcview 3.2, Arcview IMS, Arcview Avenue, Map Objects, Ilwis, Arcinfo, Definite for

Multicriteria Analysis, File MakerPro Dbase System

Web Page Design with Html, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage2000

System Development Case Tool (System Development Workbench (SDW), Simple++ for Workflow

simulation, Action works for Workflow Management Systems

Internet, the Web, and Internet GIS,

Unix and Windows platforms

Microsoft 2000,Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Access, Ms Power Point, Photo Plus4, Ms Photo editor

Surpac Surveying Software for Cadastral and Engineering Surveys, Autocad 2000 package

Surpac 2000 for mining engineering applications


1) Mr S Bhunu(Bhunu_S @hotmail.com)

SeniorLecturerUniversity of Cape Town, Tel 021 650 3574

2) ) Dr Braam Van der Vyer

Senior Lecturer, Monash Univesirty SouthAfrica,

Tel 011 950 4030, Fax# 011 950 4033

3) Mr Ernest Mnkandla ()

Lecturer, MonashUniversity, SA, Tel 011 950 4038, Fax 011 950 4033

4) Prof E. Nyakwende,

Head of Dept, Information Systems, North WestUniversity, SA,

Tel: 018 389 2169, Tel: 018 389 2090


N. Mavetera, PM (NL); BSc (Hons) (ZW); MCSSA; MSAICSIT; (SA)