Sustainable Forest Management within the Boreal
Mixedwood Forests of Northeastern BC
Proposed 2002/2003 Workplan
Prepared for the Provincial EFMPP Steering Committee
November 27, 2001
Canadian Forest Products Ltd
In forest management, the decision making process is often modeled as a hierarchical process. Each level, be it strategic, tactical or operational, has its own set of data requirements.
Currently, models that vertically integrate data sets that share a common level within the planning hierarchy are driving decision support systems. The problem presented by these independently operating models is that optimization at one level may lead to a series of less than optimal results at another. Indeed, in many cases, strategic decisions and operational decisions may be incompatible, leading to a serious expenditure of resources being required at the tactical level to resolve the problem.
An alternative approach would be to establish a strategic framework that would link each level of data both horizontally and vertically to provide the context within which decisions at each level could be properly developed.
The goal of the EFMPP Mixedwood Pilot Project is to construct an integrated data platform which can then be exploited through the use of a decision support system designed to test the ecological and economic consequences of mixedwood management alternatives at appropriate spatial and temporal scales.
Along with the strategic framework, an integrated suite of extension tools will be developed to provide local managers and community stakeholders with geographically explicit information constructed to address local SFM requirements.
Phase 1 of the project is designed to deliver a forest-level synthesis and community level extension of forest management knowledge within the context of various key forest resource values represented by the mixedwood forests of Northeastern BC.
The Centre for Applied Conservation Biology at UBC is carrying out the synthesis necessary to derive value from species/biodiversity/habitat data sets explicit to the mixedwood forests of TFL 48.
The Endowed Chair, Mixedwood Ecology at UNBC is preparing the synthesis necessary to derive value from silviculture practices data sets explicit to TFL 48.
The Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta is providing the synthesis necessary to derive value from mixedwood growth & yield data sets explicit to TFL 48.
Canadian Forest Products Ltd is evaluating the potential of various information management systems to link the results of each of the synthesis to a spatially explicit GIS framework and to provide web portal access to local resource managers and community stakeholders across Northeastern BC.
The results of the data synthesis initiatives will used to prepare rationale statements for each of the three themes targeted by the EFMPP Provincial Steering Committee and listed below.
Rationale statements will be developed for the following themes:
- To maintain the biological richness of the pilot site.
- To optimize the biological effectiveness of the pilot site.
- To maximize annual return on investment at the stand/forest level.
The rationale statements will be used to derive the assumptions upon which a base case can be developed to provide for the design, testing and implementation of SFM indicator models.
- Wildlife Habitat Models
- Stand Productivity Models
- Forest Investment Models
Utilizing the same conceptual approach as followed in the data synthesis initiatives of Phase 1 of the project, university collaborators will be tasked to investigate the applicability of existing models to the mixedwood forests of TFL 48.
The structured approach to data synthesis at the provincial, regional and local levels will facilitate the calibration and initial validation of the different models.
As well, the recent completion by CFP of an enhanced $ 2 million Vegetation Resource Inventory for TFL 48 through a cost sharing agreement with Forest Renewal BC will further strengthen the validation process.
Wildlife Habitat Models
Adapt, assemble and evaluate avian indicator models for use in the mixedwood forests of Northeastern BC.
Stand Productivity Models
Adapt, assemble and evaluate stand level models for use in the mixedwood forests of Northeastern BC.
Forest Investment Models
Adapt, assemble and evaluate economic operability models for use in the mixedwood forests of Northeastern BC.
There will be an opportunity to develop models to fit the data instead of having to force the data fit the models.
With the planned truncation of the EFMPP program as a result of the demise of the current funding source, the scope of the mixedwood project will have to be reprofiled in Year 2.
Option 1 will assume that the original 3 year pilot project is now a 2 year project and that the second year deliverables will be the final suite of products.
Efforts will be directed towards the completion of the data synthesis work, the evaluation of the applicability of existing indicator models, and the delivery of extension products.
Alternate funding venues will be explored to accommodate some of the planned deliverables including:
- Analysis of natural patterns of stand structure and composition, age class structures and landscape patterns within the mixedwood forests of TFL 48 based on updated 2001 inventories
- A spatially explicit timber supply model tied to a series of ecologically based stand models
- A framework to implement cost effective monitoring and reporting systems designed to support adaptive management decision support systems
2002/2003 Objectives – Option 1
- Develop a process to effectively transfer and evaluate the relevant data captured through the data synthesis initiatives.
- Prepare a framework for evaluating habitat and biodiversity effects of stand and landscape level management objectives.
- Conduct a series of economic analyses of silviculture investments, operability limits, harvest unit design and logging systems.
- Deliver a set of extension products based on the data synthesis initiatives that are specific to the SFM indicators identified by the TFL 48 Public Advisory Committee.
Total Cost Option 2 = $ 175,000
In-Kind Contribution = $ 500,000
Option 2 will assume that the original 3 year project is discontinued and that the only support available will be directed to providing closure to existing Phase 1 works.
Resources will be profiled to solely towards the completion of the data synthesis work, and the delivery of extension products.
2002/2003 Objectives – Option 2
- Develop a process to effectively transfer and evaluate the relevant data captured through the data synthesis initiatives.
- Deliver a set of extension products based on the data synthesis initiatives that are specific to the SFM indicators identified by the TFL 48 Public Advisory Committee.
Total Cost Option 2 = $ 65,000
In-Kind Contribution = $ 5,000
Option 3 is represented by the original 3 year project and accompanying work schedule and defined deliverables.
Total Cost Option 3 = $ 500,000 (2 years @ $ 250,000/year)
In-Kind Contribution = $ 1,000,000
Revised 2002/2003 Budget Breakdown – Option 1
Budget Item / Total ($)Universities – Grant-in-Aid
UBC / 20,000.UNBC / 10,000.
UoA / 10,000.
Total Universities / 40,000.
UBC / 40,000.UNBC / 15,000.
UoA / 15,000.
Total Consultants / 70,000.
Data Management
/ 40,000.Company staff time**
/ 0.Travel Expense
UBC / 3,000.UNBC / 1,500.
UoA / 1,500.
Total Travel Expense
/ 6,000.Extension Expense / 10,000.
Total expenses / 16,000.
Total fees and expenses / 166,000.
Overhead (@ 5%) / 8,300.
Total Budget / 174,300.
** In-Kind Contribution = $ 500,000 (Staff time, data management, NSERC/CFS, etc).
Revised 2002/2003 Budget Breakdown – Option 2
Budget Item / Total ($)Universities – Grant-in-Aid
UBC / 0.UNBC / 0.
UoA / 0.
Total Universities / 0.
UBC / 20,000.UNBC / 10,000.
UoA / 10,000.
Total Consultants / 40,000.
Data Management
/ 10,000.Company staff time***
/ 0.Travel Expense
UBC / 2,000.UNBC / 0.
UoA / 0.
EFMPP / 0.
Total Travel Expense
/ 0.Extension Expense / 10,000.
Total expenses / 12,000.
Total fees and expenses / 62,000.
Overhead (@ 5%) / 3,000.
Total Budget / 65,000.
*** In-kind contribution = $ 5,000 (staff time)Original 2002/2003 Budget Breakdown – Option 3
Budget Item / Total ($)Universities – Grant-in-Aid
UBC / 25,000.UNBC / 15,000.
UoA / 15,000.
Total Universities / 55,000.
UBC / 50,000.UNBC / 25,000.
UoA / 25,000.
Total Consultants / 100,000.
Data Management
/ 40,000.Company staff time
/ 20,000.Travel Expense
UBC / 4,000.UNBC / 3,000.
UoA / 3,000.
EFMPP / 6,000.
Total Travel Expense
/ 16,000.Helicopter Expense / 6,500.
Total expenses / 22,500.
Total fees and expenses / 237,500.
Overhead (@ 5%) / 12,500.
Total Budget / 250,000.