Building, Equipment/Materials, Purchasing/Ordering, Travel
At the Sidney and Chadron sites, keys will be checked out on a permanent basis to personnel who need access to the building. At the Scottsbluff site,employees will use proximity cards to gain access to the building. This will also allow employees access the building during off hours. In all other cases, keys will be checked out on an as-needed basis.
B.Employee Use of Facilities (Personal or for Profit)
Employees shall not use ESU #13 facilities for personal use or profit without specific approval from the Administrator and subject to completion of the Facility Use Agreement (MISC 15). Employees shall not use time for which the employee is paid by ESU #13 to engage in any activity for personal financial profit. Any violation of this policy will be held to be willful insubordination.
C.Equal Access To and Use of Facilities and Equipment
ESU #13 shall permit the use of Conference Rooms and equipment contained therein by Board members, employees, profit and non-profit organizations, member schools and LEAs subject to completion of the Facility Use Agreement (MISC 15).
If you are the facilitator of a meeting scheduled in the ESU #13 building, it is your responsibility to work with maintenance for room preparation and clean up after the meeting.
D.Use of Vehicles
ESU #13 shall not permit the use of itsvehicles by Board members, employees, profit and non-profit organizations, members schools and LEAs unless the purpose of use is to conduct ESU #13 business.
E.Staff Breaks
Staff breaks should be limited to two fifteen-minute breaks each day—one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Anything more than this is considered counterproductive and detracts from the professionalism and efficiency of ESU #13 operations. It is permissible to have coffee in your office provided you do not let your empty cups accumulate. If you save aluminum cans, please take them home frequently or contribute them to the Meridian recycling project.
F.Smoking in Facilities and Vehicles
Smoking on the ESU #13 grounds or in facilities rented or leased for use by ESU #13 is only allowed in designated areas. Smoking in vehicles owned or leased by ESU #13 is prohibited.
Exercise good judgment in drinking beverages or eating snacks in the presence of students, parents, or clients. Our goal is to create and maintain a refreshing, professional image. Employees should keep their work environment clean and orderly. Before departing for the day, employees should lock all file cabinets and clear desks of materials of a sensitive or confidential nature.
H.Handheld Communication Devices
Pagers and cell phones in the classrooms are prohibited as they are disruptive and interfere with quality student learning time.
Long distance calls are not authorized except for supervisory personnel. If you must make a long distance business call, please obtain permission from your Program Director who will record the call. It is not permissible to make personal long distance calls on ESU phones.
Personal callsinterfere with business routine and cause loss of time spent on task for you and for others. In addition, the phone lines need to be kept open to receive incoming calls from our customers. Please refrain from making personal calls on office phones and/or personal cell phones; but, if you find it necessary to make the call at work, keep it as brief as possible.
Nebraska State Law now forbids the use of handheld communication devices to send text messages while driving (LB 945). This offense is punishable by fine from $100-$500 and the loss of points on the employee’s driver’s license. Conviction of this offense while using an ESU #13 vehicle may be grounds for dismissal.
I.Personal Items at Work
ESU #13 employees will not bring personal items to work. Personal items are the responsibility of the employee and will not be repaired, replaced, or reimbursed by ESU #13 if lost, stolen, accidentally or willfully damaged or destroyed.
This policy includes all personal effects that are used in the classroom unless prior authorization for use and repair or replacement of same has been given in writing by the Administrator or his/her designee.
J.Safety Plan/Emergency Response Manual/Safety Committee
ESU #13 has developed a “School Safety Plan” that provides guidelines for implementing a safe and secure environment for all students, staff and visitors within the facility. This plan is reviewed annually by the Safety Committee and approved by the Board.
The “Emergency Response Manual” available to every employee provides directions for employees to follow during an actual emergency.
A Safety Committee is established to assist ESU #13 employees and administration in providing a safe working environment. The Committee does not possess any authority in making decisions regarding budget, employee discipline, or repairing or replacing facility equipment or structures. It does not take responsibility in employee failure to comply with policy and procedures. The Committee will make recommendations in each of these areas and express any concerns to the Administrator, Board, or appropriate Program Director. The Committee will keep all matters pertaining to specific employees in strict confidence.
Only authorized personnel, namely the Media Secretary and certain others, have access to the equipment and materials room. All equipment and materials must be checked out through the Media Secretary. The regular checkout system in place must be used for equipment and materials leaving the building. Materials in the SOAR Library may be checked out through the SOAR department.
Permission to borrow ESU #13 furniture and/or equipment will be granted by the Administrator only.
- Cellular Phones Owned by ESU #13
ESU #13 cellular phones should be used for official business purposes only and calls should be kept as brief as possible. Research has shown that using a cellular phone while driving is a significant distraction to the driver. Use good judgment when using a cellular phone while driving.
C.Audio-Visual Materials:
Order all materials from the Media Secretary by using the system established for member districts. The Media Secretary will respond to your request as promptly as possible.
The hours for the Media Center are as follows:
- 8:00 – 4:00 PMMonday-Friday
The hours for the SOAR department are as follows:
- 8:00 - 4:00 PMMonday-Friday
Weekends (by appointment only or when classes are in session)
D.Production of Materials:
It is necessary to maintain copying, laminating, and other production costs for each department. Please document usage to the SOAR department so that accurate program costs can be determined when the ESU #13 budget is being developed.
- Ordering/Purchasing
Books and teaching materials should be ordered through the ESU if the ESU is expected to pay for them. If they are ordered through the school, make sure that the school understands that ESU #13 will not pay for them.
Day-to-day supplies such as paper, pencils, pens, chalk, etc., may be obtained from the Media Secretary in the Media Department. When ordering teaching supplies and other materials, complete a Requisition Form and submit to your Program Director for approval. Submit the signed Requisition Form(BA 11)to the Businessl Office so that a purchase order can bedeveloped. Purchases exceeding $500 must have the approval of the Administrator.
Sometimes it is necessary to purchase supplies from local merchants. In that case, complete a Requisition Form signed by your Program Director and obtain a credit card from the Executive Assistant to the Administrator. Staple the receipt to the Requisition Form and submit to the Business Manager for payment. If you are unable to complete a Requisition Form prior to the purchase and have used an ESU credit card when making the purchase, complete a Receipt Report (BA 7) upon your return and staple the receipt to that form.
Purchases made in any other manner are the responsibility of the person making the purchase.
If an authorized purchase is made with personal funds, a signed receipt may be submitted to the Business Manager for reimbursement purposes. If the amount of the purchase is small, you may submit your signed receipt to the Executive Assistant to the Administrator at the Scottsbluff site and to the Office Secretary at the Sidney site for reimbursement from the Petty Cash Fund.
- Professional/Business Travel
Whereas it is desirable at some meetings and conferences that ESU #13 be represented and whereas the staff and ESU #13 are benefiting from attendance at some conferences, certificated/degreed/licensed staff employed by ESU #13 may be granted permission for professional travel when such activities are of benefit to the employee and ESU #13.
- Professional travel is established for all certificated/degreed/licensed staff, employed by ESU #13 and is subject to annual approval by the Board of ESU #13. In addition, prior approval by the Administrator is required for all professional travel.
- Requests for professional travel must be submitted a minimum of five (5) school days in advance on the Professional Travel Request and Impact Form (BA 3) and must follow Board policy and the procedures established for such purposes. Each request will be evaluated on its individual merit and in no instance does one decision set a precedent for another decision.
- There shall be no reimbursement for meetings and conferences of the Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA) or the National Education Association (NEA).
- Approved applications for professional leave will not be subject to transfer nor will unused funds or professional leave days from one year be accumulated and carried over to the next year.
- Claims for reimbursement and all credit card transactions must be accompanied by detailed documentation of expenditures and must be submitted with the Travel Request and Impact Form. The Travel Expense Records and Receipts Envelope (BA 9) will assist in keeping all receipts for expenditures organized.
- Professional travel will not be granted to extend beyond the official meeting or conference dates approved on the request except by specific prior approval of the Administrator of ESU #13.
- Staff conducting or attending workshops or institutes during a working day for which a stipend is paid by another agency will have their daily salary reduced by the amount of stipend received, or the employee can reimburse ESU #13 the amount of the stipend received, in which case salary will not be adjusted. Staff members will be responsible for reporting stipends received under these conditions. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action.
- Any person approved for professional travel may be required to make a report to any appropriate group. The Administrator may require a written report on any ESU-supported professional travel.
- Full-time certificated/degreed/licensed employees who have completed less than one (1) year of service with ESU #13 may be granted professional travel to attend intrastate or regional educational conferences when such travel is determined to be of benefit to both the staff member and ESU #13.
- Full-time certificated/degreed/licensed employees who have been employed by ESU #13 for more than one (1) year may be granted professional travel to attend national or regional educational conferences when such travel is determined to be of benefit to both the staff member and ESU #13. Professional travel for this purpose shall be limited to three working days and will be reimbursed under the schedule established by the Board.
- ESU #13 will reimburse the cost of meals under the terms and conditions specified in Board and administrative policy only when an overnight stay is involved or business-related meals are documented and approved. This policy applies to professional/business travel in state and out of state. All meal receipts must include a detailed breakdown of charges.
- Personal membership dues are not eligible for reimbursement. Registration fees may be included in the request for reimbursement when a receipt accompanies the claim for reimbursement.
- A staff member may be required to show evidence of current membership in the organization sponsoring the meeting or conference.
- Professional travel for college credit supported by ESU #13 funds is prohibited.
- Reimbursement for Meals, Lodging and Other Travel Expenses
- Meals for a trip without an overnight stay:
Breakfast on day of trip is reimbursed only if departure is at or before 6:30 AM. Lunch is not reimbursed if it is provided at the workshop, training or meeting. Lunch is reimbursed if it is “on your own” and you are required to be at the event, and the event is not located in the community where you reside or the community of your normal work assignment. Dinner on day of trip is reimbursed only if return is at or after 7:00 PM.
- Meals for a trip with an overnight stay:
Breakfast and dinner are reimbursed as indicated above. Lunch is reimbursed if:
- on day of departure if at or before 11:00 AM
- on day of return if at or after 2:00 PM
- on other full days with overnight stay
Employees are responsible for reasonableness of all meal charges. Meal receipts must include a detailed breakdown of charges and must be submitted as part of the Professional Travel Request and Impact Form.
- Receipts for lodging must accompany this same form. If employees charge non-room incidentals to the lodging bill, detailed documentation must be provided. Government rates and/or most economical rates should be obtained whenever possible.
- Employees may claim expenses for parking, taxi or limousine services provided detailed documentation accompanies the receipt and is submitted with the form.
- Other approved, out-of-pocket expenses incurred while conducting ESU #13 business, but not involving travel,will be reimbursed. Submit your request for reimbursement on the Expense Reimbursement Claim Form (BA 2). Make certain that you attach all receipts to this form.
V.Vehicle Travel Logs
Detailed travel logs will be maintained which accurately and consistently record the mileage and purpose of all trips. Travel logs have been placed in all ESU vehicles for this purpose. When individual pages from the travel logs are full, remove that page from the notebook and give to either the Business Manager or the Receptionist.
VI.Travel Coordination
- ESU #13 staff members travel to a number of trainings/conference/meetings across the state. To ensure the efficient and effective use of ESU #13 resources, Program Directors (or designees) will makeall travel arrangements including registrations.
- Please adhere to the following travel request guidelines:
1.Make sure the travel request is signed by the Program Director and Administrator.
2.Make sure the travel request is filled out completely.
3.If registration is required, include registration information and the meeting agenda if available. If online registration is required, include the web address and registration receipt. Make a copy of the travel request (and supporting documentation) and submit it to the Business Office.
4.If an ESU vehicle is required, notify the Receptionist at the Scottsbluff siteso that one is reserved for you.
- It is your responsibility to obtain an ESU credit card from the Executive Assistant to the Administratorat the Scottsbluff site or the Office Secretaryat the Sidney site before departure.
- Travel receipts(including itemized receipts for food and beverages) mustbe submitted to the Business Officeat the Scottsbluff site or the Office Secretaryat the Sidney site in a timely manner.
VII.ESU #13 Vehicle Check Out
- Vehicles must be checked out through the Receptionist at the Scottsbluff site and through the Office Secretary at the Sidney site.
- Check-out procedures at the Scottsbluff site are as follows:
1.Look at the check-out sheet in the front office to see which vehicle has been assigned to you.
2.Obtain the corresponding key and key tag from the vehicle board. Move the key tag to the “out section” (meaning the car is currently in use).
3.Key rings will have a key allowing access to the side doors of the garage.
4.Each vehicle will have a garage door opener for the overhead door for that bay; therefore, cars must be parked in the same bay upon your return.
5.Return the key and the corresponding key tag to the vehicle board each night. This is very important! Please do not take the keys home with you.
6.Make sure that the vehicle you return has been refueled.
7.Notify the Receptionist if you do not need your assigned vehicle for that day. If you are in the building, simply remove your name from the check-out sheet.
8.You may need to switch vehicles with another person if the original vehicle you had signed out is blocked. If this happens, switch your name from the “blocked car” to any“non-blocked car.”