Learning Date 9-16-16
News and Information
Our first STEM Day was a lot of fun! Building boats out of foil and seeing how many pennies it can hold is a blast! Thank you for all of the reading that is being done at home. We have already passed our 1st 9 week goal of 400 points for the class. I would like to see if we can double it for a grand prize in class. We are currently at 428 points! Way to go!! Don’t forget PARENT NIGHT is the 22nd and Bring Your Dad to School Day is the 28th. We will have our first day of clubs on the 23rd.
This week we will be learning to support inferences about informational texts.


Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. / Math:
Chapter 2: Multiplying by 1 digit numbers

1. better 9. has
2. buy 10. help
3. by Challenge Words
4. bye 11. afraid
5. done 12. another
6. drank 13. beautiful
7. our 14. everybody
8. gone 15. finally / Writing
This week coming up we will be working on Informative/ Explanatory Essay writing.
Science: Continued
Chapter 7: How do plants reproduce? What plant and animal characteristics are inherited? What behaviors do animals have? What are the life cycles of Florida plants? What are the life cycles of Florida animals?
Words to know: sepal, pistil, stamen, pollination, fertilization, germinate, characteristic, inherit, environment, instinct, life cycle, metamorphosis, molt / Social Studies
Florida Studies Weekly: Week 6
Don’t forget to visit the website www.studiesweekly.com I have set the user name and password to match with sumdog.com

Parent Signature: ______(I will place a smile or stamp next to the signature when I see it and you can keep the paper for your records! Thanks a ton for getting them signed!)