Sodium iodide-based detectors

Thallium-doped sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) has two principal advantages:

1. It can be produced in large crystals, yielding good efficiency, and

2. it produces intense bursts of light compared to other spectroscopic scintillators.

NaI(Tl) is also convenient to use, making it popular for field applications such as the identification of unknown materials for law enforcement purposes.

Figure 1: Sodium iodide gamma spectrum of cesium-137 (137Cs)

An example of a NaI spectrum is the gamma spectrum of the cesium isotope 137Cs—see Figure 1. 137Cs emits a single gamma line of 662 keV. It should be noted that the 662 keV line shown is actually produced by 137Bam, the decay product of 137Cs, which is in secular equilibrium with 137Cs.

The spectrum in Figure 1 was measured using a NaI-crystal on a photomultiplier, an amplifier, and a multichannel analyzer. The figure shows the number of counts (within the measuring period) versus channel number. The spectrum indicates the following peaks (from left to right):

1. low energy x radiation (due to internal conversion of the gamma ray),

2. backscatter at the low energy end of the Compton distribution, and

3. a photopeak (full energy peak) at an energy of 662 MeV

The Compton distribution is a continuous distribution that is present up to channel 150 in Figure 1. The distribution arises because of primary gamma rays undergoing Compton scattering within the crystal: Depending on the scattering angle, the Compton electrons have different energies and hence produce pulses of different heights.

If many gamma rays are present in a spectrum, Compton distributions can present analysis challenges. To reduce gamma rays, an anticoincidence shield can be used—see Compton suppression. Gamma ray reduction techniques are especially useful for small lithium-doped germanium (Ge(Li)) detectors.

Figure 2: Sodium iodide gamma spectrum of cobalt-60 (60Co)

The gamma spectrum shown in Figure 2 is of the cobalt isotope 60Co, with two gamma rays with 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV respectively. (See the decay scheme article for the decay scheme of cobalt-60.) The two gamma lines can be seen well-separated; the peak to the left of channel 200 most likely indicates a strong background radiation source that has not been subtracted. A backscatter peak can be seen at channel 150, similar to the second peak in Figure 1.

Sodium iodide systems, as with all scintillator systems, are sensitive to changes in temperature. Changes in the operating temperature caused by changes in environmental temperature will shift the spectrum on the horizontal axis. Peak shifts of tens of channels or more are commonly observed. Such shifts can be prevented by using spectrum stabilizers.

Because of the poor resolution of NaI-based detectors, they are not suitable for the identification of complicated mixtures of gamma ray-producing materials. Scenarios requiring such analyses require detectors with higher resolution.


The activity of a radioactive source is the number of disintegrations occurring within it per second.

The SI unit of activity is the Becquerel(Bq).

1 Bq = 1 count per second = 1 CPS = 1 disintegration per second.

The activity can be measured using the Geiger counter.

Note the activity of a source does not depend on any physical or chemical conditions. Radioactivity is a random process. It cannot be controlled.

The activity of a source is proportional to the number of atoms present in the source.


 is the decay constant. Each element has its own value. For example the element Americium has a decay constant  = 5 X 10-11s-1.

Activity and time

As we have already seen, the activity of a radioactive source depends on the number of atoms in the source. The more atoms you have, the greater the number of decays per second.

But as time passes more and more of the atoms disintegrate. So the amount of radioactive material present in the source is always decreasing over time.

If the number of radioactive atoms is decreasing then the activity must also be decreasing since A =  N.