Sheppard Software Cell Games: Plant CELL(KEY)
Part I – Plant Cell Tutorial
- Go to:
- Under “Plant Cell” click Tutorial.
- Answer the following questions as you click on the text words appearing in purple.
1. Click on the words “plant vs. animal cell.” This will explain the differences between the two.
-Look at the shape of the plant cell and animal cell. Describe the difference.The plant cell is rectangular while the animal cell is round.
-What 3 organelles (cell parts) are ONLY found in PLANT CELLS?Cell walls, chloroplasts, and large central vacuoles
-Which one of the organelles above gives the plant its rectangular shape? Cell wall
-Which one of the organelles do you think gives the plant cell its green color?Chloroplast
2. Click on the word “cell wall.”
-What does the website compare the cell wall to? Security guard
-How does the cell wall maintain a plant cell’s shape?When fluidcollects in the vacuole, it pushes against the cell wall and gives the cell a sturdy shape.
3. Click on the word “plasma membrane.” This is the same as cell membrane.
-Where can the plasma membrane be found in a plant cell? Beneath the cell wall
-What is the job of the plasma membrane?Like a doorman it controls what molecules go in and out of the cell
4. Click on the word “chloroplast.”
-What does the website compare the chloroplasts to?Solar power plant
-Chloroplasts convert the sun’s rays into an energy the cell can use. What is this process called? photosynthesis
5. Click on the word “large, central vacuole.”
-What does the website compare the vacuole to? Storage warehouse
-What 3 substances do vacuoles store? Please list. Water, Nutrients, Waste
-Explain how vacuoles play an important role in cell structure. In other words, how do they contribute to the SHAPE of a plant cell? When vacuoles are low on water the plant cell droops. When vacuoles are full of water the cell regains its shape.
6. Click on the word “ribosomes.”
-What does the website compare the ribosomes to?Small factories
-Why is this a good comparison?The ribosomes are factories making proteins
7. Click on the word “mitochondria.”
-What does the website compare the mitochondria to? Powerplant
-Mitochondria have the same function in a plant cell as they do in animal cell. The organelles use a sugar called glucose to make energy rich fuel for the cell.
8. Click on the word “nucleus.”
-Why is it clever to compare the nucleus to the mayor of a city? A mayor directs the activities of a city while the nucleus directs the activities of a cell
-Look at the picture of the nucleus. Inside there is a dark center (like the center of a tootsie roll pop). Although not listed in the website, what cell part is this? HINT: You can look at your cell organelle guided notes if you need help.Nucleous
9. Click on the word “golgi apparatus.” This is the same as golgi body.
-Look at this cell part on the diagram. While the golgi looks like flattened stacks of pita bread, there are small circular organelles coming off of it. These are the packages released from golgi. What is the scientific term for these packages? vesicle
10. Click on the word “cytoplasm.”
-The cytoplasm is the fluid that fills the cell.
11. Click on the word “endoplasmic reticulum.”
-The endoplasmic reticulum prepares the proteins for transport to the Golgi Apparatus.
Part II – Plant Cell GAME
- Click on “Play the Game.”
- Play the Game by matching the term to the cell part on the diagram.
12. To make sure you played the game correctly. List the correct order of labels starting with plasma membrane and continuing clockwise (this means go around to the right.)
Plasma membrane,cell wall, mitochondria, golgi body, vacuole, peroxisome, cytoplasm, chloroplast, ER, Nucleus, ribosomes