City and County of San Francisco
Request for Proposals #588 for
Substance Abuse Testing for FCS Families
Date issued: February 25, 2014
Pre-Proposal Conference Date: March 11, 2014 10:00a.m.
Response due: March 25, 2014, 3:00p.m.
P-590 (11-07) February 2014
RFP # 588 Substance Abuse Testing for FCS Families
Table of Contents
I. Introduction and Schedule 1
II. Scope of Work 2
III. Submission Requirements 2
IV. Evaluation and Selection Criteria 5
V. Submission of Written Questions and Contract Award 6
VI. Terms and Conditions for Receipt of Proposals 6
VII. Contract Requirements 10
VIII. Protest Procedures………………………………………………………………… 11
IX. Standard Forms 12
Appendix A - Cover Page and Executive Summary…………………………………..… 15
Appendix B – Services to be Provided ………………….……………………………… 16
P-590 (11-07) RFP 588 i (February 2014)
RFP # 588 Substance Abuse Testing for FCS Families
I. Introduction and Schedule
A. General
The City and County of San Francisco Human Services Agency (HSA) is seeking an agency to provide alcohol and drug testing services for families involved with Child Welfare Services. The Agency estimates sending approximately 100 - 150 clients per month. The services will include both one-time only and on-going random monitoring. For the purpose of this RFP, random monitoring is defined as having no set pattern or particular order to the testing schedule.
Contract agreements shall have an original term of three (3) years effective from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. In addition, the Human Services Agency shall have one option to extend the term for a period of one additional year, at the City’s sole, absolute discretion. These services will be supported through funding from the City and County of San Francisco and Federal grants and is estimated to be $110,000 annually. HSA reserves the right to make multiple or partial awards of grants through this RFP. Collaboration and partnerships are strongly encouraged to cover the diverse population needs in San Francisco.
B. Schedule
The anticipated schedule for selecting a Contractor is:
Qualification Phase Date
RFP issued by the City February 2625, 2014
Pre-Proposal Conference March 11, 2014 at 10:00
1650 Mission St, 3rd Floor Policy Rm, SF CA 94103
Deadline for Questions March 18, 2014 at 3:00PM
Proposals due March 2625, 2014 at 3:00PM
II. Scope of Work
The Scope of Work is to be used as a general guide and is not intended to be a complete list of all work necessary to complete the project.
The purpose of this Contract is to monitor alcohol and drug usage through randomized testing for parents of families involved with Child Welfare Services within San Francisco County. For additional detail on Alcohol and Drug Testing services please refer to Appendix B to this Request for Proposals (RFP).
III. Submission Requirements
A. Time and Place for Submission of Response Packages
Response packages must be received by 3;00 p.m., on March 2625, 2014. Postmarks will not be considered in judging the timeliness of submissions. Proposals may be delivered in person and left with Alicia Broussard at 1650 Mission Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94103. Tel: (415) 557-5140. E-mail:
Proposers shall submit three (3) hard copies and one (1) electronic pdf copy of the proposal clearly marked “RFP #588 – Substance Abuse Testing for FCS Families” to the above location. Proposals that are submitted by fax will not be accepted. Late submissions will not be considered.
B. Format
In an effort to conserve resources, please print double-sided to the maximum extent practical, and bind the proposal with a binder clip or single staple. Please do not bind your proposal with a spiral binding, glued binding, or anything similar. You may use tabs or other separators within the document.
For word processing documents, the department prefers that text be unjustified (i.e., with a ragged-right margin) and use a serif font (e.g., Times Roman, and not Arial), and that pages have margins of at least 1” on all sides (excluding headers and footers), and each page is numbered.
C. Content
Firms interested in responding to this RFP must submit the following information, in the order specified below:
1. Cover Page - Introduction and Executive Summary (use form provided in Appendix B) – Maximum of two (2) pages allowed
Submit the cover page signed by a person authorized to obligate the organization to perform the commitments contained in the proposal. Submission of this document will constitute a representation by the organization that the organization is willing and able to perform the commitments contained in the proposal. Briefly describe your understanding of the requested services under this RFP, the needs, and issues involved in providing the services. Briefly describe your proposed program model/approach to deliver these services. Please include a discussion on how your agency meets the minimum qualifications as specified in this RFP (refer to Section IV, Item A.).
2. Organization Qualifications and Capacity - Maximum of six (6) pages allowed, excluding References and Corrective Action Plans
a) Organization Description – briefly describe your organization.
b) Organizational Capacity – briefly describe the organization’s capacity to provide the services proposed. Please indicate the following:
• Number of staff available to provide proposed services to the target population.
• Familiarity with providing proposed services to the target population. This should include a discussion of staff’s ability to provide services to multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and/or LGBT populations.
• Resumes for key staff directly involved in provision of services including officers, consultants and supervisors. The positions each occupies must be clearly identified.
• References/letters of reference (two required).
• Agency Board members by name along with their respective expertise/affiliations.
c) Business name of the agency and the legal entity for which a proposal will be submitted such as: Corporation, Co-partnership, and Combination etc.
d) Number of years the agency has been in business under the current business name, as well as prior business names, if any.
e) Description of a maximum of three grants or contracts, if any, completed during the last three years showing: Year, Type of services, Dollar amount of services provided, Targeted geographic area, Granting agency, size of the project and the nature of services provided.
f) Details of any failure or refusal to complete a contract/grant. Details of any fiscal or programmatic corrective actions within past three years. Include copy of last three years’ programmatic, fiscal, and compliance evaluation/monitoring reports and/or compliance letter from granting agencies.
g) Disclosure of controlling interest in any other organizations providing equivalent or similar services.
h) Disclosure of financial interest in any other lines of business.
i) Names of persons and corporations with whom the Respondent has been associated in business as partners in each of the last three years. Governmental agencies are exempt from this requirement.
j) Disclosure of any litigation including Respondent, subcontracts, or any principal officers thereof in connection with any contract or grant.
3. Program Approach and Budget – Maximum of six (6) pages allowed, excluding required Budget documents
Provide the following information in your proposal:
a) Description of your agency’s specific program approach to deliver the service components proposed and how this program approach or service model will appropriately address the needs of the target populations (be sure to address all applicable items listed in Section II. Scope of Work and Appendix B).
b) Description of the specific measures to be implemented to ensure performance outcomes and service objectives will be met. This should also include a discussion of specific methods for collection of necessary service utilization and performance outcome and/or customer satisfaction data.
c) Provide rate per test. If different tests are being proposed, provide the rate for each. Describe how your rates are competitive and cost effective.
d) Discussion of planned leveraging of other resources (i.e., fund raising, in-kind contributions, etc.), if any, to support the program approach proposed.
IV. Evaluation and Selection Criteria
A. Minimum Qualifications
In order to be considered for this RFP, respondents must possess the following minimum qualifications listed below.
1. A minimum of three (3) years of same or similar services to those requested in this RFP.
2. A minimum of three (3) years serving the target population.
3. Demonstrated ability to provide cultural and linguistically appropriate services to the target population.
4. Must be willing and able to comply with the City contracting requirements set forth in Section VII of this RFP
5. Current certified vendor or the ability to become a certified vendor with the City and County of San Francisco within ten (10) days of notice of award.
Any response that does not demonstrate that the respondent meets these minimum qualifications by the deadline for submittal of Proposals will be considered non-responsive and will not be eligible for award of the contract.
Please note: Respondents submitting proposals that have previously been contracted by the City and County of San Francisco to provide goods and/or services must successfully demonstrate compliance with performance/monitoring requirements specified in previous grants/contracts (corrective actions) in order to be considered responsive to this RFP. Documented failure to correct performance/monitoring deficiencies identified in past City and County grants/contracts may result in Agency disqualification to participate in this RFP.
B. Selection Criteria
The proposals will be evaluated by a selection committee comprised of parties with expertise in the service areas identified in this RFP. The City intends to evaluate the proposals generally in accordance with the criteria itemized below.
Cover Page – Introduction & Executive Summary 25
Respondent understanding of the services proposed, as well as the needs and issues involved in providing the services.
Brief description of Respondent’s proposed program model/approach to deliver requested services.
Brief description of how Respondent meets minimum qualifications to provide the services proposed.
Organization Qualifications and Capacity 40
Description of the organization and its capacity to provide the services proposed.
Organization’s experience in providing proposed services to the target population.
Respondent’s past performance under grant/contract for services similar to those proposed. This will include performance under previous grants/contracts with the City and County of San Francisco.
Quality of references and documentation in support of Respondent’s proposal.
Project Approach & Budget 35
Description of Respondent’s specific program approach to deliver the services proposed and how this program approach or service model will appropriately address the needs of the target population.
Description of the specific measures to be implemented by the Respondent to ensure performance outcomes and service objectives will be met. This should also include a discussion of specific methods for collection of necessary service utilization and performance outcome and/or customer satisfaction data.
Reasonableness of the Respondent’s fee schedule as it relates to the services proposed and usual and customary charges for these types of services per regional and industry practice.
Respondent’s demonstration of planned leveraging of other resources (i.e., fund raising, in-kind contributions, etc.), if any, to support the program approach proposed.
Total Available Points 100
V. Submission of Written Questions and Contract Award
A. Pre-Proposal Conference/Submission of Written Questions for Clarification
A pre-proposal conference will be held March 11, 2014 10:00AM, at 1650 Mission St, 3rd Floor Policy Rm, San Francisco, CA 94103. Attendance at this meeting is highly encouraged, but is not mandatory. Respondents are encouraged to submit any questions concerning the RFP before the deadline indicated in I.B. to the individual designated in Section III.A. All questions will be addressed, e-mailed to all who submitted the questions and posted on the website.
B. Contract Award
The Human Services Agency will select a respondent with whom the Human Services Agency shall commence contract negotiations after confirming that the respondent is a certified City vendor. The selection of any response shall not imply acceptance by the City of all terms of the response, which may be subject to further negotiations and approvals before the City may be legally bound thereby. If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated in a reasonable time the Human Services Agency, in its sole discretion, may terminate negotiations with the highest ranked respondent and begin contract negotiations with the next highest ranked respondent.
VI. Terms and Conditions for Receipt of Proposals
A. Errors and Omissions in RFP
Respondents are responsible for reviewing all portions of this RFP. Respondents are to promptly notify the Department, in writing, if the respondent discovers any ambiguity, discrepancy, omission, or other error in the RFP. Any such notification should be directed to the Department promptly after discovery, but in no event later than five working days prior to the date for receipt of Proposals. Modifications and clarifications will be made by addenda as provided below.
B. Inquiries Regarding RFP
Inquiries regarding the RFP and all notifications of intent to request written modification or clarification of the RFP, must be directed via e-mail to the individual designated in Section III.A. with “RFP 588” referenced in the title of the e-mail.
C. Objections to RFP Terms
Should a respondent object on any ground to any provision or legal requirement set forth in this RFP, the respondent must, not more than ten calendar days after the RFP is issued, provide written notice to the Department setting forth with specificity the grounds for the objection. The failure of a respondent to object in the manner set forth in this paragraph shall constitute a complete and irrevocable waiver of any such objection.
D. Change Notices
The Human Services Agency may modify the RFP, prior to the response due date, by issuing Change Notices, which will be posted on the website at: The respondent shall be responsible for ensuring that its response reflects any and all Change Notices issued by the Agency prior to the response due date regardless of when the response is submitted. Therefore, the City recommends that the respondent consult the website frequently, including shortly before the response due date, to determine if the respondent has downloaded all Change Notices.
E. Term of Response
Submission of a response signifies that the information valid for 120 calendar days from the response due date.
F. Revision of Response
A respondent may revise a response on the respondent’s own initiative at any time before the deadline for submission of Proposals. The respondent must submit the revised response in the same manner as the original. A revised response must be received on or before the response due date.