Make Ten Pyramid Solitaire
1. The goal of Pyramid solitaire is to eliminate the entire deck by finding pairs of cards which total ten before depleting the cards in the deck.
2. The pyramid initially contains 15 cards arranged in five rows. Lay the cards out with one in the top row, two in the second row (each covering approximately half of the top row card), three in the third row (each card covering approximately half of a card in the row above), etc.
3. A card cannot be removed from the pyramid if any part of it is covered by another card. Accessible cards are those which are not covered at all by another card.
4. At the start of the game, only the cards in bottom row of the pyramid are available. The other rows in the pyramid become accessible as the cards below them are removed.
5. Remove any pairs of cards that make a sum of ten and are accessible. When you can find no more accessible sets in the pyramid, begin to turn over the cards from the deck, one at a time. When a number is turned up that will yield a sum of 10 with an accessible number on the pyramid, remove that pair and set them aside. If the card turned up cannot be used, it is discarded. The card on the top of the discard pile is available to be used if a “make 10” match is uncovered.
6. The game is won if all cards from the pyramid are removed before the deck is depleted.