First Name: MARIA


Studies: 5-year University Degree (Diploma) in Electrical & Computer Engineering - National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

Doctor at the Computer Science Division of the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of NTUA. Title of the doctoral: “Distributed Information System in Internet Environment”.

Research &


Experience: She participated in various national and EU-funded projects as a Research Associate in the Network Management and Optimal Design Laboratory (NETMODE). These include:

o  NOVI (European Commission - FP7), 2010-2013

o  GEANT3:GN2-JRA3, Composamble Services, 2009-2012

o  FEDERICA (European Commission - FP7), 2008-2010

o  EFIPSANS: (European Commission - FP7), 2008-2010

o  EGEE-II/III (European Commission & GRNET), 2008-2010

o  Hellasgrid, 2007-2008

o  ARGUGRID, 2006-2009

o  GRIDCC, 2003-2007

o  SEEGRID, 2006-2008

o  GEANT2:GN2-SA3, Bandwidth on Demand, 2006-2009

o  GEANT2:GN2-JRA2, Security, 2006-2009

o  Optical Metro Area Networks: Technical Consultancy to Greek Municipalities, 2004-2008

o  Structure and Dynamics of Large Scale Networks (Internet, WWW), 2007-2009

o  “Distributed Lecturing Environment - Virtual Blackboard”, (IST), 2000-2002

o  “Quality Network Technology for user oriented Multimedia in the Eastern Mediterranean Region - Q-MED”, (TELEMATICS), 1998-2000.

o  Study on the Telematic Situation in Greece in the framework of a national project “SISDE”.

o  Design of the interconnection scheme for all the Greek Health Services, 2002

o  Study and design for the data network of the Greek Public Health School, 2001

o  Study on the design of the Geographic Information System – GIS, a system under the Hellenic Health Ministry coordination, 2001.

o  Technical Specifications for the design of a distributed web-based Application for the Hellenic Health Ministry and all the Hospitals in the Ionian Islands of Greece.

o  ARTEMIS (Telematics EN 1001): “Application Research & Test for Emergency Management Intelligent Systems”. Participated in the design and feasibility study of the networking infrastructure.

o  DESIRE (Telematics RE 1004): “Development of a European Service for Information on Research and Education”. Participated in WP7, management of the Internet information services, where an SNMP/WWW-based system & application management framework has been designed.

o  ITHACA (Telematics HC 2384): “Telematics for Integrated Client Centred Community Care”. Participates in the design and localisation of the ITHACA software prototype.

o  Pilot implementation of an intra-university Frame Relay network. Participates in the testing and performance monitoring of the pilot network.

o  IST project: “6net Large Scale International IPv6 Testbed”, 2002.

o  Study for the design of the Public Administration Telematic Network in Greece and the pilot implementation (funded by the Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization), 2000.

o  EKBAN-229 (funded by the G.S.R.T.): “Electronic Interchange of Commercial Information & Data”, design and pilot deployment of an EDI-based architecture that will link two major Greek companies with their dealers. Participated in: the collection of user requirements, the design and feasibility study of the networking infrastructure and identification of the security requirements.

o  PABE 96BE109 (funded by the G.S.R.T.): Participates in the design of a distributed database system, with a web-based front-end, for delivering information provided by the Greek technical, industrial, etc. chambers via the Internet.

o  Clearing House (funded by the G.S.R.T.): “Study - Design and Installation of Electronic Interchange Business System using EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Technologies”. Studied, Researched and Analyzed the Situation in Telecommunication Networks in Greece, for the Greek Commercial and Industrial Chamber.

o  EPETII (funded by the G.S.R.T.): “Distributed Intranet-based system for automatic ordering and replenishment, connecting hospitals, medical suppliers and the National Pharmaceutical Organization”, 2000.

o  Coordinated by the Ministry of Education, for offering advanced networking services for the Greek universities (GUNet). Involvement in the parts of Network Security, 1998.

Teaching activities:

1996-today: Teaching Assistant and Lab Supervisor in the course "Network Management and Intelligent Networks", last semester, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical Univ. of Athens.

1999-today: Lectures for the post-graduate course "EDI Value Added Networks and Electronic Commerce", Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical Univ. of Athens, on cryptography and digital certificates/secure transactions. Lecturer in the following seminars:

Telematic Networks, 1999

Network Management, 1998

Health Information Systems, 2000

Internet Technologies, 1997


Journals &

Book Chapters:

V. Pouli, Y. Demchenko, C. Marinos, D. R. Lopez, M. Grammatikou: “Composable Services Architecture for Grids”, book chapter to appear in "Computational and Data Grids: Principles, Designs, and Applications", IGI Global, 2011

A. Moralis, V. Pouli, M. Grammatikou, D. Kalogeras, V. Maglaris: “Security Standards And Issues For Grid Computing”, book chapter to appear in "Computational and Data Grids: Principles, Designs, and Applications", IGI Global, 2011

V. Pouli, C. Marinos, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou & V.Maglaris: A Service Oriented SLA Management Framework For Grid Environments”, International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, Vol.1 , issue 3, pp. 21-38, July-September, 2010

A. Moralis, V. Pouli, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou, V. Maglaris, “Improving the Security Performance in Computer Grids”, published in "Grid Enabled Instrumentation and Measurement", F. Davoli, N. Meyer, R. Pugliese, S. Zappatore, Eds., Springer, New York, NY, 2009

C. Marinos, V. Pouli, M. Grammatikou and V.Maglaris, “Inter-domain SLA Enforcement in QoS-enabled Networks”, in proc. 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Instrum Instrumenting the Grid (INGRID08), April 9-11, Lacco Ameno, Island of Ischia, Italy, 2008

C. Marinos, A. Porylakis, M. Grammatikou and V. Maglaris, "Interdomain SLAs Enforcement in Real QoS-Enabled Networks", in Proc of the Terena Networking Conference (TNC2008), Bruges, Belgium, May 2008

D. Kollia, S. Kafetzoglou , M. Grammatikou and S. Papavassiliou, "Discovery of resources in a distributed Grid environment based on specific Service Level Agreements (SLAs)", in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative laboratories: Instrumenting the GRID, Ischia, Italy, April 2008

V. Chatzigiannakis, M. Grammatikou and S. Papavassiliou, “Extending Driver's Horizon Through Comprehensive Incident Detection in Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp.3256-3265, November 2007

V. Chatzigiannakis, M. Grammatikou and S. Papavassiliou, “Improving Incident Detection in Vehicular Networks: Methodology and Evaluation”, in Proc. of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2007, September 2007

C. Marinos , V. Pouli , M. Grammatikou and V. Maglaris, "INTER-DOMAIN SLA ENFORCEMENT IN QOS-ENABLED NETWORKS", in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative laboratories: Instrumenting the GRID, Ischia, Italy, April 2008

V. Karyotis, S. Papavassiliou, M. Grammatikou, “On the Risk-based Operation of Mobile Attacks in Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), June 2007.

V. Karyotis, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou, “A Closed Queueing Network Model for Malware Spreading over Non-Propagative Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking (Med-Hoc-Net 2007) Workshop, June 2007

L. Lymberopoulos, S. Bromuri, K. Stathis, S. Kafetzoglou, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou, “Towards a P2P Discovery Framework for an Argumentative Agent Technology assisted GRID”, CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Programming Model, Grid and P2P Systems Architecture, Grid Systems, Tools and Environments (CoreGRID 2007), Crete, Greece, June 2007.

A. Moralis, V. Pouli, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou, V. Maglaris," Performance Comparison of Web Services Security: Kerberos Token Profile against X.509 Token Profile", IEEE 3rd International Conference on Networking and Services, Athens Greece, June 19-25, 2007

A. Douitsis, D. Kalogeras, "Bulding a Massively Scalable Serverless VPN using Any Source Multicasting", Terena Networking Conference (TNC2007), Lyngby Denmark, 21-24 May, 2007

V. Pouli , S. Kafetzoglou, M. Grammatikou, C. Tziouvaras, S. Papavassiliou, V. Maglaris, "Service Level Agreement Provisioning and Monitoring for End-to-End QoS", Terena Networking Conference (TNC2007), Lyngby Denmark, 21-24 May, 2007

A. Lenis, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou, V. Maglaris, “Εxtending Instrumentation Grids to Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Instrumenting the Grid (INGRID 2007), Santa Margherita Ligure - Portofino, Italy, April 16-18, 2007

A. Moralis, V. Pouli, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou, V. Maglaris, "A Security Architecture using Symmetric Cryptography and Kerberos-based approach for Performance Improvement in Grids", 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Instrumenting the Grid (INGRID 2007), Santa Margherita Ligure - Portofino, Italy, April 16-18, 2007

V. Chatzigiannakis, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou, “Improving Incident Detection in Vehicular Networks: Methodology and Evaluation”, in Proc. of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2007, September 2007

V. Karyotis, S. Papavassiliou, M. Grammatikou, V. Maglaris, “A Novel Framework for Mobile Attack Strategy Modeling and Vulnerability Analysis in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks”, International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), Vol.1, Nos. 3/4, pp. 255-265, 2006

G.Androulidakis, V.Chatzigiannakis, S.Papavassiliou, M.Grammatikou, V.Maglaris, "Understanding and Evaluating the Impact of Sampling on Anomaly Detection Techniques", IEEE MILCOM 2006, Washington D.C., USA, October 2006

V. Chatzigiannakis, S. Papavassiliou, M. Grammatikou, B. Maglaris, “ Hierarchical Anomaly Detection in Distributed Large- scale Sensor Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC, 2006) pp. 761-767, June 2006.

V. Karyotis, S. Papavassiliou, M. Grammatikou, B. Maglaris, "On the Characterization and Evaluation of Mobile attack Strategies in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks", In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2006), pp. 29-34, June 2006

A. Moralis, A. Lenis, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou & V. Maglaris, "A Distributed Kerberized Access Architecture for Real Time Grids", 4th International Workshop on Security In Information Systems WOSIS, 2006

A. Moralis, V. Pouli, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou & V. Maglaris, "A Security SubSystem for "Instrumentation" Grids", poster session of the TERENA Networking Conference 2006

V. Chatzigiannakis, A. Lenis, C. Siaterlis, M. Grammatikou, D. Kalogeras, S. Papavassiliou & V. Maglaris, "Distributed Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection as a GRID application," in Proc. 12th HP Open View University AssociationWorkshop(HPOVUA), 2005

G. Androulidakis, V. Chatzigiannakis, M.Grammatikou, F.Stamatelopoulos, “Network Flow-Based Anomaly Detection of DDoS Attacks”, Terena Networking Conference 2004, Rhodes, Greece 2004.

V. Chatzigiannakis, G. Androulidakis, M. Grammatikou, B. Maglaris, “A Distributed Intrusion Detection Prototype using Security Agents”, HPOVUA’04 2004, Paris 2004.

V. Chatzigiannakis, G. Androulidakis, M. Grammatikou, B. Maglaris, “An Architectural Framework for Distributed Intrusion Detection using Smart Agents”, SAM’04, Las Vegas, USA 2004.

M. Grammatikou, B. Maglaris, “Primary HealthCare Information System - PHeCIS ”, METMBS’ 2003, Las Vegas, USA 2003.

Constantina Sakka, Mary Grammatikou, Dimitris Kalogeras, Vasilis Maglaris, “Enabling User Service Control on Unified Messaging Systems”, International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2003.

M. Grammatikou, F. Stamatelopoulos, B. Maglaris, “Distributed Architectural Framework For Patient Records Management”, journal NYAS, 2001.

M. Grammatikou, F. Stamatelopoulos, B. Maglaris, “Distributed Architectural Framework For Patient Records Management”, METMBS’ 2001, Las Vegas, USA 2001.

M. Grammatikou, F. Stamatelopoulos, A. Duitsis, B. Maglaris, “Managing a Distributed Healthcare Information Service”, 8th HPOVUA, Berlin, Germany, 2001.

M. Grammatikou, F. Stamatelopoulos, A. Lenis, B. Maglaris, “Internet-based Distributed Framework For Patient Records Management in the Primary Healthcare Environment”, MEDnet, Italy, 2001.

G. Ioannou, F. Stamatelopoulos, M. Grammatikou, "Quality of Service Requirements for E-Business Systems over Enterprise Resource Planning Platforms", FAIM-01, Dublin.

M. Grammatikou, F. Stamatelopoulos, B. Maglaris, “Distributed Information System Architecture For Primary Health Care”, Germany, MIE ’2000.

F. Stamatelopoulos, M. Grammatikou, G. Ioannou, “Management Requirements for E-Commerce Systems”, 7th HPOVUA, Santorini Greece 2000.

She is a member of the ELOT Technical Committee (TE83), which is responsible for the standardisation of EDI in Greece.

She also has experience in ATM & TCP/IP Networks, VLSI design and Mobile telephony.


Interests: Network Management and Design, Service Oriented Architecture, Future Internet Architectures and Technologies, Distributed Information Systems, Web-Based/Internet Technologies (SOAP/XML), Security on the Networks based on PKI architecture, Cloud Computing Technologies, E-Learning.


Languages &

Knoweleges: C, Pascal, Java, JavaScript, XML, Apache, Netscape Web Server, Netscape Directory Server, Netscape Certification Server, Netscape Enterprise Server, NCSA Web Server, JMX, CORBA, SOAP/XML, UML, AutoCAD.