Since the League is using the new 66! Game Boards from APBA starting with Season 34, please add the following enhancements as well as all General Rules regarding play. The enhancements immediately below are from Rules approved at prior conventions. A set of General Rules is now updated to include these enhancements.
Bases Empty Board: Fielding One addHit & Run Boards
(both Runner on 1st and Runners on 1st and 3rd)
Play result 18 (SS 10; batter out at 1st)(6-3)
Play result 19 (3B 6; batter out at 1st)(5-3)Play results 10 and 11 (Same as Regular Boards)
Play result 20 (2B 9; batter out at 1st)(4-3)
Also include the enhancements below:
Additional Information
If a D allows no EARNED runs in any 5 consecutive innings: he advances to C
If a C allows no EARNED runs in any 6 consecutive innings: he advances to B
If a B allows no EARNED runs in any 7 consecutive innings: he advances to A
MDTL Fatigue rules for Grade Reduction of pitchers (see General Rules) continue to apply.
New or Modified Rule:
A relief pitchers grade increases when entering a game in mid-inning ONLY against the first batter he faces and ONLY vs hitters from the same side he throws (ie. L v L, R v R). Again A, AC, AB cannot increase grade. Use his normal grade thereafter. This does not apply to a relief pitcher that starts an inning.
* Indicates two outs.‡ Indicates sacrifice: no time at bat charged.FC Indicates fielder's choice.
Any player injured on a play result will be required to miss the remainder of the game in which he was injured only. The last player eligible at a position may not be injured. That injury is nullified.
Certain batters may have numbers in the second columns of their cards. For all numbers in the second columns, always refer to the 'D' column. For pitchers with A&C, A&B, etc refer to column for 'A' pitchers unless it results in a hit. In that case, refer to the second letter for the final play result.
The defensive Manager may intentionally walk any batter by stating "walk him" prior to the roll of the dice.
The offensive team may call for a Hit & Run whenever 1st Base or 1st and 3rd base are occupied and the batter has 2 or more 31’s on his card. Refer to the Hit & Run result and the MDTL Rules when using the Hit & Run except when the play results in a ‘10’ or ‘11’; in which case you use the regular playing board result.
Effective Season 35:
The APBA base coaching options shall again be used as Red Light/Green Light rule has been abolished.
For clarification:
- In World Series/Playoff series a team could have enough OUTFIELD players to cover all games during the Season but be one game SHORT in the Playoffs. If that is the case, the OPPOSING Manager will select one of the remaining eligible players and he shall be designated an OF1 for that one game (normally Game 7). If you have 4 outfielders whose “J” factors add to 7 or less the above situation will not occur. Of course 5 outfielders should also be sufficient.
In Face-to-Face Play Managers may instruct any and all runners as they choose, including:
1. Before each roll of the dice, with a runner or runners on base, the offensive team manager may elect to, “play it safe” with respect to the advancement of base runner(s) following a single or double or both. The specific runner or runners must be named (never the batter), and said runners will then advance just one base on a single (if stated) regardless of what the board indicates: WHICH MAY ALSO NULLIFY A SPECIFIED ADVANCEMENT OF THE BATTER OR FOLLOWING BASE RUNNER. Such runners thus avoid those put outs that would have resulted from trying for the extra base, but also, by "playing it safe", may not advance any extra bases which the board states they otherwise would have reached safely.
2. The manager may elect to “play it safe” with respect to base advancement following a fly ball. The runner or runners must be named and said runners will then hold their bases on any caught fly, thus nullifying either a double play or a safe advancement as may be indicated on the playing board.
3. With a runner on third and NO OUTS ONLY (and if the bases are not full) the offensive team manager may choose to “play it safe” on a ground ball WITH THE INFIELD PLAYING IN "C" ONLY. The runner on third then holds except on a hit or an error, in which case he advances one base for each base the batter advances. Any throws by infielders that normally would have gone home then go to first base: PO-1B. This, of course: nullifies any catchers' errors on throws home or any other play at the plate following a batted ball.
4. The manager may “play it safe” with respect to base stealing with runners on any of three bases, not the batter. This nullifies both the successful steals as well as the outs, including pick offs. If either runner is being held with Runners on First and Third, all double steals are nullified.
In all above coaching: the runners “playing it safe” must be named with respect to the above named situation: or situations (1:2:3:4) before the dice roll, or coaching option on that play is lost. OPTIONAL COACHING DOES NOT APPLY TO SACRIFICE AND HIT & RUN.
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\MDTL Game Board Additions.doc09/24/2018