SRP Concept Note Template – Program Grant of USD 1 million— for external and non-World Bank applicants

A.  Basic Information

Proposal Title
Theme (e.g., Transport, Education, Energy…. etc.)
Lead Investigator’s Name
Country/Region in the research
Affiliations of the Lead Investigator
Proposal Amount (USD)
Are you working with any staffs in the World Bank Group? If yes, please provide names)
Do you need the SRP Admin Unit to match you with a World Bank Team?

B.  Proposal Details

1.  Program motivation, objectives and alignment with the World Bank Group’s twin goals; and key issues to be addressed. You may read about the twin goals at
2.  Describe the program components and/or activities, research questions to be answered, broad analytical approach and methodology, and the type of data are expected to use. Describe how one component links/complements other components and how they can coherently contribute to the program’s overall objective.
3.  Describe how the proposal addresses the issues facing the Bank clients and operations as well as the implication of the policy relevance.
4.  Describe the implementation plan, timeline, team members and their affiliated organizations (including the World Bank teams, where known) as well as a brief description of roles and responsibilities of each key member.
5.  Please elaborate the expected collaboration between your team and the World Bank team as well as the collaboration between your team and research institutions from developing countries. Brief description of the consultation that has been done, if any.
6.  Expected outputs and outcomes




Component Description /
Expenditures under SRP / Total Expenditures over life of activity, of which
Fiscal Year 2017
July 2016-June 2017 / Fiscal Year 2018
July 2017-June 2018 / Bank SRP Funds / Other sources
Component 1
Component 2
Add Component XXX

SUBMITTED BY: ______DATE: ______

Lead Investigator and his/her Affiliations




PHONE (Country Code --XXX) ______

Note: Please send the duly signed Concept Note in the PDF format to the