Compiled by Teresa Martin Klaiber
Revised March 2009
Originally posted as part of the USGENWEB Internet project in 1998, and part of the Boyd County Public Library service to patrons 1999 thru 2007, this project continues to grow. The project would not be possible without the many hours devoted by the late Evelyn Scyphers Jackson during the Kentucky Historical Society Cemetery Grant Project. This guide is a compilation of notes, information and articles and directions that I have found through the years to form some historical background for each cemetery in our county.
A special thank you to my husband, James David Klaiber who has spent hours driving me around the back roads of rural Boyd County seeking the tell tale signs of many of the county family cemeteries. In 2004 this project continued with the aid of the newly formed Boyd County Cemetery Preservation Committee and volunteers especially to Joyce Whitlock and Marvina Webb who have been very patient with my every whim. The original cemetery board members finished their terms in 2008.
The Kentucky Historical Society Cemetery Grant Project, begun in 1968, utilized latitude and longitude as the only form of direction, citing U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Surveyquadrangle maps. However, not every cemetery, within Boyd County, was physically marked on those map series. The maps were created using topography and photogrammetric methods, utilizing aerial photographs. The original photographs were taken in 1952. Revised photos were taken in 1967 and a final field check in 1968.
The KHS Grant Project was done in several steps. First the cemeteries were physically read and the readers wrote everything row-by-row entering data on pads. The pads were then transcribed and typed on KHS forms again just as entered row- by-row or stone by stone. The forms were to be handed in and then re-entered in a computer database. Each county was to receive a print-out of the alpha sorted material. The print-out received for Boyd County does not include all of the typed forms located and utilized to help create this locator guide. Thus if the description cites an assigned KHS cemetery number it indicates that it was re-entered in the computer at KHS. If no number is cited in the cemetery entry the form [for various reasons] never were tabulated by KHS.
Cemeteries physically shown on the older quadrangle maps are indicated in this guide. The 1953 and 1957 maps are housed in the Boyd County Public Library, Minnie Crawford Winder Room. Place-Name-Index, a computer disc[created by Buckmaster, Mineral, Virginia], contains names also from the quadrangle maps of the U.S. Geological Survey including the marked cemeteries. Many cemeteries, in this guide, were not marked on any of these finding aids. The compiler has utilized Travel Maps USA, produced by COSMI, to enter latitude and longitude provided from the Kentucky Historical Project. Several errors have been corrected with this map system. Older cemeteries have been discovered since the project and the compiler and others are visiting as many locations as possible to verify the information provided.
Cemeteries in this listing may be described more than one time. Through the years cemetery names have changed with land ownership. Every effort is being made to cross- reference these duplications. However, if we have not verified that a cemetery with similar description is definitely a match we have left both citations as separate entries. We are sorry for this inconvenience. Please notify the compiler with additional information.
When visiting any cemetery, courtesies should be shown to the surrounding property owner, even if a right-of-way exists. Please stop at the nearest home and get permission before crossing properties. This also alerts others that you are in the vicinity and protects you, as well. Do not visit cemeteries alone. Always take a partner. Do not climb fences. Instead look for the nearest gate. Do not do rubbings. Stones are fragile. Use photography instead. Do not use chemicals to clean stones nor place sealants over stones. What you think is a minor protection will eventually destroy the stone. An excellent source for proper cemetery readings and care can be found in A Graveyard Preservation Primer by Lynette Strangstad, published by the American Association for State and Local History in cooperation with the Association for Gravestone Studies.
Any additions or corrections should be sent to compiler Teresa Martin Klaiber, c/o Deliverance Farm, 22937 Long Branch Road, Rush, Kentucky.
Abbreviation Codes:
ADI-Ashland Daily Independent
Aka =Also known as
BCL= Boyd County Public Library Minnie Crawford Winder Room
i.e.=such as
KHS=Kentucky Historical Society
Rt. = Route
All directions are from Ashland.
ADAMS: U. S. 60 to old U.S. 60. Right just past Manning Furniture Store on Addington Road. Past Boyd County Fair grounds. About 2 miles to first stop sign at Straight Creek Road. Left at stop sign. Up Straight Creek 4/10th mile. Turn right onto Morre’s Branch. 2/10th mile to Chase Lane. Cemetery on right side of lane. Typed KHS form never included in computer KHS print-out. Reading 11-3-1968 by Evelyn Scyphers Jackson. Her description in 1968 stated “...up a small hollow behind the home of Mrs.Charlie [Anna] Adams. It is very well kept. Placed carefully and tenderly on the graves of the children are small toys, some of which must have been there for years. Among the numerous items are tiny cups and saucers, marbles, perfume bottles, vases, ....colored glass ....only one stone of Charlie Adams. The older ones are stacked up against the fence. The house near the cemetery is occupied by W. G. Gillum” Hand drawn plat map is in the ESJ cemetery collection. First burial was 4 March 1919. Lowell Adams, 2012 Shopes Creek Road applied for grant funds August 2005 [928-2154]. Request was to fence cemetery. All cemetery grants in 2006 were denied. Visited and digitally photographed by Joyce and Charles Whitlock May 2006.
ALLEN: Winslow. Near Breezeland Swimming pool. Across road cross railroad track and follow gravel road around to Eskew Bargain Barn. Just before barn take roadway to right past house out to cemetery. Typed KHS form never included in Original KHS submission. Reading was completed and is available at library. 1953 quadrangle map shows cemetery physically marked. ESJ collection shows rough road map and approximate location. Boyd County PVA map 035-00-00-049.05
ALLEY, JOHN: US 23 South to Campbell Branch Road. At junction Campbell Branch and Alley Branch. On the hill behind the old Bates house. Lat 82.36.48W. Six graves identifiable 1968. 5 infants unmarked. Letter fromEvelyn Scyphers Jackson Sept 24, 1981. “Mrs. C. H. Bates, a granddaughter of John Alley, now lives in the large old Alley house. The new house at the foot of the hill is occupied by David Hammond. There are some graves on the hill to the right rear of the John Alley home. No one seems to know to whom they belong. Mrs. Bates said they were already there when her grandfather came there.” Hand drawn plat map in ESJ collection.
ALLIE, JACOB: US 23 South right on . Rt. #3, Just past junction of Route #3 and Alley Branch is gravel lane on left. Take lane past trailer to cemetery. An American Flag can be seen from Route #3 and Alley Branch in center of this cemetery. This is considered Lower Chadwick Creek. Lat 82.37.25W, Long 38.22.48N. 11 graves identifiable. 6 graves unmarked. Read KHS 1968 by esj along with rough plat drawing. Photographed 1999 by Teresa Martin Klaiber.
ANDERSON GRAVE US 60 to Catlettsburg. Right on 28th Street Up hill. Longitude 38 24 90 Latitude 082 degrees 36.188W. Grave is about 200 feet behind 624 28th Street on right hand side of road. White house owned by Roy Pennington in 2006. Mr. Pennington was friends of the siblings of the infant buried there. With his memory we were able to locate the death certificate of Robert Anderson Jr. Mr. Pennington said the father rolled over on the infant. The death certificate states acute obstruction of intestine. Death 17 July 1925. The grave is mowed and maintained by Roy Pennington who states that it was once marked by a Cedar Tree which is now dead and gone.
ARTHUR, JAMES D.: Silver Run. U. S. 23 to White’s Creek Route #757. Turn right on Silver Run. Cemetery on hill on right. Lat 38.20.38N, Long. Bolts Fk Quad. Map.KHS reading Oct 1968. 14 graves identified. 21 unmarked. Updated with digital photographs May 2004. Cemetery sign now calls it James D. Arthur and Earl Cemetery. Grant application 2004 provided repair of access road.
ARTHUR, JOHN: US 23 to White’s Creek Route #757. Turn right on Silver Run Road. Cemetery on hill on left. Lat 38.20.25N. Long. Bolts Fk Quad map. Read KHS 1968. ESJ hand drawn plat map on file.
ASHLAND: 1518 Belmont Street, Ashland, KY. 606-324-7010. Ashland quadrangle map. Boyd County PVA map 038-12-00-001.00. [Boyd Co., KY Vol.1, Cem., KHS Cemetery Project, cemetery #01]. Section #1 reading [Tree Shaker, Volume 5 #4, page 66,1981]. [Cemeteries of the US A Guide to Contact Information for US Cemeteries and Their Records 1st Ed, Deborah M Burek, editor, Gale Research cites Box 1205, Ashland, KY 41105-1205] Kitchen Mausoleum, Section B reading [Tree Shaker; Vol 9 #1, Winter 1985, page 6.] Incorporated 1870. Boyd County Plat Book 2 page 69 filed 1913 and also 7 page 218. Originally known as Grandpappy Dixon farm...Mr. John Paul Jones first person buried there. [Family Notebook of Mrs. Bert Elam 1936-1938, A.F. Elam, filed BCPL] Cemetery view Photograph. [Arnold Hanners Collection, BCL, Streets scrapbook, photo #17]. Lake photo that was at one time in cemetery at Belmont and 29th taken 1885, [Arnold Hanners Collection, BCL, Misc. Scrapbook. #3, photo #17]. “...gradually merging into shape under direction of engineer Grove of Louisville...laying out cemetery grounds...plat and drawings...” [Ashland Journal Sep 20, 1872 ] Hilton Survey Ashland Cemetery plat map [BCPL Hilton A-38]. Charter By-Laws and Rules of the Ashland Cemetery Company, 1875 [BCPL OHR Drawer 263 Boyd, Ashland, Herbst vf]. A booklet Rules & Regulations Amended April 1996 available at office. “False Reports Are being Made About Cemetery. Operation of cemetery Explained. Facts Are Given” [ADI, April 5, 1932] Stones damaged by vandalism. [Ashland Daily Independent, October 2, 1989]. Also see In our view on October 3, 1989 page 11.
BANFIELD: US #60 W. straight on Rt. #180, straight S. Rt. #, R. on Rt.#854, L. on Long Branch Rd., Garner Creek, on R. on hill. Larry Parker Property. Get key at 20810 Long Branch Road. Latitude 38 17'30"N Longitude 82N45'15"W; Rush quadrangle map. KHS Cemetery Project Reading, cemetery #12. Photographed June 2001 by Bryan Banfield. Condition of cemetery is abandoned. Stones Down and broken. Attorney General Cemetery Survey Form submitted 8/2001 byTeresa Martin Klaiber. GPS and digital photographs by Joyce Whitlock and Teresa Martin Klaiber June 2005. Overgrown stones down. Cattle have been in Cemetery. Only remaining standing stone is that of Wm. A. Brown, SpanishAmerican War Veteran. His death certificate says in Green Hill Cemetery which is Located on the same hill but on adjoining property. Brown is actually in Banfield.
BAPTIST CEMETERY: Ashland, KY. Pollard [1916-1917 Ashland City Directory] Aka POLLARD.
BARBER-STANLEY: US #60 W. straight on Rt. #180, straight S. Rt. #3,R. on Rt.#854 L. on Jack’s Fork of Garner, Rt.#1945. Rush quadrangle map. Marked simply Cemetery1953 edition. KHS Cemetery Project. Reading, cemetery #13.
Information provided by family members to Evelyn Scyphers Jackson in 1969.
Has been confused with Stewart Cemetery on same side of road in past
Readings. This cemetery is directly across from entrance John Hazlett
Cemetery and is on left Hand side of road up in trees. Information for graves
was supplied by late Ida Barber and sister Mattie Barber Pope, daughters of
George and Sarah Barber.A rough plat drawing of graves in ESJ collection.
Klaiber family notation states that they could not read Kathyrn Stewart Klaiber’s stone in the 1950’s. ESJ states could not find any stones to the 24 + graves 1969.
BARNETT: US 23 right on Catletts Creek, Rt. #168. Latitude 38 25'5"N;
Longitude 82 7"W Catlettsburg quadrangle map. KHS Cemetery Project
Reading, cemetery #14. Rough plat drawing available.
BARRETT: Rt. 1945. Jacks Fork of Garner. See JOHN HAZLETT
BARTRAM: AKA OAKLAND. US 23 to right on Chadwicks Creek. Route #3.
Where Chadwick Creek Baptist Church is there is a small portion of road running
beside #3. Turn right before the church on this side road and then take right to
end of road. IN 2005 there is a new home with private gates at end of road.
Latitude 38 22'46"N; Longitude 82 39'13"W. Ashland quadrangle map. KHS
Cemetery Project Reading, cemetery #15 “...up the hollow to the r. as you go out
from US#23 behind ChadwickCreek Baptist Church & behind home of Harry C.
Vanderpool.” [Evelyn Scyphers Jackson Sept. 1981, BCL vertical file KY,
Catlettsburg, Cem’s.] When Evelyn did this reading she also drew a plat map and
made several family notes and a map showing directions to cemetery. For information call James Bartrum 739-9798. 2007.
BASH:Catlettsburg. US 23 to 38thStreet. Up hill bear to left through Trailer Park to
end of road. Cemetery on left. Latitude38 23'55"N;Longitude82 3
36'6.5.Catlettsburg quadrangle map.. KHS Cemetery Project Reading.Cemetery
#22. Established in memory of Mary Boyd Bash. Visited and digitally
photographed by Joyce Whitlock and Teresa Klaiber May 2006.
BAYLESS: Bayless Hill. Hidden Acres. US #60 to Rockdale. Left on Shoppes Creek Road to Left on Bayless Hill Road just past Skyline Drive. Cemetery can be seen from road. Latitude 38 25'3"N; Longitude 82 39'36.8"W. 1999Ashland quadrangle map. Boyd County PVA map 032-03-00-104.00. KHS Cemetery Project Reading cemetery #24. “ the top of the hill where 3 roads come into Catlett’s Creek of them...Skyline Dr...[Eva Weeks, 1999] “I was in it yesterday 9/23/1981... the late Mr. Thomas Paynter Bayless lived there in 1968 ...told me that a Mr. and Mrs. James Rucker their son Howard and grandchildren... unmarked graves...on top of Bayless Hill, past Edison School to R. at top of hill, if you go from Rt. #168.” [Evelyn Scyphers Jackson,BCL vertical file Ky, Catlettsburg, Cemeteries]. Application to Boyd County Cemetery Board for road repair March 2004. Visited by County Cemetery Board May 2004. Photographed by Teresa Martin Klaiber May 2004. There is a rough drawn plat map of graves in files.
BEECH GROVE: Ashland. Central Avenue & 9th. where Booker T. Washington School built in 1902. Latitude 38 28'53"N; Longitude 82 39'15"W. Ashland quadrangle map Listed as UNKNOWN. KHS Cemetery Project Reading cemetery #23. Remains said to have been removed to Ashland Cemetery. Stones of Ann and William Poage thought to be from this cemetery. Found on 22nd & Carter. Ann Poage stone in 3 pieces was removed to Evelyn Scyphers Jackson back yard - date unknown. Wm. Poage stone has been given to a man on 30th and Carter Ave. per Evelyn Scyphers Jackson. Site of Bethesda’s 2nd church, erected 1828. [A History of Ashland, KY 1786 to 1954, page 23]. [Reflections, Evelyn Scyphers Jackson. ADI, 6/16/1977.] Shown on Sanborn Insurance map as Old Cemetery. [Arnold Hanners Collection, BCL, Yellow box #1, photo #67]. No indication of any remains today. [2000] The colored Bapt bldg. parsonage alongside the church on the old graveyard site...[Ashland Daily July 12, 1883]. Note that Booker T. Washington School was erected in1902 so it was a surprise when this compiler located the death certificate for Albert Duncan. He resided in Geyer Bridge voting precinct. His brother in law is buried in Section 9 Ashland Cemetery. Albert died in 1914. In esj collection is also a letter stating that Charlotte Marena Osborne Gray wife of James died 6 April 1863 and is buried in Beech Grove between 8th an d9th back near the hill.
BELLEFONTE MEMORIAL GARDENS: Caretaker Powell Lane, Flatwoods.
606-836-3832. This is Greenup County.
BENTLEY: US #23 5. to R. Rt. #3. Laurel Creek. Physically shownon Bolts Fork
Quadrangle map 1953 edition.
BETHESDA: Ashland. 13th Street W., turn R. on Pollard Rd. Poage Rev.Soldier's
buried. [Kentucky Cemetery Records, Volume 1, KY Daughters of the American
Revolution, 1960,page 62]. Property adj. Calvary Cemetery. May have been where
soldiers who died during the CW at the Aldine turned Hospital were buried. Most if not all of those soldiers were removed to New Albany National Cemetery. If these were “exhumed” there has been no documentation showing such in any court records to date. According to information on the National Cemetery the bodies were “gathered” from our area in 1868 which would indicate exhumation. A History of Ashland, KY 1786 to 1954, page 102; Pictorial History of Eastern KY, Stuart Sprague, page 2 gives information. Hilton survey, original copy,BCPL, directors office holdings, 1999 shows cemetery.. However, because Bethesda burials also took place in what is known as Beech Grove and lack of documentation, question has arisen to the exact location of these burials. No visible graves, 1999
BLACK:2N36'41.6"WBurnaugh Quadrangle map. See BLACKS. McKnight-Black has different Lat/Long but directions also state left fork Durbin. AKA McKnight-Black. Further research needed.
BLACK{s}: Ashland thru Catlettsburg Rt. #23 5., L. #Rt. 752Durbin, Left ForkDurban at corner Hatton Branch. Burnaugh quadranglemap. KHS Cemetery Project Reading, cemetery #16. Latitude 38 16'29"N; Longitude 82 36'45"W. [Place Name Index Folio by Buckmaster Publishing, Mineral, Va]. Physically shown on US Interior Burnaugh quadrangle map, 1957. Boyd County PVA map 044-00-00-030.01.
BLANKENSHIP: Savage Branch Rd. Latitude 38 20'55"N; Longitude 82 37'8"W. Burnaugh quadrangle map. KHS Cemetery Project reading shows 12 identified graves.
BLUEBAUM: US 23 to 752, Durbin Creek. On right at foot of hill with turn to Golden Gate. Got thru gate to first rise just before next gate is switch back to cemetery on point. Latitude 38 18'4.5"N; Longitude 82 38'9.6"W. Bolts Fork quadrangle map. KHS Cemetery Project Reading. Physically shown on 1953 Bolts Fork quadrangle map as Blueboun. Boyd County PVA map 036-00-00-060.00. 1968 rough plat map in collection. Digitally photographed October 2007 by Teresa Martin Klaiber and Marvina Hicks Webb.
BOGGS CEMETERY: Straight Creek Road. Just past turn to Moore’s Branch on curve which used to be designated the left fork of Straight Creek. House just past curve on right. Turn right in driveway. Park in driveway. Cemetery is on hill side above house. Forks of Straight Creek and Moore’s branch at point overlooking both roads. ESJ called this cemetery Moore Branch Cemetery. Digitally photographed May 2004 by Teresa Martin Klaiber, Carol Lovitt and Joyce Whitlock. Several unmarked graves.