Westwood with Iford
Primary School
FoWs AGM: Minutes
Thursday 11thSeptember2014
Present: Ann Windo, Elaine Caddy, Andy Millen, Ian Rockey, Ed Harrison, Jo Hill, Julie Cleave, Tony Down, Karen Hobson, Julie Adcock, Jo Batten & Philly Lowton
Apologies: Jo Mavridis
2. / WelcomeAnn welcomed all to the AGM, and thanked Philly & Jo for all their time and energy over the last 2 years running FoWs.
3. / Chair’s Report
See attached Chairs Report from Philly Lowton
4. / Treasurer’s Report
See attached Treasurers Report from Andy Millen
Committee agreed to pay the outstanding wi-fi instalment to school now as the funds are available in the bank, rather than holding off payment until later in the year as originally planned.
Action: Andy to arrange payment to school / AM
5. / Election of FoWs Committee Members
Committee elected as follows:
Chair: Ann Windo (nominated by K Hobson, seconded by E Harrison)
Secretary: Elaine Caddy (nominated by E Harrison, seconded by A Windo)
Treasurer: Andy Millen (nominated by K Hobson, seconded by E Caddy)
Committee Member: Edmund Harrison (nominated by K Hobson, seconded by E Caddy)
Committee Member: Julie Adcock (nominated by K Hobson, seconded by A Windo)
Committee Member: Julie Cleave (nominated by E Caddy, seconded by T Down)
Committee Member:Tony Down (nominated by J Cleave, seconded by A Windo)
Committee Member: Karen Hobson (nominated by E Caddy, seconded by E Harrison)
Committee Member: Joanne Mavridis (nominated by E Harrison, seconded by K Hobson)
6. / Minutes from last meeting
Jo confirmed there were no outstanding matters from the last meeting.
7. / Fundraising Goals
Ian is very appreciative of the funds raised and the support provided by the FoWs group, this makes a big difference to the school, benefiting the children greatly.
Ian outlined the key items he would like to be able to purchase for the school with any funds raised by FoWs this year:
- Curriculum books
- Climbing equipment
- Outdoor storage
- Visualisers (1 per classroom)
- PA system for the hall
A full list of the fundraising goals will be available to view on the school website.
Action: Ian to bring catalogue of climbing equipment to next meeting, so committee can get an idea of what’s available & costs.
Action: Ann/Ian to agree approximate costs for these items / EC
8. / FoWs Event/Activity Plan Overview
Ann outlined the events planned throughout the year
Autumn Term:
- 100 Club
- Ceilidh (Sat 11th October)
- Disco (Thur 2nd October)
- Children’s Christmas Card Designs – agreed this will be done during school time, but not Friday pm; Karen advised they don’t use black pens except to outline
- Storybox Theatre – committee agreed to fund this
- Christmas Fair (Sat 6th December)
- Children’s Christmas presents – committee agreed to fund these again. Jo B agreed to wrap all the presents, and they can then be handed out at end of term/at parties. Jo suggested asking teachers advice on which books to buy, then we can order the books from The Book People
Action: Ian to liaise with teachers to arrange a good time for the children to design their Christmas cards
Action: Ian to book Storybox Theatre
Spring Term:
- Film night (Jan) – this has been done in the past, but children needed supervision. Philly suggested having a tuck shop during the interval run by year 6’s
- Disco (Feb)
- Quiz night (March) – an Italian theme was suggested as nursery are possibly holding a pudding night so we can’t do puddings again
- Easter event (end of March) – yet to be decided
Action: Ann to confirm availability of quiz master for quiz night & set a date
Summer Term:
- Boden (April) – it was suggested that this be postponed until the Autumn (October) as this proved to be a more profitable (higher sales) time of year (from previous Boden sales held)
- Scarecrow Trail (May half term)
- Disco (May/June)
- Summer activity in school for the children (May/June) – previous 2 yrs have had circus skills, want to do something different. Possibly drumming/music based? Need to book this early as bands will get booked up.
- Summer Fete (June/July)
- Yrs 4-6 summer production raffle (July)
- Church Fete stall (July) – crockery smash was a success, so could repeat?
- Leaver’s presents (July)
- Flower Show stall (August) – coconut shy possibly?
9. / 100 Club
As the 100 Club runs annually, and ends next month (October) we need to get people to sign up for another year. Deadline for this is 17th October. We have started to advertise, as have the nursery. Forms are available at the school, nursery, shop and online. Ann is due to email all existing members, requesting they rejoin for a further year. We also need to try and recruit new members. It was agreed that we will do this as follows:
- Playground – Jo H, Julie C, Tony & Ann to approach parents
- Ceilidh, Disco & Meet the Teacher – have forms available on the door for parents
- Facebook ‘Upper & Lower Westwood’ page – post an advert on there
- Fliers in book bags – to be sent home on Monday
- Membership Pack to be emailed to all parents via Homecontact
- Ray at the shop sends out regular emails to his customers – he may be happy to include 100 Club info?
- Social Club – they have their own 100 Club, but it’s oversubscribed so they have a waiting list, we may be able to pick up the surplus?
Andy was unable to do the draw at the meeting – will do this tonight and email winners to Ann/Jo
Action: Andy to draw September 100 Club winner and let Ann/Jo know ready for Fridays newsletter
Action: Ann to contact all 2013/14 100 Club members and ask them to rejoin for another year
Action: Elaine to post an advert on Westwood Facebook page
Action: Jo H, Julie C, Tony & Ann – recruit members in the playground
(Also Ian Pritchard has kindly offered to help too). / AM
10. / Ceilidh
Friday pm set up (10th) – Elaine/Marek, Philly, Jo H, Julie C, Tony & Ed
Hall decorating – fairy lights around walls (borrow from Lindsey M), benches around the edge, no staging needed for band
Meadow – set up with tables for bar
Entrance – ticket collection & raffle
Raffle prizes - beer (in shed – Ed can possibly get more), whiskey (Philly), Bath Rugby? (Ed will approach), wine (Karen), ask parents in the playground for other donations…
Saturday – arrive at 7pm ready for doors at 7.30pm.
Bar staff – last year had a rota of bar helpers, but wasn’t really needed as plenty of people willing to man the bar (to avoid dancing!). Just need a few confirmed for the start of the evening.
Bar stock – previous years needed 4 barrels (2 homebrew & 2 Box Steam Brewery). Paul has 80 pts of homebrew (beer & cider) – not sure how this equates to barrels? And therefore not sure how much needs to be purchased?
Box Steam Brewery – need 2 weeks notice.
Other drinks/snacks – Philly provided Ann with a list of what to buy.
Glass hire – Sainsbury’s/Tesco do free glass hire (deposit paid), but need to book early.
Ian happy to lock up after the event.
Action: Ann to ask Paul H & Sean W to run the bar at start of the evening
Action: Andy to provide float, need double what we had last year for the bar
Action: Ann to confirm homebrew quantities with Paul
Action: Ed to order beer from Box Steam Brewery, Philly to collect
Action: Philly/Ann to buy other drinks/snacks from cash & carry
Action: Ann/Andy to work out a way of paying for large cash & carry purchases
Action: collect raffle prizes / AW
11. / Disco
Ice pops – need 100+ (to include younger siblings)
Float – need approx £20
Permission slips – need spares on the desk for those that forget them
List of children in the school – can then tick off as they arrive
Helpers for Thistle/Clover disco: Karen, Jo H, Julie & Ann
Helpers for Lotus/Orchid disco: Michelle Dangerfield, Ruth Turner, Karen & Ann
Suggested having 2 people at the water table, so it’s possible to rinse out the used beakers, and keep the jugs filled
Ian happy to lock up after the event.
Action: Jo B to provide list of children in the school
Action: Elaine to print spare permission slips / JB
12. / Christmas Fair
Date agreed – Saturday 6th December, 2-4.30pm.
13. / Any other Business
Ian Pritchard has requested help with funding for a coach to take the KS2 children to the Odeon in Trowbridgeon Mon 6th Oct, at a cost of £160 + VAT. This seems a lot for such a short trip. Committee agreed to consider making a contribution (not pay in full), unless a cheaper coach can be found.
Action: Jo B to get alternative quotes for a coach on this date
Ian R is putting together a pack to give to all parents at the Meet the Teacher sessions on Tuesday (16th). He suggested including a flier explaining FoWs to new parents.
Action: Elaine to put together a flier for this
To improve ease of use of new staging and for safety, it was suggested that extra step be purchased. Jo mentioned that Ian R is also keen to purchase a ‘skirt’ to go around the edge of the staging.
Action: Ian to investigate the cost of an extra step and skirt / JB
Next meeting: Thursday 9th October, 8pm
@ The New Inn, Westwood
AGM Minutes 11-09-14.Docx