- In what year did TX become a state?
- In what year did the Mexican-American War begin?
- The land gained from MX in the war includes which current states? (Use Postal Codes)
- What issue was a major factor in the war?
- In what year was the Louisiana Purchase made?
- Which TWO Spanish colonies broke free from Spain in 1821?
- Why did problems first start to develop between Texas and Mexico in 1829?
- What was the 2nd reason problems were developing between Mexico and Texas?
(bonus) What was that law called?
- What year did TX gain their independence from Mexico?
- After winning independence, Texas wanted to join the U.S. What were two obstacles to this desire?
- What was Mexico’s reaction to Texas joining the United States?
- What did President Polk do the year Texas became a state?
- How much did the U.S. offer for New Mexico and California?
- New Mexico -b. California –
- Why did the U.S. start the war?
- What did the American troops do to provoke war?
- When did the United States declare war on Mexico?
- What was the name of the treaty signed at the end of the war AND when was it signed?
- What did Mexico agree to in the treaty?
- What is the name for the territory that Mexico gave up in the treaty?
- About how many American and Mexican soldiers died during the war?
American - Mexican –
- For what American ideal did those soldiers die?
- Which state entered the U.S. as a free state after the war? What happened to the rest of the land gained in the war?
The War and Slavery: Some American Voices of Dissent (
- Did most people in the United States support the war?
- Polk had a response for those who opposed the war. He questioned their patriotism. Summarize Polk’s quote in your own words.
“A more effectual means could not have been devised to encourage the enemy and protract the war; than to advocate and adhere to their cause, and thus give them aid and comfort.”
- For those who opposed the war, where did most of the opposition come from?
- What is the name of the abolitionist who spoke out in opposition of the war?
- Summarize his quote in your own words.
“The determination of our slave holding president to prosecute the war, and the probability of his success in wringing from the people men and money to carry it on; is made evident by the puny opposition arrayed against him. None seem willing to take their stand for peace at all risks.”
Looking Back: A Just War? (
- What was the popular feeling after the Mexican American War?
- With what issue did the United States’ sudden expansion cause problems?
- How did future president Ulysses S. Grant feel about the Mexican War? Summarize his quote:
“I regard the war as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation.”
- What was the disappointment many felt about the United States after the war?
Causes of the Mexican-American War
- ______–
- ______–
- ______–
- ______–
Important Terms
cede –
Mexican Cession –
abolitionist -