William Tyndale –Humanities Curriculum 2016-17
RE / History / Geography / Suggested Trips / VisitorsNursery /
Festivals and Celebrations
/ Children’s own time lines:Comparing how we were when we were babies to how we are now, history of the year in profile books, daily routines, language (first, next, finally etc), talking about what we did in the holidays, talking about transition into Reception, calendar countdowns for holidays etc / UK Focus
and Physical Geog:
Where we live, where different kinds of animals live (minibeasts, wild animals, farm animals etc), looking at different kinds of physical geographical features through traditional tales (bridges, rivers, forests, mud, caves etc) / New River Walk
Islington Ecology Centre
London Zoo
Visit from a petting zoo
Picnic in the park
Parent Speakers – re. different festivals (Hanukah, Chinese New Year etc)
Reception /
Festivals and Celebrations
/ Children’s own time lines:History of the year in profile books, time sequences and daily routines, language (first, next, last etc), talking about what we did in the holidays, calendar countdowns for holidays etc
Tie in with water topic / UK Focus
and Physical Geog:
Water (pond, rivers and seaside comparison)
Farm/countryside and city comparison / Islington Farm
London Zoo – Water Animals
London Aquarium – Water
Islington Museum: Exploring the local area: Water
New River Walk
Parent Speakers – re. different festivals (Hanukah, Chinese New Year etc)
Year 1 /
Caring for myself and others
Festivals and Celebrations
/ Children’s own time lines:Birthday, first day at school etc.Toys old and new:
Put this in context of toys they had when they were little and toys they have now. Look at Grandparents lives and toys from the past and present
Islington old and new:
Comparing the high street and homes from the past and present / UK Focus
and Physical Geog:
Focus on local area / Museum of Childhood – History of Toys
Geffrye Museum – Homes old and new
Islington High Street – Sketching Town Hall
Islington Museum - Islington past and present, toys and games, Islington sketchbooks
London Metropolitan Archives (in Islington) – Victorian Games and history of local area
Parent Speakers – re. different festivals (Hanukah, Chinese New Year etc)
Year 2 / Christianity
Bible stories, churches, Christmas and Easter – history of celebrations, stained glass patterns / Romans (47 – 408 D)
eg Invasion of Britain, lifestyle, Soldiers, Army, housing, contributions to life today
Celts (400BC – 400AD) Anglo Saxons (400AD-760AD) and Vikings (700AD-1066AD):
Past events from British History and the wider world / UK Focus:
UK landmarks and physical features
Physical Geog:
Continents, countries and Oceans with Barnaby Bear / Guildhall Museum – Romans (amphitheatre)
Museum of London – Romans
St. Paul’s – Christianity
Westminster Abbey – Christianity
Local Church
Islington Museum: Romans, Anglo Saxons
Speakers – Parent or local vicar re. different Christian festivals
Year 3 / Islam
e.g. respect, the Qur’an, festivals, the five pillars, mosques, ways of worship / History of local area:
Aspects of the local area that have changed: education, population movement, housing, religion, treatment of the poor and sick, law and order, sport and leisure
Medieval times:
(1066 – 1154) Normans
eg Battle of Hastings, Knights, castles
(1154 – 1485) Middle Ages
eg Magna Carta, Black Death / UK
Focus: Compare an area in the UK to Islington
Physical Geog:
mountains / London Metropolitan Archives (in Islington) – Magna Carta and history of the local area
Museum of London – Medieval London
Tower of London – Norman conquest
Islington Museum - Islington past and present
British Library – Magna Carta
V&A – Islamic artefacts
Mosque – Regents Park Mosque, local mosque
Speaker – Parent or Imam from local mosque for Ramadan or Eid
Year 4 / Hinduism
e.g. Hindu gods, traditional stories, rangoli art, temples, ways of worship / Tudors (1485 – 1603):
eg Henry 8th, Henry’s wives, Elizabeth 1st, Armada, Shakespeare, Christopher Columbus, children, rich and poor, Battle of Bosworth, War of the Roses, John Blank Tudor trumpeter
Abolition of slave trade (17th – 19th century):
Slavery, racism, trade routes and colonialism / World
Focus: Africa
Physical Geog:
Climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts / Neasden Temple
Islington Museum – Tudors of Isledon
Kenwood House – Slave trade
Docklands Museum – Slave trade
British Museum - Africa
London Metropolitan Archives (in Islington) – Tudors
National Portrait Gallery – Tudors
Tower of London – Tudors
V&A – Hindu artefacts
Speaker – Speaker from local temple for Diwali
Year 5 / Buddhism
e.g. history of Buddhism, origins, beliefs, artefacts, The Truths, temples, meditation and Buddhist art. / Victorians (1837 - 1901):
eg Queen Victorian, Industrial revolution, Technology and Innovation (Lister, Edison, Graham Bell, Lewis Carroll), William Morris, Charles Dickens / World
Focus: Japan and China
Physical Geog:
Contrasting climates – rainforest, desert, Antarctica / William Morris Museum
Charles Dickens Museum
Science Museum
Glasshouse at the Barbican – Rainforests
Kew Gardens – Rainforests / deserts
V&A – Buddhist artifacts
Ragged School Museum – Victorian School life
London Metropolitan Archives (in Islington) – Victorians,
Islington Museum – Victorian life
North London Buddhist Centre (Holloway Road)or London Buddhist Centre (Bethnal Green)
Speaker –from North London Buddhist Centre or Education department from London Buddhist Centre re. meditation
Year 6 / Judaism
e.g. prayer and worship, stories and symbols, community, rites of passage, principles for living, journey and pilgrimage, people of faith, paintings, places of worship / World War 1 (1914-1918):
Walter Tull – 1st black footballer, who went on to fight in WW1
World War 2 (1939 – 1945): tie in with Judaism / World
Focus: Countries with large Jewish Populations
Physical Geog:Water and rivers / Cabinet War Rooms
Imperial War Museum
HMS Belfast
Islington Ecology Centre – water
Camley Street Natural Park - water
Thames Barrier - water
London Metropolitan Archives (in Islington) – WW2 in London
Islington Museum – WW2 in Islington, secret rivers of Islington
Jewish Museum
Local synagogue
Speakers – Parents during Hanukah or other festivals, Rabbi from local synagogue