Full Name:Name of Preference:
Address:City:Prov:Postal Code:
Telephone: Res.Bus.Cell:
Birthdate:Age:Alberta Health Care #:
Occupation:E-mail address:
Marital Status: single__ cohabiting__ married__ divorced__ widowed__ separated__
Name of Spouse:Names of children and ages:
Name of your medical doctor if you have one?______
Whom can we thank for referring you? ______
If you have a specific chief complaint(s), please use the symbols indicated below to describe it. Include all affected areas. If the pain travels to another area, please mark it on the diagram.
Ache > > > >
Numbness = = = =
Pins and Needles o o o o
Burning x x x x
Stabbing / / / /
Throbbing ~ ~ ~ ~
How long have you been living this way?
Days___ Weeks___ Months ___ Years___
Did your complaint(s) come on: Suddenly?___ Gradually?___
Is this complaint(s) getting: Better?__ Same?___ Worse?___
Is the condition worse in the: AM?___ PM?___ No change?____
Is the problem: Constant?___ Intermittent?___ Worse with movement?___
Condition is worse with: Right rotation?___ Left rotation?___
Bending: Forward?___ Backward?___ Sideways?___
The condition interferes with my: Sleep?___ Work?___ Family Life?___ Exercise?___
What activities aggravate your condition/pain? ______
What (if anything) relieves your condition/pain? ______
On a scale between 1 (no pain) and 10 (intense pain), place an X where you are currently at:
What have you done for the complaint(s) so far?
Exercise___ Prescription drugs___ Physiotherapy___ Massage___ Other ______
Is this a Worker’s Compensation Case? Yes___ No___ If Yes, the date of injury?______
Did your complaint(s) arise from a Motor Vehicle Accident? Yes___ No___
If Yes, what was the date of injury?______
Have you have seen a chiropractor before? Yes___ No___
If Yes, who did you see and when was your last visit? ______
Have you had any of the following in the last 2 years? X-rays___ CT Scans___ MRIs___
If Yes, which area(s) of the body was done? ______At which facility?______
Do you currently suffer from or have a history of suffering from any of the following symptoms?
Do you experience any tingling or numbness in your:
Arms? ___ Hands? ___ Chest? ___ Buttocks/hips? ___ Legs? ___ Feet? ___
Is there a family history of:
Heart disease? ___ Stroke? ___ Cancer? ___ Diabetes? ___ Other? ___
Please list any medications that you are currently on or give us a list we can copy: ______
List any surgeries you have had and include when: ______
Is there a chance you could be pregnant? Yes ___ No ___
Stress of any type has a profound impact on our health and well-being over time.
Briefly describe any notable injuries, slips or falls (example: horseback riding, tobogganing, falls down stairs, slips on ice). Try to remember to include how old you were at the time, as childhood injuries left uncorrected can lead to problems later in life.
List any motor vehicle accident injuries: include date if known and describe collision (rear-end, roll-over, seatbelt, airbags?)
Sports injuries (head traumas, concussions, broken bones): ______
Do you spend any significant time:
Sitting? ___ Bending forward? ___ Twisting? ___ Lifting? ___ Driving? ___ Computer? ___
If yes to sitting/driving/computer, how many hours per day do you spend at these activities? ______
Do you exercise on a regular basis? Yes___ No ___ How many times per week? ______
Do you sleep on your: Back? ___ Side? ___ Stomach? ___ Age of mattress? ______
Rate your posture out of 10 (1 – poor 10 – excellent):
Rate the amount of physical stress that your body goes through on a daily basis:
(1 – no physical stress 5 – moderate physical stress 10 – heavy stress load)
Do you smoke, if so, how much and how long? ______
Drink alcohol? Daily? ___ Week-ends? ___ Socially? ___
My caffeine intake is: Low? ___ Moderate? ___ High? ___
I eat processed foods: Rarely? ___ Occasionally? ___ Often? ___
I use over the counter drugs (Aspirin, etc): Rarely? ___ Occasionally? ___ Often? ___
My stresses include: Work? ___ Home? ___School? ___ Finances? ___ Family? ___
Relationships? ___ Health problems? ___ Other? ______
Rate your stress level (1 – rarely stressed 10 – always stressed)