1. CR/DIR Number: AMS-02 / DEGMPW-076 / 2. Date: 05/19/2008
3. Change Title: Baseline JSC 64275, Phase II Ground Safety Data Package for the AMS-02
4. Cost Impact: N/A / 5. Document(s) Affected: JSC 64275, Phase II Ground Safety Data Package for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer & GSE
6. Weight Impact: N/A / 7. Schedule Impact: N/A / 8. Other Impacts: N/A
9. Description Of Change:
Baseline JSC 64275, Phase II Ground Safety Data Package (GSDP) for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer – 02 (AMS-02) and Ground Support Equipment. (Note that the GSDP includes the associated Hazard Reports.)
10. Justification:
Baselining of the Phase II GSDP is required before the document can be submitted to the KSC Ground Safety Review Panel (GSRP). The package must be submitted 45 days prior to the Phase II Flight Safety Review which is currently planned for late-July/early August. AMS must receive approval from the GSRP before the Payload can be processed for flight at KSC.
11. Action Required (To Implement This Change):
Review document and approve.
12. Initiator/Organization: Eric Harvey/ESCG / 13. Organization Approval: APO/EA3
14. Disposition:
Approved With Changes Indicated
15. Approval: ______
CCB Chairman/Date



1. CRN: AMS-02 / DEGMPW-076 / 2. Page 2 of 2
3. Title: Baseline JSC 64275, Phase II Ground Safety Data Package for the AMS-02

Configuration Control Board (CCB) Members

Flight Crew Operations Directorate (CA)
Astronaut Office (CB)
Mission Operations Directorate (DA)
Engineering Directorate (EA)
Crew and Thermal Systems Division (EC)
Energy Systems Division (EP)
Automation, Robotics, & Simulation Division (ER) / Structural Engineering Division (ES)
Avionics Systems Division (EV)
Space Shuttle Program (MA)
Space Shuttle Flight Operations & Integration Office (MO)
International Space Station Program Office (OA)
Vehicle Office (OB)
Mission Integration & Operations Office (OC) / Program Integration Office (OM)
Payloads Office (OZ)
Other NASA Centers
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
Kennedy Space Center (KSC) / Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
Mike Capell, MIT
Stephen Harrison, Scientific Magnetics
Ken Bollweg, NASA/EA3
Dietrich Schinzel, CERN
Corrado Gargiulo, INFN Roma (MIT)
Klaus Lübelsmeyer, RWTH Aachen
Thomas Kirn, RWTH Aachen /