Title of meeting / General Aviation Operations Group Meeting
Date / 26 June 2013
Time / 10:00 – 11:00
Venue / S2.37/8, 2MS


Name / Region/Command/Agency
Philip Astle / NOCC – Chair & SRO
Elaine Bowman / NCC
Kirsty Smith / NCC
Laurence Jessup / Border Policy
Rob Meyer / Chief Operating Officers Office
Hamish Gibson / e-Borders
Sarah Collecott / Border Force Resources Directorate
Alex Lawther / Border Force Resources Directorate
Sharon Mole / National Customs Operations
Goff Hicks / Central Region
Christine Humphreys / e-Borders
Kevin McAnally / Border Technology Programme
Marc Bailey / Chief Executive BBGA
Terry Yeoman / Manager Customer Support - UK Flight
John Murray / AOPA
James Tannock / LLA vice chair
Martyn Fiddler / GAPAN - Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators


Chris Butler / NCC
Martin Robinson / CEO AOPA
Peter Norton / British Helicopter Association
  1. Welcome and introductionsPA
  2. PA welcomed all to the meeting, and introductions were made.
  3. Purpose and focus of group/Frequency of meetingsPA
  4. ACTION: NCC to invite OSCT and SB to future meetings.
  5. ACTION: NCC to produce a Terms of Reference document to include the following;this meeting is an information exchange and to provide views on future plans; to introduce and raise issues with policies and practices; to provide networking opportunities; to discuss commercial impact; regular set of meetings; standardisation at airfields.
  6. ACTION: NCC to arrange for these meetings to take place every 2 months for the duration of 1.5 hours. The third General Aviation Operations Group Meeting will discuss the ongoing frequency of these meetings.
  7. General GA updatePA
  8. The key Border Force contacts for GA are;

Laurence Jessup / Policy
Rob Meyer / Chief Operating Officers Office
Sarah Collecott / Commercial & Finance
Alex Lawther / Commercial & Finance
Sharon Mole / Customs
Kevin McAnally / Technicial
Region / GA Key Contact / Command & Control Centre (24/7)
North / Kevin Parsons / 09.00-17.00hrs, Monday-Friday
0161 261 1665
BMU - North Region
Central / Goff Hicks / 01279 668995 / 01279 336967
Border Force Central Region Operations Centre -
Heathrow / Mike Hurst / 020 8196 2526
BF Heathrow Control Inbox -
South / Andy Lumb / 01303 299 073 / 168
Border Force South East & Europe Operations Room -
South East & Europe / Kevin Gardner

See map below for clarification of the airfields within these regions.

3.2PA informed all that John Vine, Independent Chief Inspector of Borders andImmigration, has been asked to complete an inspection by the Home Secretary of GA in October 2013. ACTION: All to provide NCC with any vulnerabilities that they are aware off.

3.3Croatia will be joining the EU/EEA on 01 July 2013.

3.4KM is currently trying to improve the quality of Border Force’s databases / data i.e. to make CBP easier for all to submit data.

3.5MB stated that there seems to be a lack of understanding within the sector, which filters down to frontline staff. MB offered training to assist with this.

3.6ACTION: GH & KM to lead on a working group to improve data quality and to update the agenda for the next meeting.

3.7The notification period of arriving GA flights was discussed, and the difficulties with having to give 12 hours notice of flying. ACTION: NCC to arrange a meeting to discuss lead designation with BF/Customs/DfT/Immigration etc.

  1. Additional Cost Recovery ApproachAL & SC
  2. There will be a £20million reduction in budgets across the Home Office, and most departments will be looking at efficiencies and income generation.
  3. Border Force are currently looking at possible income generation i.e. VIP suites at Heathrow, registered traveler (replaces IRIS), premier / fast track, cost of BF officer is £53.08 per hour.
  4. AL/SC will be arranging an industry day in order to discuss ideas and engage with key partners.
  5. AoBALL
  6. MF requested if pilots can receive a notification or a reference number when they have sent their GARs as this will assist when the pilot lands, and can be quoted if the flight is cancelled due to bad weather etc.