The annual meeting of the Unit Owners of the Chula Vista Condominium Unit Owners Association, Inc. (the “Association”) was held at 9:00 AM on December 6, 2014, at Chula Vista Resort, 2501 River Road, Wisconsin Dells Wisconsin. The meeting was attended by many of the Unit Owners or their representatives.
Jim Anacker board director explained that Brad Boettcher had resigned his position as board president. The board appointed Bob Broshat to the board of directors and after board of director elections, Mr Broshat was appointed president of the board. Mr Broshat was placed on the ballot for a special election to complete the vacated position. Bob Broshat, President of the Association, explained his finance background and association experience.
Bob Broshat, President of the Association, called the meeting to order, confirmed there was a proof of meeting notice given and confirmed that a quorum was present in person or by proxy. Bob Broshat also reminded the members that, if they signed a proxy but came to the meeting after all, they needed to notify the people counting names for determining the quorum. There being none, the quorum was accepted. Upon a motion duly made by Paul Farron and seconded by Father Ed Stockus, the minutes of the meeting of the Association held on December 7, 2013 were approved.
Upon a motion made to approve the decisions of the Board of Directors for the upcoming year, the motion duly made by Paul Farron and seconded by Father Ed Stockus, the decisions of the board for the upcoming year were approved.
Bob Broshat, President of the Association, discussed the meeting’s intent and responsibilities of the board of directors. The packet which was sent out to each owner identified two directors whose terms are up; those being Ralph Howard and Scott Severson each for a three year term. Brad Boettcher’s vacated position would be a 2 year term. There were three people running for the three seats, as indicated on the ballots. Mr. Broshat introduced the two candidates running for the two 3 year term seats, those persons being Scott Severson and Clint Ziegler. Bob Broshat was running for the 2 year term. Each candidate reviewed their previous experience.
There were no nominations from the floor for a write in candidate. There being no further nominations from the floor Scott Severson motioned to close the nominations, 2nd by Paul Heiting and nominations were closed. Ballots were distributed, collected and counted verifying that only one vote was cast per unit.
Bob Broshat, the President of the Association, presented information on the status of the Condominium, Condominium Association finances, and the expected 2015Budget for the Association. Mr Broshat explained that association dues had stayed the same for a period of 5 years before increasing in 2014. The Association budget for 2014 is projected to bejust over $1.34 million budget which is up from 2014. Bob explained that with his finance experience he and another board of director would be reviewing the books for the association to ensure all items are appropriately accounted for. This budget covers only association expenses not items in the individual unit. A new line item is for a reserve study which would allow planning for common element updates and improvements. The overall association dues would increase roughly $30-35 per unit per month once the Board of Directors ratifies the budget.
Bob Broshatannounced the results of the Board of Directors’ election. Bob Broshat was elected to complete the 2 year term vacated by Brad Boettcher. Clint Ziegler (new board member) and Scott Severson (existing board member) were elected to the board for a 3-year term.
Bob Broshat called for any old business and then for any new business,there being no further business presented, a motion was made by Scott Severson and seconded by Paul Heiting to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:20am.
Approved at Association Meeting
Scott Severson, Secretary of the Association