Thursday February 15th, 2018
Attendance:Lisa Rolph – Co-Chair, Linda Compton – Treasurer, Jackie Burch – Co-Chair, Tania Lentini, Yvonne Scott, Tracy Brown, Sue Cathcart-Mills, Niki Hall – Secretary, Michelle Lindsey, Lindsey Convery – Staff Representative, Michelle Bagshaw, Peter Brachmayer – Principal, Leslie Martens, Amanda Harris, Michelle Selskey, Alison Neate, Kristin Currie, Tamara McKenney.
- Guest Speaker
Jodie Winnitoy came in from the AODA, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities. One of the AODA’s missions is to look at how motorists move safely around our schools. Dave Barton is on the committee. At their last meeting, Mr. Baskin spoke about the crosswalks around JGPS and their safety and accessibility. There are significant concerns about the following locations:
-Reach & Coral Creek. This intersection does not have anything right now. Some of the things they are looking into are textured lines, lights and sound.
-Fourth and Brock, the buses park there and students have to walk out on to the road in order to see to cross the road.
-Walking from the high school parking lot across the road to JGPS because there are no sidewalks.
-Capstick & Reach, kids go from Bell, up to Reach and through Bonner Fields. It is much busier on all major roads now because of our later bell times we are heading home at the beginning of rush hour.
-The sidewalk from our school to Nelkydd is not plowed. We were told this is not the townships’responsibility; it is the high schools’. Jodie will look into this and get back to us.
-People are complaining that buses are pulling out from our parking lot right in front of people crossing the road. The buses are complaining that people are walking out in front of the buses.
Thursday March 1st @ 7pm, someone from the Rick Hansen foundation will be coming to the Council Chambers to talk about making Uxbridge more accessible.
Jodie may send us a survey to complete.
- Financial Report
- The Drying Racks we voted on last month have been ordered.
- We voted on purchasing 18 Wobbly Chairs (6 for $499) last month. We found out this quote was in USD, so we changed the order to 13 Wobbly Chairs to fit within our budget. They came to $1941.00
- The Primary Division booked Earth Rangers for $500. Intermediate did a presentation for $500 and the Jr/Intermediate did one for $400.
- Eighteen Scientist in the School were budgeted and so far, only two classes have done theirs.
- Only 10 full time and 2 part time teachers have claimed their allotments so far.
- Patti Eatly has gone back over the past 5 years of Teacher Allotments and Scientists in the School. It is now clear how much money was used, given back or dispersed in previous years. It will always come back to us in the future. This is not something that Patti had to do. She went beyond for us by doing this.
- Pizza invoices have been paid until the end of March.
- We have approximately $3000 to spend right now.
Motion by Amanda Harris to amend the wording on our previous votes to say, “1800 voted in to division presentations. The money can be used to pay for any presentation with the understanding that the entire school receives benefit of a portion of the money used” second Jackie Burch. Passed.
- Staff Representative - Lindsay Convery
- Lindsey Convery has not yet done a full feeler with the teachers but many people are saying they do not use their agendas and instead are using programs like Remind. Lindsey will do a survey. We need to see if there are any questions, specifically we would like to ask. The first Monday of each month is the Staff Meeting. See if we can get her something by then.
- A couple of retired teachers have offered to come and volunteer for the Fun Fair
- New Business
- Our display for the Festival of Lights is not good. Pierre is willing to do something for us for next year. Tamara McKinney is going to talk to Lindsey Convery and put together some type of contest for the kids.
- As of right now, we do not have a meeting scheduled for March and Lisa Roph is going to be away when it would be scheduled on the 22nd. After the Fun Fair meeting next week we will decide if we need a March meeting or not.
- Trillium Lakes School Board matches any funds raised for playground equipment. Is this offered at the DDSB? Peter Brachmayer is going to look into it.
- We have talked about getting a BBQ before but need to discuss it again. When running events it is difficult to borrow a BBQ and even more difficult to get people to run it and then clean it properly. It could be used for Fun Fair, Track & Field, Meet the Teacher Night, Kindergarten Year-End, etc. Once we own one we may use it even more. The Bonner Boys have a great one that is very big and folds up and it easy to use. We would like to look in to something like that. We are going to look at some quotes and bring it up again on our next meeting.
- It is very hard to find a Pink Shirt for boys in town. For those kids or families that cannot afford a new shirt for each of their kids we should look in to other options, like pink cutouts or stickers. Some of the teachers do this already.
- Epsom has concrete shed that we assume they are just tearing down. Peter Brachmayer will see if it is available.
- Committee Updates
- Fun Fair – Michelle Bagshaw dropped off a bunch of candy to Michelle Lindsey for the Candy Room or prizes. Michelle Lindsey purchased stuffed animals and stickers for prizes or baskets. Jelly Beans were also purchased for the Candy Room. Walmart does not give our donations anymore but there is money you can apply for online. If we cannot use it for the Fun Fair (BBQ or awning) perhaps, we can use it for the library project at the school. We believe this can only be applied for once per year. Niki Hall will look in to the application process. The next Fun Fair meeting is Thursday February 22. The provincial election is the same day as our Fun Fair. At the next Fun Fair meeting, we will need to look in to this and talk about rescheduling.
- Valentine’s Dance – Michelle Bagshaw did an amazing job on the Valentine’s Dance and all of the kids had a great time. Michelle would like to suggest that next year we bring the money back to the school, as we are short on funds.
- Administration Update – Peter Brachmayer
- There is a grant available, up to $50,000 to upgrade our school library. Peter is going to apply for this. Ideas include, glass walls, less books, digital, outdoor patio, greenhouse, reading room, stem lab, sound studio, etc. is where we can go to add our ideas. People will be coming in from the board office to see what we can do. If we receive the grant, Peter is willing to put in $20,000 from school funds and hopes that the SCC will match that.
- Michelle Lindsey has requested that there are spray bottles and paper towels in each room to clean off the tables. Peter said they should already be in each room, but he would look in to it.
- If we agree to support the library, upgrade and have some ideas we could put up a vision board at the Fun Fair, to show people what kind of things we are thinking of.
Motion by Michelle Lindsey to use the Fun Fair profits towards the Library Upgrade. Second Yvonne Scott. Passed.
Motion to adjoin @ 8:24pm by Niki Hall. Second Jackie Burch. Passed.
Next meeting is on Thursday April 19, 2018at 7:00pm in the Learning Commons.