MICC - Fort Benning/Rucker Acquisition Forecast Open House
Supporting America’s Small Business
June 28, 2017
Request your response to the following statements and questions. For the first four statements,
use the following scale: 1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neutral, 4-Agree, and 5 - Strongly Agree
1. The Acquisition Forecast was informative. / 1 ( ) / 2 ( ) / 3 ( ) / 4 ( ) / 5 ( )
2. The information presented was informative. / 1 ( ) / 2 ( ) / 3 ( ) / 4 ( ) / 5 ( )
3. The presenters were knowledgeable in their subject matter. / 1 ( ) / 2 ( ) / 3 ( ) / 4 ( ) / 5 ( )
4. The information presented was of value to me/my company. / 1 ( ) / 2 ( ) / 3 ( ) / 4 ( ) / 5 ( )
5. How likely are you to recommend this forum to others? / Likely / ____ / Not Likely / ____
6. How likely are you to attend future forums such as this? / Likely / ____ / Not Likely / ____
7. Every six months is an appropriate frequency to present this type of information?
Responses: Too Frequent______About Right ______Too Infrequent ______

8. What changes would you suggest to make this event more beneficial to you? ______




