KPK Board of Technical Education
Plot #22 Sector B-1 Phase –V, Hayatabad, Peshawar
Phone No.091-9217441 Fax.No.091-9217658
No.BTE/Admn/ Dated ____/____/2017
Pursuant to the institutions request and subsequent recommendation of the CCDTE in its 52nd meeting dated: 24-03-2017, the BoG of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education in its meeting Dated:11-07-2017 has approved the relaxation of 45% marks criteria in SSC (Science Group) for admission in DAE program to Grade-D or 40% marks in SSC (Science Group).
yber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education
22,Sector B-I , Phase V , Hayatabad, Peshawar
Ref . NO/BTE/REG/C-I Dated 27-Mar-2017
The Principal
Professional Group of Colleges Garhihabibullah Mansehra
Reference Your Letter No ______Dated ______
Registeration Card(s) in favour of the following students of your Institute/College2015-16 are
sent herewith for onward delivery to the concerned student
for the session
ACCOUNT GROUP (Revised 2006)
S No Name of Student Father Name Registeration No
1 Muhammad Zaid Muhammad Khurshid PGC/MSR/AC/15-44680
2 Jamal Arif Muhammad Arif PGC/MSR/AC/15-44681
3 Adnan Jelani Ghulam Jelani PGC/MSR/AC/15-44682
4 Hammad Ahmad Abdur Rashid PGC/MSR/AC/15-44683
5 Gulistan Aurangzeb PGC/MSR/AC/15-44684
6 Muhammad Wasim Muhammad Farooq PGC/MSR/AC/15-44685
7 Umer Latif Abdul Latif PGC/MSR/AC/15-44686
8 Hafiz Ur Rehman Malik Aman Abbasi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44687
9 Abdul Muqsit Ghulam Jilani PGC/MSR/AC/15-44688
10 Usama Sharafat Muhammad Sharafat PGC/MSR/AC/15-44689
11 Muhammad Hafeez Fazal Dad PGC/MSR/AC/15-44690
12 Shafahat Hussain Nizakat Hussain PGC/MSR/AC/15-44691
13 Amir Rasheed Abdul Rasheed PGC/MSR/AC/15-44692
14 Sarab Hussain Munsif Khan PGC/MSR/AC/15-44693
15 Mashab Ali Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan PGC/MSR/AC/15-44694
16 Noman Rashid Muhammad Rashid PGC/MSR/AC/15-44695
17 Muhammad Umar Ghafoor Abdul Ghafoor PGC/MSR/AC/15-44696
18 Maria Muzaffar Muzaffar Hussain Qureshi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44697
19 Khansa Arshad Arshad Khan PGC/MSR/AC/15-44698
20 Mubashir Qureshi Muhammad Javaid Qureshi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44699
21 Mudassar Javid Muhammad Javaid Qureshi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44700
22 Luqman Maqsood Muhammad Maqsood PGC/MSR/AC/15-44701
23 Sabeel Ahmed Ishfaq Ahmed PGC/MSR/AC/15-44702
24 Raja Shakir Raja Muhammad Rafique PGC/MSR/AC/15-44703
25 Mohsin Muhammad Nazir PGC/MSR/AC/15-44704
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical Education
22,Sector B-I , Phase V , Hayatabad, Peshawar
Ref . NO/BTE/REG/C-I Dated 27-Mar-2017
The Principal
Professional Group of Colleges Garhihabibullah Mansehra
Reference Your Letter No ______Dated ______
Registeration Card(s) in favour of the following students of your Institute/College2015-16 are
sent herewith for onward delivery to the concerned student
for the session
ACCOUNT GROUP (Revised 2006)
S No Name of Student Father Name Registeration No
1 Muhammad Zaid Muhammad Khurshid PGC/MSR/AC/15-44680
2 Jamal Arif Muhammad Arif PGC/MSR/AC/15-44681
3 Adnan Jelani Ghulam Jelani PGC/MSR/AC/15-44682
4 Hammad Ahmad Abdur Rashid PGC/MSR/AC/15-44683
5 Gulistan Aurangzeb PGC/MSR/AC/15-44684
6 Muhammad Wasim Muhammad Farooq PGC/MSR/AC/15-44685
7 Umer Latif Abdul Latif PGC/MSR/AC/15-44686
8 Hafiz Ur Rehman Malik Aman Abbasi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44687
9 Abdul Muqsit Ghulam Jilani PGC/MSR/AC/15-44688
10 Usama Sharafat Muhammad Sharafat PGC/MSR/AC/15-44689
11 Muhammad Hafeez Fazal Dad PGC/MSR/AC/15-44690
12 Shafahat Hussain Nizakat Hussain PGC/MSR/AC/15-44691
13 Amir Rasheed Abdul Rasheed PGC/MSR/AC/15-44692
14 Sarab Hussain Munsif Khan PGC/MSR/AC/15-44693
15 Mashab Ali Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan PGC/MSR/AC/15-44694
16 Noman Rashid Muhammad Rashid PGC/MSR/AC/15-44695
17 Muhammad Umar Ghafoor Abdul Ghafoor PGC/MSR/AC/15-44696
18 Maria Muzaffar Muzaffar Hussain Qureshi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44697
19 Khansa Arshad Arshad Khan PGC/MSR/AC/15-44698
20 Mubashir Qureshi Muhammad Javaid Qureshi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44699
21 Mudassar Javid Muhammad Javaid Qureshi PGC/MSR/AC/15-44700
22 Luqman Maqsood Muhammad Maqsood PGC/MSR/AC/15-44701
23 Sabeel Ahmed Ishfaq Ahmed PGC/MSR/AC/15-44702
24 Raja Shakir Raja Muhammad Rafique PGC/MSR/AC/15-44703
25 Mohsin Muhammad Nazir PGC/MSR/AC/15-44704
The above decision shall be applicable to the students seeking admission in the DAE program from the academic session 2017-18.
The above Notification issues with approval of the Chairman KP Board of Technical Education, Peshawar.
(Muhammad Iqbal)
- The Chairman, KP BTE Peshawar.
- The Managing Director, KP TEVTA.
- All Affiliated GCTs/GPIs/ GTIs.
- All Affiliated Private Polytechnic Institutions of KP BTE.
- All Section Heads, KP BTE Peshawar.
- Notification file.