TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2006 7.30 pm



Chairman, Cllr. David Brown. Louise Brown, Lorna Ellis, Gareth Dickinson, Maurice Hilton, Cllr. Veronica Maloney, Cllr. Jim Maloney, Cllr. Carole Miles, Martin Saxon, Cllr A Sudworth, Cllr. Ira Whiteley. J Hesketh (WL&CT), B Cross (Shev HS), Andrew Meadows and Darren Barton (Township), Mike Holden (Secretary).


Alan Baybutt, Cllr. Mike Crosby, Hilda Green, Bill Harrison, Sandra Makin, Simon Richards, Sally Vidler


The Chairman invited Darren Barton, Township Manager to present a summary of the Standish Aspull Shevington Township Plan. Members received a copy of the Plan.

Note. As there was also discussion as elements of the Plan were presented the following aspects which were intertwined are noted in three separate sub headings for clarity , namely, the Plan, Shevington High School proposals, the Recreation Ground/Youth Club Scheme

The plan is divided into six sections, providing information about the Township programme, information about the Standish Aspull Shevington area, indicators as to how this area compares to the rest of the Borough, a summary of issues that the forum feels are important to the area, examples of work already happening locally and, finally, information about the Action Plan that the forum is working on. The key themes focus on, neighbourhood development, health, traffic and public transport, environment, economy, leisure culture and recreation, education and training, together with community safety.

Information about Townships can be obtained by telephone – 01942 776155 or by e mail – or through the website where ‘Townships’ can be found in the A-Z of Services. Interested parties who might wish to join the sub groups engaged in planning and carrying out the plan are encouraged to volunteer. Minutes of sub groups would be made available to the Township representative.

Shevington High School is actively pursuing community involvement in sport and recreation having obtained a £5k grant for renovation of the playing fields from ‘Sport for All’. Further applications for grant aid will be made to renovate the sports hall as a Sports and Healthy Living Centre and a phase 3 will see wider community use, principally Friday evening through Sunday. This aspect was presented by Barry Cross who advised that a questionnaire would be distributed seeking feedback on potential needs and likely usage of the improved facilities. There was some disquiet voiced as to the possibility of all interested parties locally not being seen as working together if residents had just received the Parish Plan, and likely receive a Community Newsletter shortly detailing the village centre plans. There was also a belief that other dynamic parties should be involved, for example, the Primary Health Care Trust. Nonetheless the proposals received a warm welcome from Members, albeit there were some residual concerns that the village centre grant applications might suffer as a result.

The Recreation Ground/Youth Club scheme was covered in some detail with indications of cost around £190k with the potential of locally available funds topping £60k. This may seem to be over egging the local fund input provision given that hitherto this level of funding had been seeking to trigger a grant application of nearer to £1m. An application for grant funding had been prepared and likely it would be another four to six months before the outcome was known. This further lapse in timing was a disappointment for Members given the time the current proposals had been in train but it was recognised that to spend available funds now would prejudice the longer term grant levels. Discussion turned to the likely size of the football pitch and it was clear that the site plan was in need of some redrawing if it was to be published in the newsletter in April/May.


‘That the Minutes of the Meetings of 31January be approved as true and correct records.’

Proposed. Veronica Maloney. Seconded. Ira Whiteley. Agreed.


Boundary signs

The Parish Council had met with representatives of the Township and Wigan Engineering Services and had agreed potential locations for parish boundary sign locations. There would likely be eight in all, three provided by the Township and five by the Parish Council. The design would be the Council’s crest and be accompanied by ‘Parish of Shevington’ possibly with the addition of ‘Welcome to the’ .

Environmental Shopping List

The cost of the sign for excess speeding had not been determined but likely in the order of £6k which would include up to four removals to fresh sites each year. Locations would need to be finalised and the Secretary undertook to advise these to the Township Manager and Engineering Services. Likely sites would be Back Lane, Shevington Lane and Miles Lane, with possibly two locations in each stretch for variation on the sitings.

Elnup Wood. ‘Friends of Shevington Woodlands’

Jim Maloney had met with several interested parties, principally with Groundwork Wigan and Chorley, the Trustees, with a view to reviving what was the ‘Friends of Elnup Wood’, under the anticipated wider brief name of ‘Friends of Shevington Woodlands’. Groundwork was already exploring the potential for grants and matched funding and would in the first instance seek to have a general tidy up of the broken bottles and other detritus in the woods. Members were invited to put their names forward to become involved and Jim would advise of a proposed first meeting date.

Drug abuse.

Following up on reports of drug needles being found near the Doctors Surgery adjacent to Miles Lane School the Police been visiting. There were now reports of needles being found at the Parish Council’s bowling green car park at Forrest Fold.



As had been mentioned previously there would be Township support for the publication of a newsletter, likely sometime in April/May.

Shevington in Bloom

Gareth Dickinson had approached Eileen Longmore Secretary of the Allotment and Horticultural Society. Dave Brown would follow up when contact made.

Bowling Competition

Gareth Dickinson had been approached by a bowling green club member interested in organising a Competition. After a short discussion it was agreed that this was something the Association could join in with the Parish Council, perhaps providing refreshments or prizes. In view of the limited membership at the green the Secretary was of the view that whatever was held should be open to all members and residents of the Parish/area of Community Association involvement. The matter would be discussed further and Gareth would act as intermediary.


Veronica Maloney provided Members with a Calendar design which would be suited to featuring old black and white photographs of the area. The design could be topped and tailed with a coloured cover and sponsors could feature throughout. A quote had been received from Douglas Printers for £650 and basically 27 sponsors at £25 would clear costs. A quote would also be requested from Wigan Council in house print workshop. If the Calendars were sold at £2.50, a run of 500 would raise £1250, assuming print costs had been covered. Members liked the format and Veronica and Jim Maloney would progress matters with a view to availability in September.


The AGM would take place on Tuesday 28 March at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall, or if numbers exceeded expectations, in the Church. Posters would be available for display by 14th March and Gareth Dickinson would assist in displaying them around the Parish. The Secretary would send out Agenda on the 14th and enclose additional copies for Members to pass on to potential attendees. Apart from the formal aspects the central theme would be the Parish and Township Plans, with a focus on the scheme proposals. Members were reminded of the need to bear in mind a few names for election to the Committee, and consider the post of Secretary.


Maurice Hilton drew attention to the gangs of youths congregating in the emergency exit to the Youth Club and the general disturbances in the centre of the village locality. There had even been reported gatherings in the Library. Moving them on was a concern and Dave Brown advised on heightened police activity over the next four weeks. To add to the issues a baseball bat and snooker cue had been found hidden in the park.

As a rider to the disturbance problems Maurice advised that the last lighting bill had been investigated and he had been told that the lights should only be on when the Youth Club was in session, which is now the case. To members, this did not seem logical in view of the present problems but recognised that the Youth Club could not be responsible for such large bills.


Annual General Meeting 28 March. Next Committee Meeting 27 April.

In closing the Meeting the Chairman, on behalf of Members, thanked Mike Holden for undertaking the Secretary’s role for the last three years.

Meeting closed at 9.45pm