Holding it all together; ancient and modern approaches to joining, repair and consolidation
21st and 22nd Feb 2008
Provisional Program
Thursday 21st February9.00-9.50 / Registration
9.50-10.00 / Introductions
Session 1. Introduction to the three main themes
10.00-10.25 / H Jaeschke / Repairs in Ancient Egypt
10.25-10.50 / M Davis / Modelling the Caergwrle bowl; ancient, historic and modern methods
10.50-11.15 / J Podany, E Risser and E Sanchez / Never Forever: planning reversibility of structural joints in reassembled ancient sculpture
Session 2. Glass and high fired ceramics
11.45-12.10 / S. Koob / Paraloid B72: 25 years of use as a consolidant and adhesive for ceramics and glass
12.10-12.35 / S. Davison / A history of joining glass fragments
12.35-13.00 / P. Bendall / The re-assembly of three Kangxi vases from the FitzwilliamMuseum, Cambridge
13.00-13.25 / K. Naworth and P Mottner / Internal fracturing on stained glass windows. Replacement and more.
13.25-14.30 Lunch
Session 3. Organics
14.30-14.55 / R Jaeschke / Joins in Ancient Egyptian wooden artefacts
14.55-15.20 / J. Taylor-Bouvard and
M. Penrhys Jones / Ethics, methods and materials: the conservation of Egyptian mummies for long-term display
15.20-16.20 Posters and tea
(tea at 16.00)
Session 4. Stone and sculpture
16.20-16.45 / K. Birkhoelzer / The conservation of the Nebamun wall paintings
16.45-17.10 / J. Kemp and S.Healey-Dilkes / Boundaries and authenticity in the monument to Marchese Spinetta Malaspina, c 1430
17.10-17.35 / M. Jorjani, G. Wheeler, C. Riccardelli,
W.Soboyejo and N.Rahbar / An evaluation of adhesives used for marble repair
17.35-18.00 / G. Bonsanti / From Michelangelo to Michelangelo - Milestones in the Italian tradition of structural conservation
18.00 -20.00 Reception
Friday 22nd February
8.30- 9.30 Private view First Emperor exhibition
Session 5. Low fired Ceramics
9.45 -10.10 / D. Arnold / Different techniques of joining clay among contemporary potters in Mexico and Guatemala and among the ancient Incas: A comparative Study
10.10-10.35 / C. White and N Odegaard / Prehistoric and Ethnographic repair techniques and materials on southwestern Native American pottery
10.35-11.30Tea and posters
Session 6 Metals
11.30-11.55 / S. Costello, K Eremin and F Bewer / An investigation of repairs to Chinese bronze artifacts in the Winthrop Collection at the HarvardUniversityArt Museum
11.55-12.20 / K. Cobb and T. Evans / Rivets used for connection and repair in Early Southeastern North American native copper artifacts
12.20-12.45 / S. O’Connor / A case of “It will be alright on the night ?” - the construction of the Ferry Fryston terret rings
12.45-13.45 Lunch
Session 7 Modern adhesives
13.45-14.10 / J. Down / Poly(vinyl acetate) and acrylic adhesive aging update
14.10-14.35 / P. Nel and D. Lau / Identification of a contaminant in a conservation grade adhesive and determination of impact on adhesive performance
14.35-15.00 / I Kucerova and ,D. Drncová / Wood consolidation by acrylates solutions
15.00-15.30 Tea
Session 8. Ancient adhesives
15.30-15.55 / G. Eggert and D.S.Straub / Ancient glass gluing recipes
15.55-16.20 / C. Nordby / Continuity or change ? The use and function of birch bark tar in Norwegian Early Iron Age grave contexts
16.20-16.45 / R. Stacey and C. Cartwright / Use and reuse of adhesives on the Aztec turquoise mosaics
16.45-17.10 / A. Honey and A Velios / The repair and re-use of Byzantine wooden bookboards in the manuscript collection of the monastery of St Catherine, Sinai