Minutes WG Meeting 13 September 2007
Venue : MOH The Terrace Wellington
Present: Jackie Edmond, Carole Maraku, Lorraine Bailey, Kirsty Peel, Barb Long, Karen Covell, Tiva Toeono, Kawshi Da Silva, Geraldine Woods( 2hrs), Julie Patterson( 1 hr)
Apologies: Joanne Hayes, Chris Inglis, Kath Fox
Chair: Jo Fitpatrick
Minutes: Muno Richards
Jo welcomed the Julie Patterson who is the Group Manager within the Ministry and has taken over managing the NGO desk from Rose Wall
Julie outlined her involvement and role relationship with the NGO sector and within the new MOH Structure.
Currently the NGO desk sits in the Sector Accountability and Funding Directorate
Geraldine Woods the new DDG Health and Disability National Services was welcomed by Jo. Geraldine gave an overview of her background and the perspective from which she comes.
October Forum
The WG engaged in discussion around the content, direction and format for the Forum with Geraldine. Kirsty to prepare Forum briefing notes for Geraldine.
WG confirmed the following for the Forum:
- Agenda
- Forum Pack Information
- WG Election Process
- WG Planning Tasks
Kirsty addressed her paper on the site structure of the website
WG agreed to include executive summary in Forum Packs
A fuller report will follow later to the sector. Jo will discuss this wider distribution with Julie Patterson
Innovations and Collaborations Report
Kirsty prepared a report based on the feedback from workshops at the May Forum . The report will be posted on the website after the October Forum.
A form will be available at the Forum for NGOs to register . Jo will put together a work programme for the transition and associated cost. WG needs to ensure that organisations are all “opted in”and that the database is a purpose built list that suits our purpose.????
MOH Policy Analyst Training
Kirsty informed the WG that the date for this training is the 26th Sept 2007.Kawshi , Lorraine and Carole will confirm who will represent the WG . Muno will send the Presentation to the WG.
Kawshi attended a meeting on the Tertiary Education Commissions 3 year investment plan. The framework highlighted the importance of consultation /engagement with the futures career framework and the Public Health Competencies.
WG Election Process
Information that will go out to the sector was reviewed and updated . The election letter to include a fuller description of the nomination overview.
Candidate nomination form
Representation Process
Election letter
Current Registered of organizations registered to vote to be included in 19th September NGO Desk mailout
WG vacancies and members standing for re- election were discussed and confirmed.
Financial Issues Paper
WG agreed that current paper needs updating . Barb offered to lead this work .
Working Group Representations
Jo addressed the need for a formal process to keep track of this and requested assistance to manage this. Kawshi volunteered to action this.
Meeting closed: 3.00pm
Next WG meeting 30 November 2007. Family planning National Office Willis Street9.30-3.00pm