A statement of Bruno Gröning himself on 2nd July 1950

(Part 1)

It is clear to me that from March 1949 my public work put many people into a stunning. Many have asked: „Why didnt he appear earlier?“

My answer is: „I am living now for 43 years and since my childhood I had always done that , what I am doing now in public. But I have ever tried everything not to be strained into publicity. And I did this much earlier always in small circles. I tried to explain it to people the way that I do know a person – I never pinned these my abilities on me – but on a third unknown person doing all these things. A person who is able to heal almost every illniss under his own power without medical studies.

My auditors considered me always an idiot and only few people could understand me in those days.

From time to time I had the opportunity to meet a sick person and could take away the illness from him(the ill one never noticed that) through some words, or touching a sick part of the body or through giving an item from me to him.

Later I’ve noticed that I was able to help not only one single person but also more ill persons at the same time, and that this „method of treatment“ was not difficult to me at all.

So I continued to work this way on and on in silence and hardly one of my efforts kept without success. This small circle of people I have met those days, were always stunned - of course - and they couldn’t get their head around that yet how this could work.

Those ill persons who’ve got help through me, recognized and witnessed the matter of fact but without having any explanation for. Time and more healings made a „Big-Transmitter“ of me. More and more people received the healing wave. I think to claim, that everybody has a receiver station for this wave, but a human being has to know what he wants to receive. Of course there have been small healing transmitters before, but to my mind they were limited with their power and could’nt be developed –were ousted through their weakness and also reduced.

To make it short, I would like to mention comparably: I have found the receiving station on human beings and I am able to „overhaul“ the human organism. This is a matter of course like the radio for people who got healed through me.

I am sending a healing wave as well without a connection to the sick one, that means without knowing where the ill person is ort he sick ones are. The remote healings are evidence for it. For those who never heard about my distant healings I will give the following short statement:

When a human being came to me as an applicant for a third ill one, I never asked fort he name of that suppliant or for the sick one nor his illness. It’s also completely indifferent where the sick one is living. I rather portrayed the illness or let it explain exactly through a third person (Groenium), and kept the depicted symptoms of illness exactly also in writing.

From Hundreds of those symptoms of (for me) unknown persons, depicted by me, there is not one single found which was not right up to the details. In many cases I healed the persons afterwards and pleased them to fix the time of healing exactly in writing. I got to know that the recovering took placeaccording to the predicted time exactly, and many sick didnt know at the moment they got healed, that the healing took place through me.

These single healings I could only accomplish if I had some time available. In the most cases I said to the applicant: „this person w a s sick...“ or „...has had the illness...“ or „...has been sick. Now walk or drive home, your wish has been fulfilled.“

(Part 2)

Bruno Gröning speaks about his "mass-healings" and "distant healings in 1949"

This procedure is not much different with the so-called „mass-healings“. When there were hundreds and thousands people waiting for me during my absence, I never forgot to point out a task to one of my closest assistants: He should inform the waiting crowd, that I will perform mass-healings from time to time during I am absent. The point of time to start with these distant healings I transferred into the body of my assistant so he could feel when the time has come to speak to the waiting crowd and the mass-healings will be conducted.

Especially from „Traberhof“ in Rosenheim, Germany, many of such healing-reports during my absence are present, where lamed, blind, deaf and dumbly people got back their health. Herewith I want to point out that it isn’t nescessary to bring sick or ill people to me in person but it is possible for them to receive their healing everywhere and also at home.

I also implemented many healings per phone, without speaking personally with the sick one. The same thing happened – if I had a little time available – when I took a letter from any helpseeker in my hand and „blessed“ this person (the German word "ansprechen" is difficult to translate - the meaning of 'blessing' is nearest - the Administrator)spoken in my own words). Later it became apparent that exactly at time of the „letter-blessing“ the person got healed.

I also want to state that the healing wave (as well as the radio wave) is invisible for every human eye.As a sender I never allow people to demand something from me. I am sending the healing wave and the ill person is able to receive it without knowing what and how I am sending.

Most people are making the big and unforgiveable mistake to concentrate too much on their illness and their physically pain at moment of the healing time. They cannot detach only one minute, when I asked them, to listen within and to receive the healing wave. Then it is not always possible for me to free those people from their suffering.

It is right, if somebody observes his body, let go his suffering for a few minutes and waits silently to the receipt of healing with a calmly and concentrated mind. Further he doesn’t need to think about coming to me in person anymore.


FREIE ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT BRUNO GRÖNING (Hrsg.): Das Tor zum Weg (Stephanskirchen bei Rosenheim 1970) Nr. 06/07, S. 9-11