Panel Presentation Rubric

Very Good / Good / Could be better… / Poor


/ The introduction presents the overall topic and draws the audience into the presentation with compelling questions or by relating to the audience’s interests or goals. / The introduction is clear and coherent and relates to the topic. / The introduction shows some structure but does not create a strong sense of what is to follow.
May be overly detailed or incomplete and is somewhat appealing to the audience. / The introduction does not orient the audience to what will follow.
The sequencing is unclear and does not appear interesting or relevant to the audience.


/ Information presented is clearly related to the topic.
Presentation addresses key points of topic. / Most of the information presented relates to the topic.
Presentation briefly addresses key points. / There is a great deal of information that is not clearly connected to the topic.
Presentation does not clearly address key points. / Topic not clear; information presented does not related to the topic in any way.
Presentation does not address key points.
Organization / Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. / Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. / Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. / Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.
Conclusion / Summarized all the main ideas allowing it to end smoothly. / Lacked polish, but contained major elements. / Did not come at the end but did summarize some of the main ideas. / Did not come at logical place. Was not a good summary and ended abruptly.
Citations / Sources of information are properly cited so that the audience can determine the credibility of authority of the information presented. / Most sources of information use proper citation / Rarely used proper citations. / Citations are not used. It is not possible to check the validity of information.

Presentation Skills

/ Poised, clear articulation; proper volume; steady rate; good posture and eye contact; enthusiasm; confidence. / Clear articulation but not as polished; / Some mumbling; little eye contact; uneven rate; little or not expression; talk and slides are not synchronized and difficult to follow both. / Inaudible or too loud; no eye contact; rate too slow/fast; speaker seemed uninterested and used monotone.
Length of Presentation / Within one minute of allotted time / Within two minutes of allotted time. / Within three minutes of allotted time. / Too long or too short; four or more minutes above or below the allotted time.