YOU MUST PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING COMPLETELYFILL IN THE APPLICATION FORM OR YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED!It is company policy that all applicants are met personally before final approval or the lease is signed.

ID:You must provide 2 of the following proof of identification documents 1 MUST have a photograph: DRIVERS LICENSE, BIRTH CERTIFICATE, PASSPORT, BANK CARD

PROOF OF INCOME:You must provide your current pay slips and a contact person who will be able to confirm your employment.

SELF EMPLOYED:If you are self employed please provide Verification of income – last 2 group certificates & tax returns or your accountants details

CENTRE LINK: If you are currently receiving any government benefits (ie: Youth Allowance, Austudy or a single parenting income) you MUST provide your Income Statement from Centrelink confirming the amount you receive.

REFERENCES:All applicants must provide 2 personal references: Referencesshould not be from family, other applicants, rental or employment referees. Best personal references are from people you have known closely for at least 2 years e.g. business people, Doctors, Bank Managers, Solicitors, Real Estate Agents ect.

Personal referees will be required to give us their residential address and home phone number or they will .be ineligible as a referee. DO NOT use the same personal reference for 2 applicants. –All referees must be contactable by phone or email during normal business hours.

STUDENTS:If you are a Student you must provide a copy of student card, the type of course being studied and which institution.

RENTAL HISTORY: Written references from previous Landlords and Property Managers. previous Lease agreements or rental receipts. Must provide proof of last residential address – i.e. Telstra, electricity or gas account.

HOME OWNERS: If you have no previous rental history through a Real Estate Agency, due to home ownership in the past, please provide reference details for either an agent who has sold your property, details of mortgage repayments and/or rental income you will be receiving from this asset.

PETS: If your application includes a pet, you must provide a photo. Also a reference from the previous agency you rented with.

Do not forget to read & initial the Privacy Act Acknowledgement form. Page 2.

Applications will take a minimum 48 hours to process, longer if we cannot contact all of your references, so please be patient and we will be in touch to advise you of the status of your application. PLEASE NOTE IF YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT APPROVED YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED BY SMS

Successful applicants will be contacted to arrange an appointment to sign the required documentation in our office and pay the initial moving in costs.

Moving in costs (unless specified) are:

Bond: Equivalent to 4 week’s rent.

Rent:2 Week’s rent in advance.

Pet Bond: $260.00 if applicable – cats or dogs only



The State Government has introduced a set of new regulations to regulate the control of various breeds of dangerous dogs. Under section 53 (1) of the Dog Act, 1976 the Governor is give the power to make regulations when the Minister is of view that a specific breed or a mixed-breed of dogs is a potential danger. Previously, the Dog Regulations, 1976contained various provisions relating to the control of dogs. Those provisions have now been supplemented by the Dog (Restricted Breed) Regulations, 2002. The new regulations, by their terms, include the following breeds of dog or any dog of a mixed breed which visibly contains and of these breeds:

  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Japanese Tosa
  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Any other breed of dog the importation of which is prohibited absolutely by the Customers (Prohibited Imports) Regulations, 1956 (Commonwealth)

It is the policy of Property Selection Realty that under no circumstances whatsoever, will any dog that is either a breed or cross breed of one of the dogs listed above, be permitted to be kept on the premises.

This also extends to any visitors of the tenants who will not be permitted to bring any of the above listed breeds or cross breed dogs to the premises to bring any of the above listed breeds or cross breed dogs to the premises.

Suite 6, 1 Scarborough Beach Road North Perth WA 6006

Phone (08) 9242 2099  Fax: (08) 9242 3699 e: 

Licensee: Colossus Realty Pty Ltd trading as Property Selection Realty Real EstateABN:11 097 090 492