Application Form

When completed this form should be emailed (or posted) to

Mr Barry Welsh


The Edinburgh Academy

42 Henderson Row




1. Contact details

Full Name: (please underline the name(s) by which you like to be known)
Former surnames: (where there has been any previous change of name)
Current address:
Previous address: (if resident at current address for less than five years, please provide previous addresses during this period)
E-mail address: / Telephone No.:
Fax No: / Mobile No.:

2. Other information about you

Are you over, or within 6 months of, 65 years old?
YES/NO (delete as appropriate) / Do you require a work permit to work in the UK?
YES/NO (delete as appropriate)
If yes, please indicate:
Type of permit required
Permit number
Expiry date / Current total gross annual salary:
Current Employer:
Current Position:
How much notice do you have to give your current employer?
Please provide any information we need to know at this stage in your application e.g. if invited to interview would you need any particular arrangements i.e. communicator, equipment?
Do you have PVG? Yes/No
PVG Disclosure Scotland reference No: / Do you have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)?
YES/NO (delete as appropriate)
Are you registered with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)? YES/NO (delete as appropriate)
GTCS Number:

3. Education - details of all academic/vocational qualifications

Please list all your qualifications in date order, starting with A levels, Highers (or equivalent)

Please state your A level or Higher grades (or equivalent)

Please state clearly the class or grade of your degree

Qualification / Subject/area of study / School, college, university, etc. / Class/grade awarded

4.  Career - history of employment

Required in accordance with official guidance from PVG Disclosure Scotland
Please supply, in chronological order (state the earliest first), details of all employment, self-employment and any periods of unemployment (there is no need to list casual employment undertaken whilst at school, college or university), including your current post.
Please give in each case the reasons for leaving each employment.
o  Please provide, where appropriate, explanations for any periods not in employment or self-employment.
o  Please use the continuation sheet at the back if necessary.
o  For any teaching posts held, please give information about age range, subject(s) taught and the title of any posts held.
Start date / Details of employment, self-employment or unemployment / Reason for leaving / End date

5.  Professional development and training

o  Please give details of any relevant training you have undertaken in the past three years.
Date (m/y) / Course title or description / Course provider

6. Other interests and activities

o  Please give information about any interests, hobbies or activities in which you are involved.

o  Please indicate any activities that you would like to offer as your co-curricular contribution (including Games) and indicate standard, where appropriate.

7. Your interest in this post

o  Please state why you are applying for this post and say what particular attributes, qualities or special areas of interest or expertise you would bring to it. (Use the continuation sheet if necessary.)

8. Existing contacts within the School

o  Please indicate if you know any existing employees or governors at the school and if so how you know them.

9. Referees

Please give the contact details (name & email) of three referees. Email address is used as a preferred contact.

·  One referee should be your current or most recent employer

·  Where you are not currently working with children but have done so in the past, one referee must be from the employer by whom you were most recently employed in work with children

·  Please note that references will not be accepted from relatives or from referees writing solely in the capacity of friends

·  Please note that referees may be contacted by telephone and will be invited to submit confidential written references, prior to interview.

First referee

Email -

Second referee

Email -

Third referee


10. Pre-employment checks

All offers of employment are made subject to the receipt of references satisfactory to the School, proof of qualifications (where relevant), proof of eligibility for employment and a decision based on clearance from PVG Disclosure Scotland. Successful applicants may be required to provide written confirmation from their GP, at the school’s expense, that they are medically fit to fulfil the duties of the post as outlined.

11. The welfare, protection and safety of pupils

·  The Edinburgh Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

·  The successful applicant will be required to gain clearance from PVG Disclosure Scotland.

·  A copy of the School’s Child Protection Policy is included with this application form.

·  As part of our selection process, shortlisted candidates should expect us to seek to clarify any anomalies or discrepancies in the information provided by them, or arising from their references.

·  The interview process will explore candidate’s suitability for working with children and their previous experience in such roles.

I hereby certify that the statements on this form are correct and that no material information is omitted.

Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………………………….


(Attached after the continuation sheet)

Continuation sheet (if required)



The Edinburgh Academy has two Child Protection Co-ordinators.

Senior School: Deputy Rector Pastoral and Personnel

Junior School: Headteacher

The Child Protection Co-ordinators report directly to the Rector.

It is the policy of the Edinburgh Academy, and the responsibility of all teaching and support

staff, to promote good practice in relation to the protection of all the children in the School and for dealing with allegations of abuse.

Such allegations may be against parents, teachers, carer, any other adult, another child or young person. Children may be harmed by a parent, sibling or other relative, other children or young people, a carer or staff member, an acquaintance or a stranger.

No allegations of abuse even if ‘in confidence’ should be dismissed out of hand. They must be taken seriously and the confidant has the responsibility to help and support the child whose welfare is paramount.

Staff MUST be familiar with the following policy statements:

i) child protection

ii) confidentiality

iii) bullying


Child abuse can include both

·  Acts of commission and

·  Acts of omission

a)  Physical abuse: actual or likely physical injury to a child

b)  Neglect: the persistent or severe neglect of a child or the failure to protect a child from exposure to any kind of danger, or failure to carry out important aspects of care.

c)  Emotional abuse: the persistent or severe emotional ill treatment or rejection of a child.

d)  Sexual abuse: actual or likely sexual exploitation of a child who may be either dependent and/or developmentally immature.

Allegations of abuse may be made by:-

·  The child

·  Any person who has knowledge of a suspicion that a child is suffering significant harm.

·  Members of the public, those working directly or indirectly with child or family members.

All allegations should be referred to the Child Protection Co-ordinator or to the Rector if the allegation is about the Child Protection Co-ordinator. The Child Protection Co-ordinator will report directly to the Rector.


Staff should OBSERVE, R E C O R D and REPORT

o  Respond without showing signs of disquiet, anxiety or shock.

o  Enquire casually about how an injury was sustained or why a child appears upset.

o  Confidentiality should not be promised to children or adults.

o  Observe carefully the behaviour or demeanour of the child or the person expressing concern.

o  Record in detail what you have seen and heard.

o  Do not interrogate or enter into detailed investigations; rather encourage the child to say what he or she wants until enough information is gained to decide whether or not a referral is appropriate.

And then REPORT to the Child Protection Co-ordinator on the same day as the concerns arise.

Information about the allegation must not be shared with any person other than the Child Protection Co-ordinator or the Rector.

REMEMBER: Keep contemporaneous notes and make a record of them on the same working day.


It is recognised that allegations can be made mistakenly, whether or not for frivolous or malicious reasons, which can jeopardise and damage irretrievably the career of an adult. However, all such allegations must be considered to be possible of substantiation until otherwise proved.

·  The Child Protection Co-ordinator will judge whether or not an allegation concerns possible abuse.

·  A co-ordination meeting of Child Protection Co-ordinator/Rector/School Doctor may be convened to collate information about the child.

·  If the allegation or concern indicates possible abuse, the Child Protection Co-ordinator will discuss the situation with the appropriate representative of the Social Work Department.

·  If it is decided that an investigation is called for, the responsibility then rests with the Social Work Department.

27 August 2012

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

We are committed to ensuring that all applicants are treated fairly regardless of race, gender, marital status, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief. We therefore welcome applications from all sections of the community.
To help us monitor our performance, we ask you to complete all relevant parts of this page. This information is confidential and used solely for monitoring purposes.
We separate this page on receipt of your application form before we consider your application.
This page will not be shown to the selection panel and will be destroyed after six months.
Vacancy applied for:

Ethnic Origin

I describe my ethnic origin as: (please tick relevant box)
Irish Travelling Community
Other White / Black or Black British
Black Caribbean
Black African
Other Black / Chinese or other Ethnic Group
Other Ethnic Group
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Other Mixed / Asian or Asian British
Other Asian
Male Female
Do you have a disability as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995?
Yes No
If ‘yes’, please give brief details of the effects of your disability on your day-to-day activities, and any other information that you feel would help us to accommodate your needs and thus meet our obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. A disability in no way precludes you from consideration for a position and the School wishes to assist and support applicants with a disability through the recruitment process.

Confidential information for a PVG Disclosure Scotland check

Name and Date of Birth
Please confirm your full name and date of birth:
Please note:
This information will only be used to confirm identity and to process a Disclosure Scotland check.
It will not be used as part of the selection process.