


A step by step guide on how to build and manage lead packets.



There have been significant changes to the Packet Builder and Packet Management screens within CAS.

You now have the ability to:

  1. Filter leads in 12 different categories
  2. Filter leads by 14 different types of leads by both with and without phone numbers.
  3. Expanded Zip Code options.
  4. Expanded affiliation options.
  5. Ability to sort leads by letters generated by home office:
  6. Unable to draft
  7. Lapse letters
  8. Age 21 conversions, etc
  9. There is now a search field built in for each lead screen and filter.
  10. Include POS leads in a packet without having to build a POS database each month.
  11. Automatically exclude on-hold groups without having to updating on-hold packets.
  12. Move leads from packet to packet on an individual lead basis.

10. Manage lead assignment pages for appointment setting

11.Include NG leads in a packet.

12.Manage scanned referrals by referring or assigned agent.

13.Save valuable staff time when building packets.

14.Monitor agent packets for more cost efficient lead assignment.

15.Screens in packet builder are more user friendly.

16.Export and Import leads directly to phone dialers.

17.Option to build phone room packets and set appointments directly

through packet builder.

18.Simplified resolution of leads.

Note: If at any time you are unable to close a specific window in packet builder that is open, check the background window to see if that must be closed first.


Log into CAS


Packet Processing

Packet Management

From Packet Management you have the ability to manage packets that are already built or

Create a new packet.

Prior to building your first packet, go to: “Affiliation on hold management” and add all groups that currently on hold.

Group must be in all CAPS when you add it to the affiliation on hold screen.

This will run in the background and automatically filter out any groups that are currently on hold without having to do any updates in lead management. To add a group, enter the SG, PG, IG, CH, etc number and press the plus (+) button. To remove a group that is no longer on hold, highlight that group in this screen and press the “X” button. Once you have completed entering the on-hold groups, exit out of this screen by pressing the “x” in the upper right hand corner of the pop-up screen.


Prior to the start of building a new packet by zip code, agencies should run a zip code concentration analysis through CAS. This will give you a zip code breakdown for all leads in your CAS system. Unless there are a significant number of leads that come in throughout the month, this report will only be needed to be run once a month.



Concentration Analysis

Summary by Zip

Print this report out and use it as a reference point for lead distribution throughout the month.

You can also use the Lead Inventory Report, click here to access the demo on how to use this specific screen-


Click on “Create a new packet”

This will bring up an empty packet. You need to:

  1. Name the packet
  2. Add leads to the packet

Once you have named the packet and clicked on “add leads to packet, a pop-up screen will ask you what type of leads you wish to add. You have three choices on what type of lead to add to the packet.

  1. Leads from the lead database
  2. POS leads from master database
  3. NG leads from the no good lead database

If you want to add all three types of leads to the same packet, you will need to build your initial packet and then add leads to an existing packet. For our example here, we will be building the initial lead packet with leads from the lead database.

Press Next (lower right corner of pop-up screen)


Your new packet builder allows you to filter leads. You will need to build your initial filter from this screen or select a pre-built filter. To build your filters press the plus (+) button.

You can either select a filter that has been previously built or create a new filter. Remember that you can use the same filter for every packet and just change the zip code to build a packet in a specific area or territory.

If you want to use everything that is available in any particular field, the * is the wild card which means use all.

Name your packet and give it a brief description of what is being filtered.

You have 12 different fields that you can possibly filter the leads from your database. Each filter option has both a “+” button to the left and a blank box to the right with the word “Not” after the blank box. If you put a check mark in the blank box, it will cause what ever you have entered in the filter to “NOT be used”. For example: you wish to exclude any Spanish speaking leads from a packet. You would put an “S” in the Language field and put click the “Not” box.

By pressing the “+” button, the field will expand to show alternate entry options of

= equal to

<= less than or equal to

>=greater than or equal to

Between between two specific dates types

Is emptyField is empty {}

For this example we will be building a new packet utilizing two (2) of the 12 different options (Zip code and entry date):

Click the + button to bring up a range between or equal to for a specific zip code.

Press Add and close that field by pressing the minus (-) button

You can only open one field at a time. You must have all pluses to save your filter.

Some of the filter options when you press the + button have three dots ( … ) to the right of the field options. To view your field option, press the … button and additional options for that field will appear.

In this example, under category, after pressing the … button, a list of lead type categories appeared. If you wish to limit the lead type you can do it here. To view all leads in your CAS system, lead this filter blank.

Filtering by age: If you add filtering by age as a field, any leads that do not have a date of birth on them will not be included in your available lead report.

Now go to Entry date and we will look for leads that are less than or equal to (<=) a specific date

Press Add and then the minus button to close that field

Once you have added all filters you wish to sort by, press Save the current filter. That will add the filter you have built to the saved filter box on the left of the screen.

***If you want to reuse the filter, you must save your filter first before going to the next step*** or you will lose what you have built.

Now that you have saved your filter and you want to use it for this specific packet you are building, left click on Select the current filter and exit.

NOTE: If you wish all leads (regardless of entry date) in your database you do not need to filter by entry date.

Once you have saved and selected the filter, you will be taken back to the lead filtering options screen.

Remember that if you are just separating leads by zip code, you only have to build a filter once and just save it each time with a different zip code or zip code range. Additionally, if you are going to continue using the same filter, set it as the default filter.

If you double click on the filter it will take you back to the filter build screen.

If you wish to see the leads available, press the next button.

Press Next →

Your lead available by type of lead now comes up.

You have two breakdowns built into the packet builder screen.

System default category lead breakdown: Detailed listing of each type of lead (15 categories) within the parameters of your filter with or without phone numbers.

System default lead breakdown: Less detailed with six (6) basic categories

You also have the ability to build your own breakdown by pressing the NEW button and selecting which categories you want to include in the breakdown filter. Name your new filter and save it. No matter which one you use, you can always switch to a different breakdown. Press the NEW button and when the total of leads appears, press the + button and you will have the ability to make a new breakdown. For a significant number of agencies, using the System Default Category Breakdown will work. This has every category possible listed so you can just pick and choose your leads.

From the available leads list, you have two choices either with or without phone number.

I have selected 25 association leads with phone numbers, 4 from the other category with phone numbers and 25 from the other category without phone numbers. The other category is any lead that is in the system that does not fall into one of the “Other” 14 categories of leads. The system will only put leads into the packet up to the maximum available. In other words if you have 4 leads available and type 10 requested, it will pull the 4 leads only and will no longer give you an error message (previous version of packet builder).

Press Next

You will have one last chance to review the leads that are going into the packet prior to finishing the build.

You can sort the leads by clicking on the heading (Zip, City, Affiliation, etc).

Press finish

Now that you have finished building the packet, you must assign the packet to an agent prior to printing the packet. Click on Assign agent. Select the agent to assign to from your agent list (drop down box) and press OK.

After you complete each task in the packet building process, a check mark will appear.

Now you can either print your packet, send it to a dialer or phone room. Chose which option you want to use. For this example we will print the leads for an agent packet.

Tag all (click on TAG box) or specific leads from the packet by choosing them individually.

Click Print Agent Packet. A print options screen will appear. You have the ability to either print the packet, save it in a PDF file for emailing later or email the packet now.

The printing option includes collating of lead assignment sheets in packets. If you wish to print one lead assignment sheet per page which includes images for all leads in a home, select Collate Documents. If you want multiple leads on the assignment page, uncheck the Collate Documents option.

Select exactly what you want to print in the packet from the print options screen. In this example we are printing everything having to do with the leads selected.

You now have to choose whether you want it in a PDF file or send it directly to your printer. Each lead and assignment page will print on a single sheet of paper. If there are addional leads associated with that address, these will also print out.


Once you have printed a packet, if you decide to add leads to that packet, prior to the system allowing you to add leads to a checked in packet, press the reset button. If you do not press the reset button, you will receive an error message.

Once you press the reset button, press Add leads to existing packet and

you will be taken back to the lead selection wizard.


Follow the same steps on pages 3 – 6. Instead of adding Leads from lead database, click on POS leads from the master database file.

Click Next →

Click + to add lead filter

In this example we are going to add

1. Active policies

2. In a specific zip range

3. Issued over 1 year ago

Remember to click Add for each field

In order to move to the next field, close the field you are in by clicking the minus button (-) on the left. Once pressed it will change to +

When selecting fields, make sure that you use the proper equation:

=; <=, >=; Between; Is empty

You have the option to either selecting by date or number of days since issue

POS Leads default to only being used/available for distribution once in a minimum of

1 year (365 days). In order to use POS leads greater than once a year, go to Date Last Used field and enter either a date or number of days since last used.

Remember in order to find specific information in a field, look for the box with the … in it.

You are now ready to save your Filter.

Press Save current filter

Just like the lead card filter, you can save a generic filter the first time and from then on all you have to do is change the zip codes and press save current filter. That way you do not have to complete each filter option every time you want to build a POS packet.

Select current filter and Exit

The lead filter that you created will now appear. If it does not, go back and resave the filter and make sure you select current filter and exit. Press Next→

Assuming that you have POS leads in your database that match you filter criteria, they will appear and give you two options when selecting leads,with or without phone numbers.

Select the number of leads you want to include in the packet and press next.

NOTE: The POS leads will no longer be available to be assigned until they are checked in. An event code (that’s CAS computer talk for the system knows something has happened with this policy) is run and removes these from the available POS in CAS.

You have one more opportunity to review the POS leads prior to them being added to the packet you have just built. Press finish and your packet is ready to be printed.


Tag the two packets you wish to combine. Press “Combine selected leads into a new packet”.

A warning message will appear and give you the option of completing the combining of two or more packets or not.

Since at least one of the packets has been printed, a second warning message appears asking you if you want to complete the combining.

If you press yes, a new packet will appear with the name Packet Combined. You can change this name by going back into the edit packet screen.

Both renaming and printing of the packet are accomplished through the Edit the Packet screen. Your curser automatically goes to the name field. In the notes, it tells you which packets have been combined.


There are three ways to resolve leads.

  1. Tag an individual lead and press “Remove selected lead from packet”. This will put the individual lead back into your database.
  1. Tag all leads (click on Tag) and the “Remove leads from selected packet” and the entire packet will be sent back to the available lead database.

3. Post results of agent visit. You must first print the packet. You will post lead visit results as always. In this screen, you also can put all leads back into your available lead database by highlighting the lead packet and press Dispose

Disposing of individual leads can also be accomplished by using the resolve codes for each lead that are available in CAS and posting results the same way as previous versions of packet builder.