13038 2nd Ave S
Seattle, WA 98168
ph: (206) 205-4441 (day); (206) 243-2946 (evening)
soc. sec. #: 529-39-0173
1994-1998 M.S. (138 Quarter Hours), Fisheries and Wildlife Department, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR 97331.
1988-1992 (63 Quarter Hours), School of Forestry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.
1983-1986 M.Stat. (Math) (75 Quarter Hours), Mathematics Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.
1980-1982 B.A. (114 Semester Hours), Mathematics Department, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New-Zealand.
1975-1977 Associate of Arts (2 years diploma) (90 Quarter Hours), ‘Atenisi University, Nuku’alofa, Tonga.
1964-1972 Diploma, Atenisi High School, Nuku’alofa, Tonga.
12/01-Present Appraiser II, Department of Assessment, King County, 500 Fourth Ave,
Seattle, WA 98104.
Salary: $21.85/hr; Supervisor: Pete Walker (206) 205-4442
. Develop, calibrate, and test models for the valuation of property at market
value for assessment purposes. Train and coordinate a group of Appraiser I’s
serving as team lead, consensus builder and workload facilitator. Prepare and
defend appraisals before County and State Board of Appeals and represent the
County in a court of law.
5/00-12/01 Assessment Analyst I, Department of Assessment, King County, 500 Fourth Ave,
Seattle, WA 98104.
Salary: $20.35; Supervisor: Pete Walker (206) 205-4442
. Building multiple regression statistical models for annual valuation of
residential properties in the King County.
6/98-5/00 Research Technician 2, Columbia Basin Research, Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.
Salary: $15/hr; Supervisor: Prof. J. R. Anderson (206) 543-4772
. Conduct literature research on: (1) application of fish bioenergetics models to stock assessment of the salmon population of the Columbia and the Snake rivers; (2) smolt-squawfish interaction; (3) estimates of the slope and intercept of the allometric mass function for all chinook of weight class 1-10 grams;
(4) application of Ricker spawner-recruitment model to stocks at low densities such as salmon; (5) release and recover of chinook and steelhead juveniles in
the Snake and Columbia rivers.
1/95-12/97 Graduate Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.
Salary: $1300/month; Supervisor: Prof. D. B. Sampson (541) 867-0204
. Research topics include: (1) critical review of the statistical model
selection criteria; (2) application of the Bayesian Information Criterion and the Akaike Information Criterion to the model selection process of the Stock
Synthesis Program; (3) a Monte Carlo experiment and an experimental design
to assess the performance of the Stock Synthesis Program.
. Assisted major professor in a project that evaluated the influence of
parameter uncertainty on bias and imprecision in estimates of F35%. I
developed a mathematical formula that calculated F35% and its variance
using the Delta Method. I also participated in designing and running an
experiment to test for significant parameter effects and interactions.
. Developed an Individual Based Model boat fishery that monitored
fishery stability according to two methods of resource allocation: equal
share and competition.
9/90-12/91 Graduate Research Assistant, School of Forestry, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.
Salary: $1200/month; Supervisor: Prof. D. Macquire (206) 543-2730
. Research involved literature review and adaptation of statistical methods
for the analysis of permanent plot data.
3/90-6/90 Teaching Assistant, Quantitative Science, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.
Salary: $1200/month; Supervisor: Prof. K. Rustagi (206) 543-2730
. Graded weekly assignments and term project, and coordinated tutorial sessions and office hours to discuss assignments and lecture materials of student’s choice. Course-work was on applied linear statistical methods.
9/85-12/89 Mathematics Instructor: presently with Highline Community College, Des Moines, and 9/98-3/99 WA 98198. South Seattle Community College, Seattle, WA; Utah Technical College, Provo, UT.
Salary: $30/hr; Supervisor: Helen Burn (206) 878-3710 x3496
. Prepared classroom materials, graded assignments, coordinated office
hours, and prepared term final assessment.
. Participated in staff meetings and involved in curriculum development.
. Quantitative fisheries science: (1) fish population dynamics; (2) fish stock assessment
models; (3) biostatistical analysis; (4) applied mathematics; (5) statistical experimental
design and analysis; and (6) conducting fish survey, acoustic, tagging or electro-fishing.
. Extensive experience in the use of IBM personal computers and mainframe computers
(UNIX environment) in the areas of statistical analyses (NCSS), database management (EXCEL),
and word-processing (WORD).
Helu, S. L., J. J. Anderson, and D. B. Sampson. 1999. An individual-based fishery
model and assessing fishery stability. Natural Resource Modeling. 12 (2): 231-247.
Helu, S. L., D. B. Sampson, and Y. Yin. 2000. Application of statistical model selection criteria
to the Stock Synthesis assessment program. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57: 1784-1793.
- Current supervisor may be contacted.
- I am a U. S. citizen.
- I am not a veteran.
- I have never been employed as a Federal civilian.